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  1. Now that we all moved from flash to html5 they introduce flash based gauges!! Live is hard sometimes....Just kidding. Being abel to design vector based gauges is a big plus and much easier than through xml. Speaking from the visual standpoint only. Introduces a whole bunch of new tools one can put to good use. Adobes Illustrator as an example. Those reflections look nice but are a nogo for me because they are extremly hard on frames with my system. I will not give up the silky smooth expirience V3.1 gives me without it. But nice move and well done.
  2. From my memories, Matthis Kok of Aerosoft stated, that this poll was not so much about wich plattform is the most wide spread in terms of active users. Rather they tried to figure out where the people are heading wich buy and will further buy such quality-addons in the class of there Airbuses. To keep development-cost and time tight. In this context it looks good for P3D and XP.
  3. I did a few flights over the weekend and noticed the same behavior. I was using RNAV only this time. The other thing I noticed: Nosewheel-steering and reverser work during the takeoff phase, but never right before and after the touchdown. Only when selecting "repair and refuel" on the runaway, I was able to arm the reversers again and steer to the parking. Im using P3DV3. Cheers, Marcel
  4. Hi After the 1.6 Update I have the very same "issue" as the topic-starter. I also have a Saitek Throttle with reversers mapped to the back-detend. In 1.5, it worked well, without sound though. Now it seems "random" to me. After touchdown there is no reaction but on the taxiway it workes ..? And yes, the NWS can be activated but not deactivated. Cheers, Marcel
  5. :smile: Thanks for clarify this and looking forward to the next service pack. Take youre time, its allready very good and there are no showstoppers anyway. Marcel
  6. Hi Love this plane, very well done and a joy to (hand)fly. I have a question however: When arming the reversers and activating them, there seems to be no breaking effect nor do I hear any "reverser-sound". The Animations however are correct inside and outside. Am I missing something? Thanks for this gem and keep up the good work Marcel
  7. One half of my "simming-friends" use AMD cards, the other Nvidia. There is much debate about pros and cons (and pricing). But not in this forum... I bought me a brandnew R390 with 8GB just for V3. Since yesterday I can use it actually with V3. There was a shader-routine preventing AMD cards to run the sim at all. Wich says a lot about priorities BTW... With default settings I see well over 100 frames/sec @ 5790x1200. Its not exactly 4k, but close and not the same chip but it may give you a hint on what to expect with a Fury X. Im curious too because I saw one perfoming well with 4k at a local demo. Not running a sim though. That said, you probably better go with Nvidia just to be on the save side... Happy simmming , Marcel
  8. AMD Users still cant use V3 at all....Just to mention here in Nvidia-World. A bit of a bummer for a lot of folks. And there is no acceptable workaround on the horizon. Its a shame, cause Im a big fan of P3D and LM and usually buy from day one...Its hard to read how good it looks and performes and not able to join the fun. Life is unfair sometimes (sniff)...Happy flying to you all. Marcel
  9. Nice to hear all this good things about V3. Im eager to participate too. I was among those who purchased right after release. Sadly, Im a AMD User so I have to wait until there is a solution...http://www.prepar3d.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=6312&t=113579 @Rob: Dont you have an AMD owner in the Beta-Team to test Eyefinity, Crossfire and the like? No rant, just curious. Cheers, Marcel
  10. I agree 100%! Its a cool thing, but without providing a common guidline, I think the chaos is inevitable. Imagine every addon will setup its own folder-structure. Aerosoft Addons folders, Milviz Addons etc all over the place... However, does anybody with V2.5 still installed simply put a cfg-entry pointing at this root? Does this work and one has all Addons for 2.5 at hand inV3? Cheers, Marcel
  11. I have a Saphire 290 with 4GB vram and run an eyefinity setup @ 5750x1200 (three monitors). Im on Win10 and the latest certified drivers. Im not a "sliders-to-the-right-guy" and a lot depends on addons, but i am very pleased with the way tesselation and shadows are rendered. With AA I have to make a compromise because the card lacks the fillrate of a 980ti. I have occasional stutters when things are loaded, but no microstutters. Smooth flight overall. Very good bang for the bucks IMHO. Hope this gets sorted with V3. Im really eager to try this version. Marcel
  12. Hi AMD carts dont work at all with newest Driver 15.+. Quite a showstopper IMHO. The only solution so far seems to be rolling back to 14.0 wich I wont do, cause 2.5 runs extremely well with my current setting. I cant imagine how something like this could slip through the beta-phase. Its not just that a view papi-lights are missing. The whole sim crashes after a view seconds... As a loyal customer Im a bit dissapointed with LMs "solution" roll back or wait till AMD updates there drivers... Marcel
  13. ...Dont know...I run a 290 since a year now with no problems @ 5780x1200. Not fully to the right with the sliders for shure, but it looks cool enough to me. And its silky smooth. As for Drivers: yeah, slow pace but one hears equal funny things about nvidia drivers too. All my other games run flawlessly as well. If prices turn out to be what is announced, I like to give that 8GB card a chance...No ###### here, but its not as bad with AMD cards as some think it is...
  14. While on the subject: Im a AMD R290 user and see no fps icrease/decrease when shifting the slider. But I see also no big difference with the terrain either. There is a a checkbox in the CC under tesselation wich reads "AMD optimized". That I have ticket on. So my question is, does it do anything at all, or is it just plazebo? I noticed having no shadows when turned off. So there must be something going on. Why is it, that you with much more powerfull nvidia cards see such differences in frames?
  15. Exactly my find: With opus I get this popcorns, not so with FSGRW. This engine does what autogiro states. And yes, it looks less spectacular, but more real IMHO and on top of that there is a nice performance boost. At least on my rig... Happy Flying, Marcel
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