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Everything posted by vanzunator

  1. great video, thanks for taking the time to make this. PJ
  2. Yes, I can see the exact moment that ASN loads the flight plan automatically, obviously you need to be on the 'Flight Plan' tab in ASN to see the auto loaded flight plan. per my post #1 in this thread, ASN auto loads the flight plan if the correct settings is selected (Auto Load Simulator Flight Plan). Thanks Michael, if you look at the caption for that image, I mentioned "For FSX PLN FILE FOR WXR option: Choose CREATE AND LOAD TO FSX"
  3. Based on my tests, it seems every time you request weather related data either for the route or DES forecast, you get updated data from ASN. so if ASN is running, your DES forecast won't be 7 hours old, based on the original weather data you got pre-departure.
  4. Date link works with any program that can generate a WX file for PMDG aircrafts and puts in [FSX]\PMDG\WX folder.
  5. My brief tutorial in the following thread may help with this topic: Brief workflow tutorial: PMDG 777 SP1 Company Datalink function with PFPX + Active Sky Next (ASN) JohnJ
  6. My brief tutorial in the following thread may help with this topic: Brief workflow tutorial: PMDG 777 SP1 Company Datalink function with PFPX + Active Sky Next (ASN)
  7. This is a quick tutorial on how to setup and use PMDG 777 SP1 Datalink function in conjunction with PFPX and ASN in an integrated and automated workflow. This is simply a suggested workflow that I use, I don't claim that this is the only or the most proper workflow for integration between those applications. Hopefully you find it useful and can customize it based on your own personal preferences. Initial Configuration In ASN select Auto load simulator flight plan, we will use this feature later in the process. In FSX, load PMDG 777 SP1 and make sure the following options are selected: MENU > PMDG SETUP > AIRCRAFT > EQUIPMENT on pages 12 & 13: MENU > PMDG SETUP > OPTIONS > SIMULATION: For FSX PLN FILE FOR WXR option: Choose CREATE AND LOAD TO FSX The worflow steps Assuming you have no active PFPX weather subscription or if you prefer to use ASN weather in PFPX, open ASN and choose WX Configuration > Save Weather File. That saves a global weather file that PFPX can use in the next step for proper route and fuel planning. Open PFPX, make sure it uses ASN weather (not its own weather subscription). Create the flight plan in PFPX as usual, it only needs to be exported in one format: PMDG route format The above action creates a flight plan in PMDG format (.rte) and places is it in [FSX]\PMDG\FLIGHTPLANS. In this case it will be [FSX]\PMDG\FLIGHTPLANS\CYVRPHNL01.rte 3. In FSX, inside PMDG 777 SP1 use the RTE > REQUEST ROUTE feature to load, accept and activate the flight plan we created in step 2 (e.g. [FSX]\PMDG\FLIGHTPLANS\CYVRPHNL01.rte). Now everything that PMDG 777 SP1 requires for different weather uplink connectivity is done. You only need to read on, if you'd like to know how all that magic between PFPX, PMDG 777 SP1 and ASN happened. By loading the flight plan in PMDG 777 SP1 FMS, there are a few things that happened behind the scene, courtesy of the new features in SP1 and integration to ASN: When PMDG 777 SP1 loads the .rte flight plan created by PFPX, it automatically creates and loads a flight plan in FSX format (.pln) to FSX. This is based on the options that we selected in step 3 above. The location for this file is [username]\Documents\Flight Simulator X Files\WX.PLN Step 'a', in turn, triggers ASN to load the flight plan automatically. This happens because of the option we selected in step 1 in ASN. Step 'b', in turn triggers creation of a weather file by ASN, that weather file is the file that PMDG 777 SP1 requires for the weather portion of datalink functionality, ASN will create that file in [FSX]\PMDG\WX\xxxxyyyy.wx Everything we did above is to get the following weather file (auto) generated for PMDG 777 SP1: [FSX]\PMDG\WX\xxxxyyyy.wx For all weather related uplinks in PMDG 777 SP1 to work, it requires a WX file in [FSX]\PMDG\WX folder, the filename is xxxxyyyy.wx where xxxx is ICAO code for Origin and yyyy is the ICAO code for Destination. Regards, JohnJ
  8. I have the latest version of PFPX installed (1.15) and as you can see in the screenshot there is no aircraft templte for PMDG 777-300ER. I've looked in thier thier download sections and forums and haven't been able to find an add-on downloadable templae. Could you please point me to where you have seen/downloaded the PMDG 777-300ER templte for PFPX? Regards, JohnJ
  9. Hi, Has there been any collaboration between PMDG and PFPX during development to release an aircraft temple for PMDG 777-300ER in PFPX similar to what already exist for PMDG 777-200LR soon? That template obviously is key to proper route and fuel planning for PMDG 777-300ER in PFPX. Thanks in advance for any info, I have search both this forum and PFPX forum and couldn't find any answers. Regards, John Johnson
  10. Thank you for the great service that you offer us all! Have you considered the feasibility of using one of the world class and very low cost cloud computing providers that also offer website services (e.g. Windows Azure Web Site service), it may make sense for you to let one of those global cloud providers host the infrastructure and provide the high availability and business continuity that the members have come to expect, so you can focus on your passion of aviation instead of worrying about disks and commodity IT services. Regards, PJ
  11. Although this is not directly related to your question, there is usually an order to contact different controllers, not all airports have all levels but generally it goes like this: Departure: Clearance delivery Ground Tower Departure CTA/FIR Arrival: CTA/FIR Arrival Tower Ground
  12. I'm running Win 8 Pro on a Dell XPS 15z laptop: Intel i7, 8GB RAM, Nvidia GeForce GT 525M and haven't experienced any OOMs in about 5 landings and hours of taxiing around airport, having said that things are slow around 5-10 fps with PMDG 737NGX + FSDT CYVR + VanPlus + Ultimate Traffic 2 + Active Sky 2012. I also have noticed that I have problems with FSDT CYVR animated gates, after pressing Ctrl+J to move the gate the animation leaves a ghost behind making a single gate look like a double gate. I also have problems with runway lights having major and large vertical color squares sticking out around the lights, the taxi way green and blue lights don't have that problem, just runways lights both during the day and night.
  13. I have FSADDON Vancouver+ V3 and it works properly with it.
  14. I just purchased FS Dream Team CYVR scenery and installed it. I am speechless, as a frequent real world flyer out of YVR (100+ departure and arrival per year) I can attest to the amazing job that FSDT has done. FSDT CYVR will be a great addition to PMDG 777.
  15. I have the exact same issue as well.
  16. I've been onboard Westjet CYVR-PHNL multiple times, the westbound flight from CYVR is almost always non-stop, the east-bound flight sometimes need to do a refueling stop at KPDX. It seems Westjet has to limit the number of passengers to maximum of 120 for additional fuel.
  17. Hi, I usually load NGX Short state, and start the Captain/PF Pre-flight flow, I skip the optional ‘RUN PF’ (step 1) of that flow and directly start with step 2 and continue. Since I don’t execute ‘RUN PF’ it seems the pre-flight time remaining (T+) countdown never gets initiated which results in First Officer/PNF Pre-Flight Main Procedure not triggered consequently. Per flow documentation, First Officer/PNF Pre-Flight Main Procedure gets triggered at T+18.So what is the correct workflow, is this by design? Is there a way to manually start T+ countdown? If the optional ‘RUN PF’ is skipped, then there is no way for first officer/PNF to run his/her Pre-flight Main Procedure?Thanks for your help,PJ
  18. Hi Bryan,If I use the Long Panel Config, the external power gets connected as you suggested, but then if I continue to follow the ‘Using External Air / Power’ procedure per FS2Crew documentation:‘Note: If want to use the APU for engine start, you will need to manually start the APU prior to Engine start and turn on the APU Bleed before commencing the engine start sequence. You will also need to confirm on the FS2Crew Config Panel that the Ground Power/Air option has automatically updated to ‘APU’ (the APU bleed switch is the trigger for this to occur. Time remaining to engine start must also be less than 25 minutes). If it remains on EXT, the FS2Crew FO will think you’re still using External Power/Air and perform his actions accordingly.’I followed everything as it was described above and the Ground Power/Air option in Config Panel WILL NEVER gets automatically changed to APU, in my case it stays in EXT/AC. I also make sure that T+ is less than 25 mins per above quote from documentation. Is this going to be fixed in SP1 if you agree that, that is a bug?
  19. Great work! I'll use this, much more compact and clear than HTML flows on FS2Crew website.
  20. After contactig HiFi Tech support, which by the way has been very helpful in tracking this issue, and exchanging a few emails, I received the following guidance. I'm sharing it so if there are any other community members with the same issue, they don't have to repeat the process:"Yes we have discovered a bug here.The expected operation when wanting to re-process/install textures after editing a plan is to use the REFRESH PLAN button. When a change in the plan is detected on pressing this button it should bring up the prompt to install textures, but this is not operating correctly. We have this on our priority list and will get this fixed shortly.For your information, the ENTER PLAN/PROCESS screen should be used only to set the initial plan parameters. Waypoints clearing is a normal occurrence when using this. The REFRESH PLAN button is the one that should be used after making waypoint changes (when it is working again).We apologize for the problem. Thank you for bringing this to our attention. In the mean time we have a recommendation to work-around this issue:1) Use the ENTER plan screen to set dep/dest/flight parameters2) Add waypoints as required3) Export the plan using EXPORT PLAN button4) ENTER PLAN again, this time IMPORTING the exported plan5) The graphics install prompt will come up to allow textures on this new plan with waypoints."
  21. Alpaslan, thanks for your reply, but as I mentioned in my post and also in the screenshots I have 'Existing Waypoints' options selected.
  22. Hi,In Active Sky 2012, I create a manual flight plan on Flight Plan page (not imported from any flight planning tool). In this example, it is a very simple plan with two waypoints in addition to departure and destination airports:CYVR YYJ RBG KSFO (please see the attached pdf document for screenshots)The map page (see the screenshots in the attached doc) shows the correct route.After going to ‘flight plan’ page, I click on ‘Enter Plan’ and then I click on ‘process’ in order to generate my Wx themed files (Install AS2012 Graphics option).As soon as I click on ‘Process’ all the waypoints between the departure and destination airports get deleted (in this case YYJ and RBG waypoints get deleted).Basically, all the manually entered waypoints between departure and destination airports get deleted upon hitting Process on Enter Plan page and this is despite the fact that I have 'Existing Waypoints' options selected. I have created the attached Word document with the screenshots of every screen in the process. I don't think this is by design. I have tried different flight plans, and this happens for every flight plan without exception.
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