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About Littleferrhis

  • Birthday 06/15/1992

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  1. Hi I actually just installed the PIC today and came across the same problem with fsx-se. Just click cancel when it asks if you want to install SP2 and it should go through the install process without it. If it doesn't install after that, it may be something else.
  2. Ok, so I have the wilco e-jets package among other payware and I just got the new airac from Navigraph. The problem is that I can't seem to be able to install it or even find the folder to manually install it into. I noticed that it may not be supported anymore, however since related add-ons that came out at the same time are still supported shouldn't it work? Has anyone else had this issue with the ERJs and AIRACS?
  3. Ok, so I have the wilco e-jets package among other payware and I just got the new airac from Navigraph. The problem is that I can't seem to be able to install it or even find the folder to manually install it into. I noticed that it may not be supported anymore, however since related add-ons that came out at the same time are still supported shouldn't it work? Has anyone else had this issue with the ERJs and AIRACS?
  4. Ok so I am guessing this is a windows 10 problem, but I am not exactly sure how to fix it, because it seems related to another problem. So I just got a new system today,which I put windows 10 on as it was better than 8.1 in my personal opinion, and after installing fsx, I decided to install my saitek pro flight yoke, rudder pedals, and throttle quadrant. At first the yoke seemed to work ok with the drivers running well and the functionality reaching what it normally would on my old windows 7 computer. However after about an hour of having it plugged in the usb, the yoke, rudder system which was plugged in and the quadrant crashed simoultaniously. I checked some other forums and this seemed to be a problem with windows 7 as well, the fix for the rudder pedals was simple which was to unplug it from the yoke and put it in a separate port, however this could not fix the yoke and the throttles. I deleted the specific files from HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE as well,but it didn't fix much. Looking at the device manager, the computer seemed to classify the yoke as a "generic usb hub" rather than a joystick, and after being somewhat lucky with using windows installer, which worked until I unplugged the yoke again.I am at this point unsure of what I need to do, I am not sure whether there is anything else I can do, has anyone else had this problem at all?
  5. Ok, this is a sort of weird question that doesn't really pretain to much, but what is with the fsx boxed prices? It is ranging from 60$-200$ in price right now? I am pretty sure this is due to fsx-se, but whether it is temporary or not is what puzzles me. Is this similar to flappy bird where the prices for phones with the app on it skyrocketed due to it not being around anymore for a period of time untill everyone forgot about it, or is this not really going to change that much since there is not any production of it anymore by Microsoft. I am not sure if the game even works anymore.Again this isn't a troubleshooting question or a please help, I already have the boxed version and I am happy with it along with steam edition, I am just curious on why the prices are so high for a game that really should be 30$.
  6. Ok, so I am looking to build a pc for fsx, but I want it to hold up on other sims such as xplane, prepar3d, or other games like arma 3, battlefield 4, etc. . This is what I came up with https://pcpartpicker.com/user/littleferrhis/saved/#savedbuild_1979789...Now I do understand that in games like fsx, intel seems to be the way to go, but I am also going to be using this for other games, and the 4 cores may be more beneficial in that aspect, as well as amd having cheap , but powerful hardware. I tried to go as cheap as possible, since my budget is around $500, and I am going to need to wheel and deal to even reach this goal. I wanted to hear opinions, and I want to see if there are parts that are better for at the same price or cheaper. Thanks...
  7. Ok, so this is not a please help nor a problem...this is just something I am tinkering with a bit to see if I can get it to work. I am wanting to try and find a pirep system so I can make a va, and I came across this little tool...and now with steam edition coming out I thought I might as well try and get a little ahead of the curve and create a Steam Edition VA using this tool so I won't have to host a server for Pireps. Now I am trying to get this to work on my version...again this isn't exactly a problem...I have modified the DLL.XML to accept the dll that used fsrecorder, but sadley came across a little runtime error following it. I am pretty sure it is not a Dll.xml because I compared the FSrecorder function to my newly installed fsuipc, and then compared that to my boxed version Dll.xml , and everything seemed to be correct, although I did come across something that caught my eye. FSUIPC for fsx se and the regular fsuipc seem to be going to the exact same .DLL, so now I am not sure... Below I have left the contents of my DLL.XML for fsx-se(modified) as well as the boxed version where fsrecorder works fine. If this is a FSRecorder dll problem I might stop, because I am not even sure exactly how dlls work. I think they are a compilation of different files, but I have heard tinkering with Dlls can cause a lot of problems. Again this is not a problem with my fsx I can just wipe the code and get fsx-se to work fine, but I would like to see whether or not I can get this to work... -Modifed FSX-SE DLL.XML <?xml version="1.0" encoding="Windows-1252"?> <SimBase.Document Type="Launch" version="1,0"> <Descr>Launch</Descr> <Filename>dll.xml</Filename> <Disabled>False</Disabled> <Launch.ManualLoad>False</Launch.ManualLoad> <Launch.Addon> <Name>FSUIPC 4</Name> <Disabled>False</Disabled> <Path>Modules\FSUIPC4.dll</Path> </Launch.Addon> <Launch.Addon> <Name>FS Recorder</Name> <Disabled>False</Disabled> <ManualLoad>False</ManualLoad> <Path>C:\Program Files\FS Recorder for FSX\FSRecorder_FSX.dll</Path> </Launch.Addon> </SimBase.Document> -FSX boxed xml <?xml version="1.0" encoding="Windows-1252"?> <SimBase.Document Type="Launch" version="1,0"> <Descr>Launch</Descr> <Filename>dll.xml</Filename> <Disabled>False</Disabled> <Launch.ManualLoad>False</Launch.ManualLoad> <Launch.Addon> <Name>FSUIPC 4</Name> <Disabled>False</Disabled> <Path>Modules\FSUIPC4.dll</Path> </Launch.Addon> <Launch.Addon><Name>FS Recorder</Name><Disabled>False</Disabled><ManualLoad>False</ManualLoad><Path>C:\Program Files\FS Recorder for FSX\FSRecorder_FSX.dll</Path></Launch.Addon></SimBase.Document>
  8. Actually to be quite honest with you I actually was looking up what screen had the engine start stuff on it, I had been watching quite a few video tutorials on how to start up the plane and was really just hitting the switches and then look at whatever engine is there and go to the top one, because I know that is the one that should be moving...also I usually try and start engine 2 up first, but it gives me the same type of problem until I move to number 1, which once again starts up fine..I will definitely try and check the ISOL valves though...if it is not that, it is most likely because I reinstalled fsx(which for some reason doesn't mess with the aircraft folder) and didn't reinstall PMDG. I have been getting a lot of problems with the PMDG anyways, right now I am just being lazy. So I will try some of that out...
  9. I hope this isn't a problem with the plane itself because I don't want to have to send another ticket...sometimes when I am starting the engines engine 2 won't start. Engine 1 will start fine, and then when I move to engine 2 the only thing that will move is the EGT to about 300 and then decreasing to about 100. The n1 just remains at 0.0. I have tried restarting the apu, figiting with the air conditioning, stopping engine one and then starting with engine 2, starting with engine 2, etc., but nothing works. Any help is much appreciated. Thanks
  10. I have sent it, I am going to wait before I reinstall to see if it is a easy fix...until then its Airbus X Extended time .
  11. Nice flight, I might do that flight once I get the pmdg 737-700, I have had relatives go on that flight. Pretty nice airline.
  12. Ok, I am not sure if this issue is the aircraft or pmdg here. I am getting this weird problem with the pfd(I looked my windows DPI settings are at 100 and my resolution is at max). I have a photo here of my problem, but it seems like all the numbers have dissapeared. I am pretty sure I didn't miss a step because first of all I started the flight witht the "ready for takeoff" setting, as well as the autopilot working fine and the plane not giving me any warnings whatsoever that related to that.So I have no clue what it may be. Also just a random question if I have to reinstall will I have to reinstall the airac as well, because I keep getting storage errors when installing anything now on my computer(even though I have 83 gbs left xD), which still works, but its a pain to sit there and hit retry a thousand times. In any case I hope someone has a fix to this. Link to lightshot photo of the problem: http://prntscr.com/582hjh
  13. Thank you, I have done the switch to 3 gbs and I got this from my crash report.Also forgot to mention, the aircraft I was flying wasn't a payware aircraft. It was a posky 777 with a somewhat terrible vc(it did not have engine specs on it just the nav display and the pfd).I should also note I did have chrome running a few tabs in the background, which may have led to the crash. Version=1 EventType=BEX EventTime=130586790325069454 ReportType=2 Consent=1 UploadTime=130586790330309474 ReportIdentifier=af3c522c-5bf1-11e4-9272-e0cb4e48332a IntegratorReportIdentifier=af3c522b-5bf1-11e4-9272-e0cb4e48332a Response.type=4 Sig[0].Name=Application Name Sig[0].Value=fsx.exe Sig[1].Name=Application Version Sig[1].Value=10.0.61637.0 Sig[2].Name=Application Timestamp Sig[2].Value=46fadb14 Sig[3].Name=Fault Module Name Sig[3].Value=unknown Sig[4].Name=Fault Module Version Sig[4].Value= Sig[5].Name=Fault Module Timestamp Sig[5].Value=00000000 Sig[6].Name=Exception Offset Sig[6].Value=f94ff558 Sig[7].Name=Exception Code Sig[7].Value=c0000005 Sig[8].Name=Exception Data Sig[8].Value=00000008 DynamicSig[1].Name=OS Version DynamicSig[1].Value=6.1.7601. DynamicSig[2].Name=Locale ID DynamicSig[2].Value=1033 UI[2]=C:\Program Files\Microsoft Games\Microsoft Flight Simulator X\fsx.exe UI[3]=A fatal error occurred. UI[4]=Windows can check online for a solution to the problem and try to restart the program. UI[5]=Check online for a solution and restart the program UI[6]=Check online for a solution later and close the program UI[7]=Close the program LoadedModule[0]=C:\Program Files\Microsoft Games\Microsoft Flight Simulator X\fsx.exe LoadedModule[1]=C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\ntdll.dll LoadedModule[2]=C:\Windows\system32\kernel32.dll LoadedModule[3]=C:\Windows\system32\KERNELBASE.dll LoadedModule[4]=C:\Windows\WinSxS\x86_microsoft.vc80.mfc_1fc8b3b9a1e18e3b_8.0.50727.6195_none_cbf5e994470a1a8f\MFC80.DLL LoadedModule[5]=C:\Windows\WinSxS\x86_microsoft.vc80.crt_1fc8b3b9a1e18e3b_8.0.50727.6195_none_d09154e044272b9a\MSVCR80.dll LoadedModule[6]=C:\Windows\system32\msvcrt.dll LoadedModule[7]=C:\Windows\system32\GDI32.dll LoadedModule[8]=C:\Windows\system32\USER32.dll LoadedModule[9]=C:\Windows\system32\LPK.dll LoadedModule[10]=C:\Windows\system32\USP10.dll LoadedModule[11]=C:\Windows\system32\SHLWAPI.dll LoadedModule[12]=C:\Windows\system32\ole32.dll LoadedModule[13]=C:\Windows\system32\RPCRT4.dll 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LoadedModule[221]=C:\Windows\System32\wcnapi.dll LoadedModule[222]=C:\Windows\system32\fdWNet.dll LoadedModule[223]=C:\Windows\system32\IPHLPAPI.DLL LoadedModule[224]=C:\Windows\system32\WINNSI.DLL LoadedModule[225]=C:\Windows\system32\dfscli.dll LoadedModule[226]=C:\Windows\system32\browcli.dll LoadedModule[227]=C:\Windows\system32\DNSAPI.dll LoadedModule[228]=C:\Program Files\Bonjour\mdnsNSP.dll LoadedModule[229]=C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Windows Live\WLIDNSP.DLL LoadedModule[230]=C:\Windows\system32\rasadhlp.dll LoadedModule[231]=C:\Windows\System32\fwpuclnt.dll LoadedModule[232]=C:\Windows\system32\dhcpcsvc.DLL LoadedModule[233]=C:\Windows\system32\dhcpcsvc6.DLL LoadedModule[234]=C:\Windows\System32\netprofm.dll LoadedModule[235]=C:\Windows\System32\nlaapi.dll LoadedModule[236]=C:\Windows\system32\d3dx9_31.dll Sec[0].Key=LCID Sec[0].Value=1033 FriendlyEventName=Stopped working ConsentKey=BEX AppName=Microsoft® Flight Simulator X AppPath=C:\Program Files\Microsoft Games\Microsoft Flight Simulator X\fsx.exe
  14. Before I begin, I would like you to note that because of my age, I do not have the money for a new computer and as such cannot buy one at this time. This only happens on long flights for me, but I will be flying for say 30 minutes, leave to grab something, come back, try and switch something, then get the fatal error report. Right now I am not running a very good system, a net-book from 2009, but it still runs fsx pretty well, and I can get planes like the pmdg to run a good 20-30 frames on it(specs are about 3 gigs of usable ram, a Nvidia ge210m that due to my integrated graphics card, I cannot update,and a genuine Intel 1.3 GHz CPU, of course all of this running on windows 32 bit ). I just want to make sure if there is anything I can do to keep this from happening(like a file error or something similar) that might be able to fix this without changing any hardware. I have run fsx in compatiblity mode(to xp service pack 3) and I have ran as administrator and it has not fixed this problem.It is not the biggest deal, but if anyone has a solution it is much appreciated. Thanks
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