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Everything posted by Aamir

  1. They are much more aesthetically pleasing. I use 1024x1024 (P3D) myself. I've found the product makes my clouds look far better. It's worth the money with the discount. It's not a necessity by any means, so don't break your bank for it. I have experienced neither a performance increase, nor a performance decrease.
  2. Wait. Don't buy anything right now. Be patient. Intel will be releasing their all new processor and motherboard standard on the 17th of August. It's the Skylake line. It brings about a new motherboard design, LGA-1151, as opposed to today's LGA-1150. This means anything you buy right now will not be compatible with the new and shiny motherboards/processors of tomorrow. Even if you can't afford the new processor and motherboard, waiting until the end of August should net you significant savings with price drops on the "old" range.
  3. The PMDG 737, for me, hasn't shown it's age at all. I've bought it again for P3D, and use it there. I love the shadowing and HDR P3D give me, and the 737 absolutely pops with these additional details. Also, they've just updated it with a Weather Radar, making it even more fun to use! Systems-wise, it is bar-none the best simulation of the 737NG on the market.. You will NOT find anything that surpasses the level of detail and sheer system-depth that this aircraft has. The only gripe I know of with the aircraft is that the VC geometry (cockpit windows are too large) is slightly off. They've said that a fix will eventually come, even so, it's really not as bothersome as most make it out to be.
  4. Would really love to know what combination of addons you're using to get your sim to look like that..
  5. Wow, those are the same settings I used to have, but my aircraft would never come out as crisp or sharp. Trying DSR now, seems much the same.
  6. Fantastic shots! I know the second shot is touched up, but is the first shot sharpened in any way? If not, I'd really like to know your AA settings!
  7. My heart dropped the minute I saw the topic name. RIP sir. I will never forget the words you shared with me in private after my grandfather's passing.. May you rest in peace, and may your loved ones inherit the world you wished upon them.
  8. Rob, lookin' good! Pushing 4k w/ 8xMSAA is no easy feat. Card looks like a good 'un. Could you perhaps try the PMDG 737 and throw in some inclement weather? My 780 really seems to struggle in overcast conditions.
  9. I'm calling my spot in line for that one, I'm number 1! (Not joking at all!) :ph34r:
  10. Hahaha, there's a waiting list for Rob's Titan Blacks. I believe I'm number 4. My Credit Card is ready for both the minute he says go, shipping and everything, just need the other 3 ahead of me to back out! :ph34r:
  11. It's funny how sometimes the freeware stuff is payware level, and you just can't wrap your head around it!
  12. All on you Rob, I have my eyes on a Titan X, if your Titan Blacks don't come through for me! Seriously though, can't wait for a performance report on this card. My 3770K + 780 combination has the early adopter in me yearning for an upgrade. :wub:
  13. Looking good there! What LTAI scenery is that?
  14. Weaker system than yours. I don't use AI, but I was getting 26-30FPS, up from 20FPS.
  15. 30FPS at Aerosoft's EGLL in the T7 cockpit. What the hell kind of magic is this thing?!
  16. Forget all of that, you're missing a crucial part of the simulation experience, a good weather engine! I'd highly recommend you have a look at Active Sky Next. It's excellent.
  17. The weather radar doesn't depict any random cloud in the sky. It only depicts the ones with precipitation (i.e water content in them). Perhaps these weather themes are not depicting clouds with precip.
  18. Makes me sad because I absolutely adore EGLL, and love flying BAW routes.
  19. PMDG 777. Nope, I was too tired after that haul to even remember. Thanks! Yeah, I think I've found a pretty happy balance between visuals and VAS usage. Next thing I gotta figure out is why approaching Aerosoft's EGLL causes massive frame drops, whereas it's a smooth 20-22FPS on the ground, and departing. Weird.
  20. Guys, I just finished a 13 hour flight in P3D 2.5. So far, very pleased... Both departure and arrival was very smooth, and so I was one happy bunny! To give you a quick idea of what I was running: 1) T2G VHHH 2) FTX:G 3) REX4 4) ASN 5) FSDT KLAX --
  21. Yep, got the refund email. Not happy, but whatever, gotta deal with it.
  22. Nah mate, was talking to VC10Man, he uses P3D and isn't sure if the sceneries you linked would work. I posted a solution. ADE is Airport Design Editor.
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