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Everything posted by JNS

  1. Not to mention the rudder pedals. 🙂 Jeff
  2. Thanks. Yes, I know, it is subjective, and I certainly wasn't discounting your choice. I was just wondering if there were any other "favorites". Happy flying. Jeff
  3. OK, thanks to all. Apparently, it is subtle enough to not really interfere with the live weather that is being depicted. Any recommendation for an ASCA setting (in addition to Global Dynamic) that works particularly well with ASP3D's Live Weather? Or, maybe they all do, just checking. Thanks again. Jeff
  4. Hi. I'm running P3Dv4.5HF3 with ASP3D and ASCA. I was wondering if ASCA is bypassed when ASP3D is set to "Live Weather". Thanks for any comments on this. Jeff Smith
  5. The original post I was referring to said: "All those frequent updates made the launch of the MD 80, BAE 146, PMDG 737 and others possible. Don't like it? You're welcome to go back to the stagnant sims that charge you $60 for incremental updates." The part that I considered needless and insulting was: "Don't like it? You're welcome to go back to the stagnant sims that charge you $60 for incremental updates."
  6. Did I ever say that it didn't go both ways? Enjoy your sim.
  7. IanHarrison wrote: "Stagnant as in having reached a completely stable working sim that satisfies 99% of its users." Exactly
  8. I love how people can't just say "enjoy another sim"....they have to throw in the little insulting jab.
  9. Hi. Do these TOGA product problems also apply to P3Dv4.5HF3 or just P3Dv5x? Getting ready to install, but won't if it means problems for me. Thanks. Jeff
  10. I hope this backfires on them and they get inundated with support tickets because people can't find information in the forum. Many times I've discovered tips/fixes/procedures posted by Nick C. in the forum.
  11. I don't think they said those were the ONLY places...just suggestions.
  12. Regarding Ebertr's comment that you quoted: Sarcasm can be a wonderful thing...if detected. 🙂
  13. Especially if Xbox-version sales drop off considerably.
  14. Thanks for the suggestion,
  15. Well, you certainly make a convincing argument for MSFS. I know I will install it, I'm just for waiting for the dust to clear more. Basically, after the current situation...i.e. .when (it seems) after every other update, things are a mess. I hope Asobo/MS can get their act together a little bit better. I'll get the other sims installed first. I'm thinking of making MSFS installation my New Years' resolution....if things are looking better. I've been in simming since about 1990 so I should know to be patient with new products, but I think age is fighting me on that. 🙂 Jeff
  16. Exactly why recently I have been making new installs (pretty well loaded) of P3D, XP, and even AF FS2, so that I can lock those down, back them up, and at least have something for a worst-case scenario as you suggest. I don't have a lot of confidence in MSFS. Sometimes I am surprised that people here have been as tolerant as they have of the update messes. It has definitely kept me from installing it for a while longer. And I'm not so sure it will ever be what serious simmers really want and have expected from it. Hope I am wrong and that MS is in for the long haul. Revenue will probably determine that. If the casual X-Boxers get bored, then all bets are off.
  17. I basically agree with you. I was just commenting that if developers and retailers drop interest in P3D (for whatever reasons) then we could end up with no choices. Actually, I was thinking that the discontent that many are having with the update problems, forced updates, and server issues with MSFS, the developers/retailers might have a little incentive to continue on with P3D for at least a while longer. Who knows? Myself, I'm holding off on MSFS for a while. I'm just not in the mood to be continually chasing problems. When MSFS was first announced I really was excited that we would have a fully (or at least mostly) working sim presented to us, not one that would take years more in the making. And at the time, it seemed that many thought that MS had probably already spent 5 years in the development of MSFS.
  18. We may not as long as we have a bunch of people almost "hoping" for the demise of P3D and XP....and the developers and retailers dropping all interest in P3D.
  19. I sit about 36" from a 65" curved-screen monitor and I love it. No TrackIR. Jeff
  20. You are correct, but even then, there are limits.
  21. Well, first off, it really doesn't matter what you intend to do with a product as far as having to do with the pricing established by the developer. It still takes a certain minimum time to develop the product no matter how many times the end-user uses it. Second, a developer can NEVER compete against someone who is willing to give their time and effort away for free making an equivalent product. Just curious, have you ever owned or even managed an ongoing successful business? If you have, you should understand these basics. I think too many in this hobby want a lot, but don't really want to pay much for it...not just the add-ons, but the sims themselves, too.
  22. Hi. Will AFFS2 work with both Windows 7 and 10? Thanks, Jeff
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