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About doublem

  • Birthday 11/29/1966

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  1. Open a "support" case inside the FSHud application and describe the problem. This sends the relevant log files to the developers. Remember this is a beta and under constant development right now.
  2. I never used AI F/G but I say that FSHud/FSLTL do a great job. FSHud is improving alomst daily right now in the beta 1.3.*. I really love this combo.
  3. The mod must be removed. A new and better version is in the AAU1.
  4. And some files to the "Documents foder" \Documents\LorbyAxisAndOhs Files\WebPages\wtcj4fmc
  5. Some new info here: https://forums.flightsimulator.com/t/live-weather-report/481407?u=aviatordualm
  6. Hi, Is it possible to modify the path where the database is stored? I have a NAS and it would be convenient to place the database files on a network share and point both the "flying" and "remote" computer to this (unc) path and use the same database files. (And yes, I am aware of the possible conflicts of running the software at the same time on both computers. Best regards
  7. http://www.avsim.com/topic/478148-learjet-35a/?p=3386077
  8. I downloaded 2.2x from http://www.pcaviator.com.au/store/home.php two days ago. Some vendors have the newest version.
  9. Looks like it is now released.... http://flysimware.com/website/LEARJET_35A_UPDATES.html
  10. I still have the same problem (ie level off and maintain v/s or spd). My autopilot does not behave as smooth as in the video. I'm on W10 + P3D 3.0 + L35 v2.1. Strange... I like this aircraft a lot but without a usable autopilot it is hard to use.
  11. I have similar problems and related discussion is here: http://www.avsim.com/topic/482622-lear-alt-hold-issue/ Is the AP working as it should do in the L35A, flysimware? If it is working as expected I would love to see a short tutorial video or a simple written instruction of how to use the SPD and V/S mode. I have tried both modes in climb/decent but as soon as I change thrust or do a turn, the aircraft deviates from the controlled speed or v/s.
  12. Tnx for your reply. Hmm, I'll try to use SPD mode and reduce V/S close to the target altitude. I report back. How about the fact that I can't maintain 2000fpm when turning and even drop in altitude in V/S mode? Can that be explained?
  13. I see the exact same behavior. I have tested with both V/S and SPD mode. I get several 1000ft overshot. If I turn and have V/S at about 2000ft the V/S drops below 0 and my altitude decreases during the turn. Is there something wrong with the AP or is there something wrong with my settings/usage? A simple tutorial or a video of the AP usage would be much appreciated (or if there are bugs in the AP a confirmation of those bugs will do...).
  14. Support at PC Aviation Au says: Tested just now and the file is now good.
  15. I tried again and the zip is still broken for me. I download from http://www.pcaviator.com.au (note .au). Are you using the same site?
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