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About rexbo47

  • Birthday 12/11/1947

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  1. Got it! Thanks, Jerome, I thought I was losing my mind. Cheers!
  2. Following those directions, this is the only file I see under "My Downloads." Boeing B314 - The Clipper MSFS, all docs and manual 11.03.2023 (R1, V1.0; Size 27.7MB) Note the version number. V1.0 When I download the file, I get a zip file containing manuals 1 & 2 and a URL linking me back to the Pilot'sClipper main page site where I started. This is all very frustrating. Thank you.
  3. Try as I might, I am unable to downloiad the update to Clipper v1.2. In fact, I am unable to locate the link to the update on the Pilot's website. Please advise. Thank you.
  4. Flightsim.com still doesn't have 1.3.5 posted. Last time I buy from them.
  5. and all the little people...
  6. I hope some SH modder will do a STOL mod for this wonderful bird.
  7. Let me know if you figure out a way to mute the gear warning. Cheers!
  8. Update: It seems to work fine using Addons Linker. I'll take Bijan at his word that the seasons won't automatically update. I've been doing it manually all along anyway, so no harm, no foul. If you're reading this Bijan, it looks great!
  9. I just installed it to my add-ons folder and activated in MS Addons Linker. Now I'm curious to see what happens as I don't see any reason why it shouldn't work. If I crash and burn, send the rescue chopper. More to follow.
  10. The last update totally killed my Bravo trim wheel functions. I checked out all the mappings. finally logged completely out of FS and logged back in. This, for some reason, caused an immediate CTD. After restarting, I discovered that all my control settings had been reset to “Easy” but, miracle of miracles, I have my trim wheel function back! My suggestion, to anyone experiencing a dysfunctional trim wheel is this: Log out, log in, go to controls and see if they’ve reset to 'easy." Go through your controls and set them all to “Default.” Close and restart the sim. Yes, t was a pain to redo a bunch of settings but it was worth it to get the wheel functioning again. Caution: While this worked for me, your mileage may vary. Attempt this option at your own risk. Cheers!
  11. There are many flight plans here. Browse through them and I'm sure you'll find something to pique your interest. https://flightsim.to/c/user-content/flight-plans/ Also, check out GotGravel's Discord page. There are a number of group flights weekly, including bush planes and warbirds. Happy skies!
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