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About baxterbj

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  • Birthday 12/24/1956

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  1. Thanks for the advice.


    Regards BJ from Oz

  2. I have now removed version 0.3.7 and installed autoFPS version (concept demo 0.4.0). Each time I start MSFS 2020, 0.3.7 starts. Apart from an aging brain, what the Hec am i doing wrong. Regards BJ from Oz It does now appear to be operating.
  3. Thanks for this wonderful product. But I'm having difficulty trying to get the latest version running. I've uninstalled the old version and and reinstalled the new version of 6 hours ago. I copy the file to my DYNAMICLOD folder, run as administrator and it comes up with the old version of 0.3.7 I've totally removed old version 0.3.7 test from roaming. What am I doing wrong? Regards BJ from Oz
  4. New update Today, all working great, along with the Tablet. Version 20231207. Regards BJ from Oz
  5. My MSFS is working fine, if I don't have GSX loading through Addons Linker. If I load MSFS, then once that it up and running, manually activate GSX, then I don't have a problem. Yet prior to any update, I had it load up through the tool section of Addons Linker, without problem. Haven't posted on FSDT forum yet as I'm waiting for approval as a member, once a member, I can load up my error log, and find out what was or is causing the problem, when loaded through Addons Linker, Regards BJ from Oz
  6. Not yet, I visited the Forum and there is no Mention of problems, but I will, Thanks. Regards BJ from Oz
  7. Hi Team, After yesterday's MSFS update, I'm getting an error message from GSX on boot up and it crashes my system. I have updated GSX, but this hasn't fixed the issue. Is anyone else having this problem? When I deactivate GSX, MSFS starts and functions without a Problem. King Regards BJ from Oz
  8. Thanks, Alvega, Appreciate your advice. Regards Brian BJ rom Oz
  9. Thanks Keven, I'm the older generation of simmers, so I just need to be completely clear as I'm not really understanding. You state it only installs the core files and doesn't touch the Community folder, how then do I load just the specific area I want to fly in with the Liveries and aircraft I have set for that area. Sorry to be pain, and not fully understand, but just want to be sure this is suitable for me and my setup, before I purchase. Kind Regards Brian BJ from Oz
  10. Parallel 42 Stripr I currently have my simulator setup with individual countries, to speed up loading times and only fly in the specific country i have loaded through AddonLinker. So, if I have set up AddonLinker to load only Australia, will this program override this and load the whole world, of which I have over a thousand addon Liveries, airports, utilities etc? Kind Regards Brian BJ from Oz
  11. Parallel 42 Stripr Does this work seamlessly with AddonLinker? I have the Store version of MSFS 2020. Regards Brian BJ from Oz
  12. I use SIMSHAKER for AVIATORS and SIMSHAKER SOUND MODULE, I have Bluetooth Logitech headphones with mic. No problem Regards Brian BJ from Oz
  13. Your work is brilliant, in fact first class. Served with the Royal Australian Navy and spent 12 months out of Seattle, San Francisco, then was based out of Long Beach and San Pedro. Love flying the the West Coast. Cant wait, have all your work, it is as good as any payware. Kind Regards Brian, BJ from Oz
  14. https://www.dropbox.com/s/lajaja0jyl3m8tg/tds-gtnxi-carenado-skymaster V2.zip?dl=0

    Hi Bert,

    The above file appears to have been deleted when I go to dropbox.

    Is there anywhere else I may get this file Please?

    Regards Brian Baxter

    BJ from Oz

    1. baxterbj


      Thanks Bert have it now.


      Regard's Brian

      BJ from Oz

  15. For Information: Reenabled C208 Mod in Addon Linker and Disabled alarm sound wave in Simobjects, Sound, of the C208 Mod. Working fine with No Alarm. Regard's Brian BJ from Oz
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