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Everything posted by MSFS Ralf

  1. I never had a payware MD8 for any sim. This will be my first. Very interesting aircraft.
  2. The best summary of the good old times of FS2 and Sublogic ATP hardware. But it was fun. Sometimes I think I had more fun than today. We should be more grateful about what we have today. Good one, Robert.
  3. You can test EFASS 2 weeks before you have to pay. Nothing to loose.
  4. Hi Richard, let's see what we can find out. I had the problems with missing fixes after importing a flight plan since I use XPX. After having the same data for XPX and my flight planers, I started thinking about it because it should not occur. I planed a flight today from EDDK to LEBL. EFASS and PFPX planed the flight from RW14L and inserted the NOR8F departure. The first waypoints are EDDK, DK133, DK134, DK136 and NOR and show up in EFASS and PFPX. Here's the XPX export file from EFASS: I 3 version 1 27 1 EDDK 302 +50.88047 +7.129075 11 DK133 0 +50.805406 +7.235181 11 DK134 0 +50.763995 +7.240225 11 DK136 0 +50.74952 +7.17885 3 NOR 0 +50.840659 +6.694156 11 ERUKI 0 +50.608333 +6.7525 ... And here's PFPX: I 3 version 1 20 1 EDDK 302 +50.865917 +7.142744 3 NOR 341 +50.840660 +6.694156 11 MAPAD 0 +50.829521 +6.019072 11 NAVAK 0 +50.827446 +5.918100 ... The PFPX is missing the departure data in the export file. As said before, no problem with your data but no problem with XPX import either. It's a problem that is caused by PFPX on every planed flight. So sorry for posting in the wrong forum. I will use EFASS for planing now.
  5. Talking about the FMC that ships with XP. If you import the flight plan, many fixes are missing. If you like I can sent you a few examples. I think that your data is correct but XP does not import flight plans correct.
  6. I have the new data installed and had some time for testing over the weekend. I have installed data for XP's default database, the GPS files, FF 777, PFPX and EFASS. The good thing, the sim and the flight planers use the same database. I exported some routes for testing made, both planers were used. Using the default FMC I noticed that SID and STAR data does not import all waypoints. As it looks, XP imports 5 letter fixes only, the result is a route full of shortcuts, that gives you some mountain hits, depending on your choice if airports. Peter's A320 imports all fixes from the plan. Saving it again makes it useable for his A380. Tried that for other aircrafts but it looks like a Peter's special.
  7. I don't own the 732 because it's to close to the 722 imo. But +1 for the good old birds. Navigate on radios only and do as much flying without autopilot. Big fun and the real flying that is. NWA 722's, you are missed.
  8. Less is more? I hate that. I like to have more of the good things in life. But in this special case you are right. With my dated notebook (see my hardware), I had pimped my XP to death. Weeks ago I have deleted OSM, Simheaven Photosceneries and for the rest of the western world the HD Mesh files. No HDR and still at lower settings than Mitch uses, I'm back to fluid flying. And yes, 10.3 at it's early beta stage is a big improvememt. Nevertheless, it's a call for a new rig.
  9. Check that the folder structure of both aiports are correct. Compare to other scenery. I remember a problem like a folder in a folder...
  10. So the hope fades again. Wait for the new GPS to work with my add ons. No visibility bug fix with my current hardware. :-(
  11. I'd say it looks much better than ORBX but it will take 100 years to finish complete regions. I'm not interested in this part of the world but will buy it to support them.
  12. You might be right. I never checked the range settings but noticed it when flying. I always thought it is related to the way XP reads the scenery. Not a big issue anyway.
  13. Maybe they talk about the range of the VOR's? Many of them are not realistic because the range is much too short. If you take the 727 for an old fashioned flight you know what I'm talking about...
  14. I don't know why they don't give XP scenery a chance. They have the knowledge, they have the 3d objects. Can ORBX scenery be converted? Maybe it needs a lot of rework and the ground textures will not work. But those little airports should look nice.
  15. After scrolling thru all the answers, I think region packages like those by ORBX would be great. We have one airport that can be compared but XP is still miles away from those nice flights I did over ORBX land.
  16. I own payware airports and will buy more if the quality is good, and the airport shoulf be one of those I usually visit a lot. I own payware airports and will buy more if the quality is good, and the airport shoulf be one of those I usually visit a lot.
  17. Here we go again, Jose. Let's hope that 10.30 is a real milestone.
  18. Currently I'm a happy Win7 user. If I should update my hardware and Win7 is not an option, I will go back to Ubuntu.
  19. Ketchikan to Stewart should be a nice flight then. Can't wait for the update.
  20. This has a lot of torque I fear. How does it handle?
  21. Scroll thru all screenshots before you buy to make your descision. I have them and it's not good enough for payware.
  22. Thanks for all your reports. Can't wait for the 320 update. And I hope for a paint kit some day.
  23. Might sound funny but I fly it in 2d only. 3d is far from state of the art. Gesendet von meinem GT-I9100 mit Tapatalk
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