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About MäxliBäxli

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  1. Keep up the good work, thank you so much! Greets, Markus
  2. Same for me, absolutely happy with BATC. Completely switched over from my "normal" VATSIM flights to BATC flights. For €30 you have controllers everywhere at any time (also at small airports which i was hardly missing on VATSIM to have ATC). And the BASIC VOICES are good enough for me, they sound great. No need to buy the PREMIUM Characters. So as a longtime VATSIM user i now fly with BATC and with FSLTL Traffic Injector with Realtime Live Traffic (FR24 i think). CONS at the moment: You don´t "hear" the other planes talking to ATC, but they are working on it - updates every few days...and with LIVE ATC in the background i am quite happy. Greets, Markus
  3. Any news on that topic? Also have to disable simlink to see if that could be the cause for some stutters, Greets, Markus
  4. MSFS Team is aware of that problem, should be fixed within the next update, Greets, Markus Constant White Circle Spinning
  5. Great, i also voted for it - thank you for the input! Greets, Markus
  6. Great, you cockpit looks mega btw 🙂 So have fun flying again, Cheers, Markus
  7. Gerard are you on WIN11 or WIN10? I for myself changed to 11 months ago, no worries here on my side with my 5 monitor setup. Greets, Markus
  8. And here is also an instruction i found on the web: WIN11 Screen Flickering Hope you get it fixed, Greets, Markus
  9. Gerard, i found an instruction in german language, could be a similar problem (although i think i saw your task bar on top of your screen). Read carefully through it, perhaps there is a hint for your problem, WIN11 Screen Flicker and no Taskbar Greets, Markus
  10. Thanks for your input as a real pilot, great! One question: as i only fly the A320 FBW, you recommend the "Realistic" setting because it is now better than before, right? Greets, Markus
  11. i also got an update for MSFS today. After the update i checked the version (as i always do that after an update), i was back to - strange thing, looks like i was kicked out of beta. Have to say that this time with SU12 Beta it was really hard to join into it, i always entered XBOX Insiders Hub, needed long time that i got the update shown...that was 2 weeks ago. So now back to the Pre SU12 Beta State, no worries so far - SU12 is only a few days out...sorry for a little bit off topic. Greets, Markus
  12. Very short feedback on FSLTL in combination with VATSIM from my side: Since I only fly on VATSIM, I first installed the BASE MODELS and added the appropriate VMR file to vPilot. The models look incredibly good, and the lighting with strobes, taxi lights, etc. is world class. Recently I happened to see a YT video and it was explained there that you can switch the IFR and VFR traffic to 0 with the TRAFFIC INJECTOR - so you have (sorry for the wording: the best of both worlds 🙂 ) = STATIC AIRCRAFT at the airports and you are no longer alone on the apron. For me currently the best / easiest option together with online flying, I'm really excited about the interaction between ONLINE and STATIC AIRCRAFT and also about the fact that FSLTL is complete freeware and super easy to install. Link from the YT video (from 10:25 the explanation with IFR and VFR traffic to 0 for VATSIM): FSLTL YT Greets, Markus
  13. Good choice i think, also concerning future updates of your rig (better monitor etc.) 16GB VRAM are the (minimum) way to go. In places like EGLL my VRAM goes to 96% (3080Ti), so my next GPU comes with more than 12GB VRAM for sure. I also bought the 13700KF last week, very excited about the performance in general - never had such a smooth flying before. Greets, Markus
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