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About Nickbe

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  • Birthday 03/02/1972

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  1. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Q-FfYtIjHKtwzVS-4rI3367_vOZIDP6B/view?usp=sharing
  2. In my opinion, it is still incorrect to compare with Сarenado. Сarenado can be made very beautifully, but they do not know about the fact that airplanes have their own characteristics and flight characteristics. Not to mention the systems for the aircraft. I didn't expect interesting models from Cockspur, but after watching the latest YouTube video, it seemed to me that there was a chance that another conscientious inventor of airplane models would appear. I really want to believe in it. After watching the video I'm talking about, it seemed to me that the guys have good potential for development. I did not buy the model myself, I watched the reviews on the video, but I believe in the capabilities of the developers. As soon as I buy it myself and fly around, I will write my impressions. In the meantime, I'm happy to fly the FSW LJ35 now.
  3. 4 years ago, in P3Dv4, we used the Lear35 from Flysimware and debugged our turbulence module, which was part of the EZdok camera manager version 3, and the most suitable aircraft for this turned out to be the Lear35 from Flysimware. Today, when I decided to look at this old video, I saw how the old version differs from the new one, I was just blown away. This is not just a step forward, it is a complete immersion in reality, such as it should be. I will leave here a link to our test and a view of the old version of FSW Lear35. Just compare it. I am very pleased that the future has already come and we can make a flight now, on a really high-quality aircraft.
  4. I just want to say. In the days of P3D, this wonderful fast business jet from Flysimware was my favorite. The pleasure of piloting on my hands was unsurpassed. The operation of all systems was predictable and correct. I flew a lot of hours on this jet in those days. I have always had great respect for the author of this model and I am sure perfection will be achieved. This airplane model will take its place among the really interesting airplanes.
  5. I also use PMS GTN 750 and also noticed that the NAV and APPR modes do not always work properly. Then I remembered that the GTN750 always works better with autopilot in WTT mode. I installed a special patch from the PMS50 website, and now all flights using RNAV/ VOR ILS began to happen very correctly. Look at this page in the section - In-cockpit bezel - WTT Mode - Black Square TBM 850 Download v1.0.0 Direct link to the WTT addon: https://pms50.com/fs2020/gtn750/aircrafts/pms50-gtn750wtt-aircraft-bksq-tbm850.zip
  6. Hi! Ezdok and ChasePlane are completely different programs. You cannot import any settings back and forth. It's as if you were trying to download settings from Android in the iPhone. ~~~ Once upon a time, ChasePlane could import EZdok version 1 settings, but that was a long time ago. Even in EZdok version 2 there was very limited compatibility with version 1, and version 3 is a completely different generation and is not compatible with version 1 in any way. ~~~ But in any case, EZCA v3 already supports P3D v.6. And any issues can be resolved on the support site. ~~~ I don't know the reason why you decided to change the EZdok to ChasePlane, but if there were any technical problems, you can always solve the issue through the support service. And a lot of versions have already been released to support all new versions of the P3D simulator. You can read it all here: http://www.ezdok-camera.com/downloads
  7. I accidentally found a video where all the readings of the aircraft's gauges are very clearly visible at different stages of the flight. When I made my first flight on the TBM 850 yesterday, it seemed to me that it was very realistic. Having checked with the real video today, I see that this is the case. In my opinion, this is now the most interesting and truthful aircraft in MSFS. A lot of joy from flying!
  8. EZdok Software has released a P3D v6 only version of EZdok Camera. This version has been optimized to work exclusively for P3Dv6 and does not have earlier versions included. There is a nice discount for previous EZdok v3 customers (you can purchase for $19.95). This is a late beta (release candidate) version. Although it has been tested, please report any issues directly to EZdok Software at: http://www.ezdok-camera.com/troubleshooting As always, you must run Prepar3D as Administrator to use EZdok Camera. For more information, go to the product page at https://www.flight1.com/products.asp?vid=flt1sf&pid=ezcapro4.
  9. Dear EZCA user. We inform you that a new version of EZCA for P3Dv6 will be released soon. We need to finalize the code and test the main functions. The new version will not be compatible with older versions of P3D. The cost of the EZCA v4 license will be 34.95$ EZCA v3 owners will be able to purchase an upgrade to the EZCA v4 version at a price 19.95$ Owners of EZCA versions 1 and 2 will be able to buy version 4 only for the full price (34.95$). Follow the news about the release here: http://www.ezdok-camera.com/news
  10. I agree, it was not worth mentioning something other than ChasePlane here. I will definitely create a separate forum thread as soon as I clarify some details. I just don't have all the details about our release yet. My post is just a reminder that we are also looking towards P3D6. Once again, I'm sorry.
  11. EZCA for P3Dv6 coming soon !!! Dear EZCA user. We inform you that a new version of EZCA for P3Dv6 will be released soon. We need to finalize the code and test the main functions. The new version will not be compatible with older versions of P3D. The upgrade policy is not yet clear. We will inform you about this as soon as possible. http://www.ezdok-camera.com/news
  12. I miss RealAir too. This topic is a walk through the pages of memory. Thank you all. I miss the days when the study of complex aircraft itself was a pleasure. A little bit from my archives: 🙂 SF260 RealAir Aeroworx KingAir B200 Project Tupolev freeware. ProTu TU-154-B2.
  13. I think the problem with taxiing is not directly related to PMDG. I noticed the same problem with another plane. It seems to me that the problem with the scenery of the airport where taxiing. It is worth trying to load PMDG 737 in any default port and check how the taxiing will take place. It just occurred to me and I'll check it out tonight. Why I had this thought - immediately after updating AAU1 MSFS, my DC3 (Duckworks) got stuck and did not move at LYTV Tivat airport when takeoff from the RW14. This has never happened before the MSFS update. It seems that the root of the problem is in outdated scenery. I'll check it out.
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