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Everything posted by CyberMike

  1. I think Linux % is much higher than on X-Plane. Yes why not. There is SASL for X-Plane which is GPL too. Authors are usually saying that the plugin folder is GPL and all the rest copyrighted stuff. You cannot link to GPL stuff but there are workarounds like for ex. https://github.com/PhilippMuenzel/vascore-embedded does in the CRJ etc. It's not trivial programming though.- Good luck and bring it on.
  2. Lucky me that I didn't buy 3D glasses from Nvidia...those will become obsolete. Hopefully the Occulus Rift will be fairly priced. Must be a huge sim experience improvement. :wub:
  3. Are those reflections on the building windows? Looks good, a nice place to live with such a central park. :lol:
  4. The problem is that the SDK for Outerra is not yet ready. Otherwise surely some talented programmers would jump on Outerra projects.
  5. The Mig29 is awesome but how to turn on the ground? Also on my last Windows boot I couldn't get full thrust, a new bug?
  6. Thanks, looks much better. Just bought it and it's fun. Any ideas on how to zoom in the cockpit and/or select autopilot?
  7. Looks great. The second addon airplane for outerra? Looking at those upcoming updates, I might spend 15.- even if I need to bother booting Windows. http://forum.outerra.com/index.php?topic=2364.0 Any ideas on how to remove that greyish/whitish look on the background mountains?
  8. Downloading the demo and surely buy the final, for latest once Linux is supported. There's even a first airplane addon in their forum.
  9. I have a GTX770 with 2GB and it works perfectly. (see my profile) 1680x1050, nearly maxed settings and even at Klax etc. I get 30-60 fps.
  10. I had similar issues and my CH joysticks work now but I forgot whether this: http://forums.x-plane.org/index.php?showtopic=71300&page=2 or simply reconnecting and rebooting twice each to different usb plugs helped. (rather the later) Also the low graphics message was fixed by using gdm and not lightdm on 12.04.
  11. Do the instruments in the Mig work? I cannot recognize it in the video. Also environment reflections? What about free updates if I buy it now for 15$? If not I might wait a little. Thanks
  12. I had that yesterday. I did install the lsb package with synaptic, downloaded the newest from Nvidia and installed as described above as 2nd method. Several reboots are fine so far. You could also simply try to reconfigure using the backup settings. That worked for me but after a while the same trouble came up. Or go back might be the easiest for a newbie.
  13. You miss the wildcard * alike ./X-* Also never use sudo unless you need it! There's a thread over at x-plane.org about one command for the 32bit libs. Also have a look at phoronix.com about AMD drivers. I think you need the very latest for good perfomance. (I use Nvidia however) Right click to change permissions is the easiest way or try man chmod in a term. Have fun and google search is the friend of any Linux newbie.
  14. I've also compiled the ground textures alike Google: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oe0kHoEtvYA
  15. Yes, it's Flightgear 2.99 Git http://wiki.flightgear.org/Scripted_Compilation_on_Linux_Debian/Ubuntu with those sceneries: http://fgfs.sgier.com/
  16. Seems it's using Sasl foremost for the moving map. Hence, maybe there's hope for a later update with terrain probing. (as Sasl supports that)
  17. Yes, Virtualbox etc. are good for testing but not for running 3D apps. If you like it, install it in a partition or maybe have a look at Puppy. Although I've never tried that, I've heard that you could run live 3D games without install... :blink:
  18. +1 and there's already a mdl importer for Blender 2.49 called xplane2blender. http://marginal.org.uk/x-planescenery/tools.html
  19. LAdamson you're wrong. Compiling the Gizmo plugin would probably take a weekend or so. The expected sales would not bring much money but enough users to come out flat in the end. I've compiled the last free Gizmo version on Linux, hence I can't be completely wrong. I also don't give much about the above statistic. On Steam for ex. Linux is 2%, Mac 5% and the rest Windows. Even if X-Plane is very popular on Mac and vice versa on Linux...
  20. I run my Windows apps with Wine. Only for FSX and Realflight, I sometimes boot Windows.
  21. That's a very old number. Personally, I don't think that it's still far behind Mac anymore. My guess is rather that it will overtake Mac users in the next 3-5 years.
  22. I saw a Android 4.1 Handy at my supermarket for ~70$. Maybe I get it foremost for x-flight: http://forums.x-plane.org/index.php?showtopic=71304 Glad you two guys got X-Plane on Linux running. All beginning is hard...
  23. I don't think I'll get anything later than 8.1. I simply don't use it anymore. I've FSX and Realflight installed in 8.1 for everything else I use Ubuntu and even run my other Windows apps with WINE. So now I feel pretty much done, but thanks Bill.
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