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Everything posted by xxJohnxx

  1. xxJohnxx

    738 and 773

    Hi Balint, In the banana country Austria, Tyrolean has 738 and 772ERs too, however they are painted and operated by Austrian Airlines. Jonathan EDIT: Sorry, I missread that you meant 777-300.
  2. I know, as I am not a native English speaker it maybe doesn't sound like it should have, but I meant that it seems to be possible to simulate wake turbulence but however it probably isn't possible to program wind shears, at least not realistic ones. :wink:
  3. Hi, Probably because the FSX weather engine is not flexible enough, and doesn't provide the right simulated weather to make such things possible. I assume that it is possible to create wake turbolence however.
  4. Hi, independing on what version of the NGX you have on your PC now, download the SP1c installer and run it. If it says that you are up to date, then you can close it else it will install all nessescary updates. Nothing more to do, that's it. :wink:
  5. Hi Michael, Thank you very much for the screenshot. Okay, that's the same problem which occurred on other systems too. I wasn't able to recreate this problem on my test systems, but I try to fix it in the next few days. Have you pressed the "Set" Button on the options page? If you do, and everything works as it should, a dialog should open, where you have to locate your fsx.exe. Then the path should show in the box left of the "Set" button. Best regards, Jonathan
  6. If you delete the old one, FSX will create a new one as it is started again.
  7. Hi Xander, Okay, ignore what I wrote above, now I have the right way for you: -Go to F-PLN page -Scroll down to your first waypoint after top of climb/before top of descent. -Press PAGE -Hit the LSK right of one of the cruise waypoints -Press Page -Now hopfully you are on the VERT REV page. In the second lower right line you now can set the DES SPD LIM, which is what you are looking for :wink: I am not sure if there is a CLB SPD LIM somwhere too, but I think so. You maybe search a little bit. Best regards, Jonathan EDIT: You can alternativly also do this: -Go to F-PLN page. -Hit any LSK on the right side beside a waypoint before TOC/ after TOD. -Now you should be on the VERT REV page too, and if you do that with waypoints prior TOC you can set the climb restriction here to. Hope that helps
  8. Well I am sorry Loren, however intact you can set a higher speed restriction into the MD-11 FMC. I don't have the manual with me, neither I have my FSX PC running, however if I remember right to set a speed limit you have to do following steps: -Go to F-PLN page -Scroll down to one of your descent waypoints -Hit the left LSK beside one of the descent waypoints -You will get onto the page where you can set waypoint options, like NEXT WAYPOINT or AIRWAY. However if I remember correctly you should now see in the lower left the 250/10000 restriction and you should be able to see it. Please note: I am not sure if I remember it correctly, but you have definitively to do it on the F-PLN page, and it is to my knowledge accessible at descent waypoint. If I have time I will check it later for you and explain the "right" way, however I am not sure if I will have time or not. Jonathan
  9. Unfortunatly there isn't a NGX and a MD-11 yet. :wink:
  10. I don't think it is something like the comm panel as a reason why you can't open the window, it's probably more like the HUD, the lights and probably the yoke and the throttle quadrant (soft) moving too. Ofcourse, now you can say, you don't need the HUD anyway, however it is probably better if PMDG get's forward with their 777 instead of making things which are usless in a flight simulator. Why would you need to move the seat anyways? If you are bored you can trigger hundrets of diffrent failures and work down the checklists from the QRH in stead of moving the seat twice a year.
  11. Hi Andreas, To my understanding the MD-11 can keep wings level when nessesary and commanded by the computer, however you can't press a button to do it manually. Jonathan
  12. Hallo Andreas, As I understand that book, the MD-11 will do that automatically for you. As soon as it gets close to it, it will switch to wings level. I once planned to take off near the poles, at the Alert airport, and fly to both the magnetic and the geographic north pole. However I unfortunately haven't done the flight yet. I wanted to see what the PDMG MD-11 does in such situations. The geographic north pole is also challenging for the FMC as the tangent of 90° is a pretty big number Please report what the MD-11 did in that flight after you have flown it, I am very interested. :wink: Schöne Grüße Jonathan
  13. Hi Ali, What weather engine do you use? If you have a registered version of FSUIPC it is recommended to enable wind smoothening within FSUIPC. Also, you shouldn't use time acceleration with PMDG products. 4x maybe works, however if your computer is to slow the auto pilot will mess up. Best regards, Jonathan BTW: The MD-11 dosen't have LNAV :wink:
  14. Nice to hear you also going to buy the MD-11. I would suggest that you buy it today or tomorrow (if you can), as it will be 20% off in the aerosoft shop. This will save you a little bit for the 747 or the 777. :wink:
  15. I fully agree. Every minute pmdg doesn't spend on programming a virtual cabin the 777 will probably be released earlier. As said before, leave that to Captain Sim.
  16. And that's exactly the reason why a type rating doesn't only take 20 minutes. A good trained pilot, who probably would have read the manuals more than once, should know what this horn means in this stage of the flight. It is the same with the EGPWS. You also don't just fly straight into a cloud in a valley until you hear the "PULL UP" sound. Of course it would be "easier" as you don't have to know where you are and you won't have to use charts, but do you think this is gonna work?
  17. I think the fun you had until now with the MD-11 is well worth those 20% of the price, isn't it? :wink:
  18. Personally, I think the virtual cabin which the NGX has is more than good enough. To my understanding PMDG simulates cockpits of airliners to the best degree of realism possible on computers and not virtual cabins. I buy PMDG products to have a great time flying the aircraft from the cockpit. If I want to see the cabin, I can go to YouTube and watch some videos. In my opinion it is better the Tripple 7 is released one hour earlier than to have a highly detailed virtual cabin, which will only cost performance, and eats up some disc space.
  19. Hi, For everyone who hasn't bought the MD-11 yet, it would be a great time now. Aerosoft offers 20% on all PMDG products expect the NGX. But only this weekend, so be quick :wink:
  20. Hello gentelmen (and ladies?) It has been pretty quiet the last few month here. For my taste a little bit to quiet and so I wanted to show you something and also I wanted to ask for your help. First I want to show you this screenshot. It shows the next major "upgrade" to the MD-11 fuelplanner. As you can see this isn't a web based version anymore. As I want to include new features over the time I have seen myself forced to change to C++ instead of PHP. It made many things more difficult for me, but hopfully not for you. However, as the programm is in an alpha stage at the momment I need your help. No, don't worry you won't have to do much. Just download the latest version of my fuelplanner from this link. As always it is 100% free. Extract the zip file to any location you want and start the programm. At the momment it can do the same things as the online version can, so you won't loose any features. However, after you set your cargo and passengers for the MD-11, the fuelplanner can now load the weights automatically if you wish. It would be really kind of you if you can give me some feedback. Like if you like the programm and the design, if I should change something or a bug report. Note: My first tester unfortunatly had some problems with the programm, which messed up the design and made it not workable. If you see a big diffrence between the screenshot above and your programm, please be so kind and post a screenshot here. I am working hard to fix this issue, however due to lack of information I am not able to fix it at the momment. I don't even know if that happens on any other system or just on my kind tester's one. Thanks in advance! Jonathan
  21. As I think the FMC can handle such a restriction if it is part of the SID/STAR (and also in the database) however as a pilot you can't enter such a restriction. If you see that you won't be within the restriction take over and manually controll the descent with VS or LVL change. :wink:
  22. Hi Michael, A windshear is practically a fast shift in wind direction/wind speed which can pretty dangerous whilst you are flying low and pretty slow near to your minimum speed like whilst you are on approach/landing and takeoff/departure.
  23. Hi Diego, In the NGX you can hear both, the "TCAS TEST PASS" and the "TCAS TEST FAIL". To hear them you have to press the button located on the Transponder modeselector. If you do that before IRS alignment you will get the "FAIL" sound and after alingment the "PASS". John
  24. So today I rolled the JS41 out of the hanger after spending months in the B737 and the MD11, and as I stood at the ramp I wanted to familiarize myself with the cockpit again. Just to remember where all the switches are if needed... Then I came over the ELT switch at the left. First I thought, nice to see it in such an aircraft as the B737 and the MD11 don't seem to have the manual ON switch in the cockpit. While I looked at it I thought, well is it working? Then, without any hope I dialed in 121.500 MHz into my Radio and switched it to ON. And I was really surprised to see that it actually created the beeping sound on the emergency frequency just as it should. That just showed how many effort PMDG puts into their products, which probably all of us enjoy very much. :good: It is a real pity that PMDG didn't made another SP for the JS41 (and for the MD-11 too) yet, hopefully one day they will find some time to sort some things out in their older products which many of us still really like to fly. ^_^ Best regards, Jonathan BTW: Does somebody want's to send me the JS41colddark.exe which switched the JS41 to C&D by pressing Tab + Q?
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