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Everything posted by enamel

  1. A few weeks ago, I went out on a flight to see if the northwestern islands were out there, and I headed out to Nihoa: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/NihoaI made it to where the island should have been (at least where I thought with my rudimentary navigation) and it was not there. While turning around, I noticed that dark patch, or one very similar to it. Since I was about done with my exploration, I decided to get lower, then said what the heck and landed on it. To my surprise, it is about 1 foot of water covering solid ground! I landed, got out, walked around, took some screens. Then I tried to take off, but could not get up to speed in the RV.Fun stuff!
  2. For me it would be more missions, and perhaps more cohesive missions, like a career mode.#2 Would be mechanical failures, there are emergency procedures in the checklist, would like to put them to use :)
  3. Good point. I was going to hold off until there was an SDK to play around with it, but seeing this really gets the wheels turning.
  4. Interesting, I wonder if they would be willing to disclose the memory locations they are scanning. I want to do this same thing, but as a WP7 app, the only thing that has stopped me is that I don't really care to do the reverse engineering of the proper memory locations needed.
  5. Every once in awhile when I place my plane in a location on the map screen then exit the map I am in a super crazy spin. Going to the map and back will fix it.
  6. True, if you give a man a loaded gun and point it a his foot, there is no telling what might happen.
  7. The real question is: when can we move on from what MS didn't give us and move on to what they did give us. At last check they have given us both FSX and Flight, so if you can't find what you like out of those two, you may want to pursue another hobby.
  8. Or my favorite is: "I downloaded and played with it for 10 minutes and then uninstalled."All I can think is "Buddy, if all you flew is the Icon, you haven't seen NOTHIN yet."
  9. Fantastic interview, thanks for cutting thru the BS and asking the questions that have come up ad naseum.I think it clearly stated where the product stood, and I was left with a much better picture of where it intends to go.It is sad the sim community was so hostile that their opinion now amounts to a hill of beans, as I think constructive feedback from this group could have gone a long way. Ultimately I am firmly in the demographic this title is targeting, so I am perfectly fine with more missions and less long haul flights. :)
  10. First off, since the game is only 3 weeks old, I think being upset over the pace of development is a personal problem. :)That being said, it would have been nice to have more content available at launch, the game launched pretty slim content-wise. However it is a double edged sword, if they would have launched with even 2 large content packs, people would have been even more up in arms about being "nickled and dimed". So they had to balance these factors with this business model.In the mean time, work on those badges and achievements. Rerun the missions. Get gold on all challenges. Lots of stuff to do, but yes you will have to make your own fun until the next set of stuff is out.
  11. Thanks for hosting, even tho I was late to the party, the two hops I got in were a lot of fun!
  12. Each paint is considered a "unique airplane" and you will notice they all have their own fuel levels as well. There is also a stat for it in your profile. It confused me at first since I have flown 12 unique planes but I only own 4.
  13. I got really lucky on Water Water Everywhere, the first spot I put my plane I had the indicator. I did fly back, so it was only half cheating =DThe Red Cabin took me forever for some reason. Enough to where I landed on the lava field and took a break in the cabin.
  14. Thanks for this, this is really handy.
  15. 1) I have seen others say that simply hitting the 'X' on the sign in page will skip sign in. I haven't tried it myself.2) Assuming you are not signed into the GFWL application (and maybe even if you are), you are signed out when you exit any GFWL enabled game.
  16. Awesome thanks. Just last night I was looking for the mappings for this.
  17. I love the RV6, I love blasting around in it. Favorite for sure.The Icon makes me want to own an Icon. A plane I could tow with my truck and land on lakes with? Yeah, IRL that would be the one for me.I just bought the Maule and find it to be the most difficult plane to land with all sorts of unique flight characteristics. Right now it drives me mad, but I have a feeling it will grow on me.
  18. Just when I thought I was getting a clue about landing.. I bought the Maule. Arrrrg!Less throttle, more pitch. Gliding quickly. Less throttle, still gliding too fast... Less throttle OMG DROPPING LIKE A ROCKThe Maule and RV clearly come from different planets. My 500 lbs of cats are not impressed!
  19. HAHA I am sure she was at peace, having completed her lifelong dream :)Too funny.
  20. I wouldn't get your hopes up, there is a reason he has "prototyping" all over his examples, and if you notice his sketchflow prototypes show 100 hits in the search results.When you need to make design proposals for UIs intended for lots of data, but don't actually have any data, you make stuff up :)
  21. Flight so far is the best $20 I have have spent on any game. I can't think of another game I have put this much time into for such a paltry sum.To be honest, those that have only played the big island and the starter planes have only seen the surface. The game gets so much better with the Hawaii adventure pack.I seriously can't wait to see what else is in store for this game. I am really glad the hardcore have the entirety of the genre to keep them happy, but I am even more glad someone made a product I can enjoy.
  22. Awesome thanks. Google wasn't helping me with that one =D
  23. Thanks for all the info guys, it really helps and the videos helped bring it all together. I am doing the flare much to high, and cutting throttle much to early.I am flying mostly cockpit now as I find there is much more feedback from the plane in this view. Plus I am really getting into flying by instruments. The first time I got into the RV and saw all the new toys it really hit my geek buttons and I immediately spend the next several hours learning about VOR, DME, and ILS. RV landing challenges 5 and 6 have to be some of the most intense moments I have had in any game.One more question, what is the "threshold"?
  24. Gamertag: enamelEvenings after 8pm Pacific. You have to set it up in the Xbox panel. Hit "Home" to bring it up and there is a setting in there to setup voice chat. It is pretty cool in that you can also chat with people that are on Xbox when you are on PC.
  25. Ok, I think I am trying to flare too much then. You know how when driving (in real life) you come to a stop and just before you fully stop you lift off the brake to minimize the whiplash effect? That is what I am trying to do on landings. I will have a nice approach going, nose up and gliding in nicely, then to "soften the blow" I am pulling the nose up a lot. But that is where the plane just stalls and comes crashing down.I think I have it and will try to cut that last part out. Thanks guys!
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