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Everything posted by GodAtum

  1. So instead of saying flaps up I will need to press a button to put flaps up? How is that easier then just pressing flaps up in the 1st place?
  2. I hope its before my July holiday. i need to practice on the 777 so i have something clever to talk to the pilots about lol.
  3. Thank you for your awesome answer Tabs, i really appreciate your post I could not pretend to know why a plane flies in real life lol but i find PMDGs realistic enough for me. Flying your planes in the sim has actually given me confidence to fly as a passenger in real life.
  4. <p>been landing on 09R with the PMDG 747 and 737NGX. I arm the loc and app but it only activates a few nm away then the plane drops like a stone at 3000ftpm! Withe the default scenery it work fine and arms a good distance away. My altitude is 2500ft. Anyone else had similar issues?</p>
  5. Sorry for the really dumb question but Whats the point in button control? If i have to push buttons anyway with FS2crew whats the difference with pushing buttons normally?
  6. Anyone used this yet? http://aurasim.com/4/products/
  7. <p>I have 5.1 speakers connected via optical and a headset connected via USB. I get all my sound through the speakers atm. How do I setup various add-ons (proATCX) to my headset? I have the voice option in FSX already set to my headset. proATCX's sound is run through its own program I think so I have to adjust the output somehow in Windows?</p> <p> </p> <p>Any help will be greatly appreciated </p>
  8. I flew out out the NGX, had to disable Manhattan X though. Got about 10-15 fps.
  9. I love it, have been using it since it came out. They are planning to add ground AI control and voice control soon.
  10. Just upgraded, does not like manhatten x scenery with OOM crashes :(
  11. Its AffinityMask=84 and FIBER_FRAME_TIME_FRACTION=0.33
  12. Do you think the 777 will have an extracted flight model like the Majestic plane to get better FPS?
  13. No-ones mentioned the excellent FSlabs Concorde X which is extremely complex! Its a shame PMDG havent extrated the flight model like the Q400 to improve the frame rate.
  14. Nope I havent assigned any options.
  15. Screenshot of my task manager, looks like its only using the 3rd core? task manager by GodAtum, on Flickr
  16. I'm getting about 10 fps at Uk2000 Heathrow with 50% traffic in the PMDG 747. But my CPU usage is about 40%. How can i get FSX to use more to increase the fps? I have an i7 920 stock speed.
  17. I'm now very confused. GSX plays beeps and boarding sound is in my headset. Main FSX sounds are in my speakers. ProATCX sounds are in my speakers. How do I get GSX boarding sounds into my speakers and ProATCX into my headphones? FSX sound option is through my speakers and voice is through my headset.
  18. Anyone fitted an extra pair of throttle sticks to make it 4 engine? http://www.goflightinc.com/products/gf-tq6-adv-advanced-throttle-quadrant
  19. I am disappointed that GF are aiming for the higher end of the market. there is nothing between a $100 Saitek and a $750 GF :(
  20. is there an add-on which adds a heat haze effect to jet engines?
  21. I use the built in Win 7 backup since its free.
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