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Everything posted by MSFS Ralf

  1. Purchased it yesterday, what a great plane. Where can I find the free add on liveries for download?
  2. http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Talk:Flap_(aircraft) Some interesting facts and discussion.
  3. Any chance to take the Jetstream by X-Aviation for a ride? I really like to know why you post a statement like this here. You should know better.
  4. Well, why should ORBX scenery go to hell and why should FSX be dead soon? I don't get that. XP is the sim of my choice and the only one that is installed here. But ORBX makes the finest scenery that I have enjoyed in any sim. No need to bash things that we can't have. I would love to purchase it again and I'm sure that many fellow simmers would do so. IMHO it's a big mistake that they don't make their products XP-ready. But time will tell. Although I won't go back to FSX/ORBX for many good reasons, I still miss the first class scenery. I have the Stewart scenery that is ORBX quality, but there are hundreds of them at the other side. And I want them back some day.
  5. Thanks for the detailed fps comparism. With different hardware and settings I assume that it should give me at least half the fps of the default 172.
  6. Without the QPAC fly by wire plug in I doubt it will fly like a bus.
  7. "Ralf - we are getting a few enquiries for MSE for X-Plane. We haven't really ever moved on it. I am goign to have my programmers release a state and we will see how the market takes to it." Great, got an answer. Please show your support for a new company moving to XP and buy it. No matter which state they do first.
  8. Come on guys, please join our mail attack. Those who get an answer, please share.
  9. I have not purchased EFASS yet. Tried today with the free version again. EFASS was displayed on a second monitor and injected some nice clouds at Key West. Enroute I noticed a very bad frame rate. After the fps was displayed I noticed 14-16. I shut EFASS down and after a few seconds it jumped to 40+.
  10. Yes, I know the sceneries by Simheaven but I'm looking for better quality and I don't mind paying for better quality. I have a look at X-Aviation instead, althought they don't have a Michigan scenery.
  11. Not what I wanted to read but thank you.
  12. http://www.megasceneryearth.com/store/ Can I convert photoscenery with FS2XP?
  13. +1. Opus was my number 1 FSX add on. Give us OPUS XP please. Maybe that should be moved to the OPUS forum.
  14. Thanks gents. Hit the buy button and downloading...
  15. I'd like to purchase a new plane. What I'm looking for ist good handling on the ground and in the air, not too heavy on frame rates. Most important, no overdone torque effect. It should be configurable for use with the new GPS of 10.30. Thanks for your input. PS: I own the F33. Torque effect is overdone and a little wind blows it off the runway if parking brake is released.
  16. You won't go wrong with the Piper package. Best value of $ and fun. Have a look at the Citation Mustang too. A little faster than the Beeches but it's fun. And all of them are very easy on your framerate.
  17. Have a look at their forums. There's a non-official GPS patch. Works great.
  18. Sorry for jumping in but have a look at the MU-2 by X-Aviation. My most flewn GA plane. And fast enough to make som GA long haul.
  19. John, would you mind posting a screenshot of that button? Thanks in advance.
  20. I used PFPX until I disvovered EFASS. Free time is over now and I think it is Paypal shopping only. That is a no go for me. So back now.
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