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About PeterGraves1980

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  • Birthday 04/01/1980

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  • Location
    Kalgoorlie, Western Australia
  • Interests
    Civil Aviaiton, Flight Simulation and building new computers, it can be an expensive hobby but very rewarding when working

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About Me

  • About Me
    Really happy I went the P3D v3 route after FSX, not looked back ever since. Would love a full simulation of the 757/767 as they are my airliner of choice!!

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  1. Can't wait to fly Thomas Cook Airlines routes with this excellent looking aircraft
  2. Hello from Kalgoorlie, WA, Emigrated from Essex over just over 5 years ago and not looked back!!!
  3. I just tried to have a little look at the level-d forums, but when you type the address in, the website is gone and the domain is up for sale. Anybody else noticed this?
  4. PMDG did say a while back that the 757/767 is not on their current agenda I think. It would be nice to see a fully professional 757 but I don't think it is going to happen this way
  5. Hi all, Interesting to see those videos again and how fast 2 years have passed, it would be nice if PMDG made a 2014 video like that. On the 2nd twin mentioned, I think he just made a little mistake on the twin quote and he meant the 747 v2 as it was in the 3rd video straight after the quote. Perhaps someone from PMDG can clarify that but I am sure that is what was meant, but no doubt after the 747 v2 another twin quite possibly be on the way, only time will tell as to what it will be.
  6. We have all been waiting a long time for some upto date VATSIM Clients. This is great news, and I hope they both will be compatable with Prepar3d v2
  7. I am personally looking forward to, 1. TFDi 717 2. QualityWings 737-300/400/500 3. FlyTampa Sydney YSSY 4. McPhat Fokker 50 5. Aerosoft/DA CRJ I would also like to see the Level-D 757 finally released but that is definately a pipe dream after nearly 8 years!!!! And maybe the Level-D 767 updated to a more modern looking cockpit graphics wise as well as Windows 8 compatability and the 767-200 added in (I don't request a lot do I!!!!)
  8. Yes, Plenty of hints scattered around the forums, sounds promising after all this time. Just wish he could show/tell us more about the development of the aircraft. Although it looked 2013 would be the time, I don't think we will see it. Maybe 2014 perhaps or maybe not.
  9. Hi all, Just a question to snowingairlines, I know about the TFi/Milviz boeing 717 being designed and it looks very promising so far. You said there is another one in development, could you divulge in telling us the company/group doing this or is this a surprise that we will find out more about in the future.
  10. Hi everyone, I have flown on the 717 a few times from Kalgoorlie to Adelaide and it's a great plane, shame PMDG don't want to make one, but I also can see their point of view as well. I am sure you are aware anyway but TFDi Designs are developing one at the moment which is interesting to see and may pave the way for other developers to look into it too. I would love to see the 757 from level-d be finished also as someone else said in this topic.
  11. Thanks I have been waiting a long time for this one, going to purchase soon, all I need now is the Level-D 757 to come out and it will be a great end to the year, oh well at least we have an adelaide now, hopefully they will do a Perth soon too. Cheers Peter
  12. Hello Bill, I have been waiting with anticipation since the project was announced all those years ago, I still believe the 757 from level-d is on it's way. Has the development increased of late or is it the same pace as before. Do you see any positive news from level-d regarding the 757 during the last half of 2013? Anyway, still patiently waiting ad believing Peter
  13. Yes its a shame about the real aircraft starting to get scrapped but I suppose all good things have certain life time too. My fsvourite airliner is the 757 definately something unique about it. I only flew on it once on a First Choice aircraft, enjoyed it. Must admit since moving to Western Australia I have flown on the Boeing 717 and also I find it a unique enjoyable airliner, anyway not trying to get off topic, it's been a long time waiting for Level-D 757, but patiently I will wait. Like myself, Level-D should always put family and real life first, regardless of the few impatient people on forums who think they know best.
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