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  1. Hi, set your target framerate on unlimited. This should improve your framerate, its a known bug in P3D. My frames jumped from 10-15 to 30-35! Julian
  2. Hi, had the same problems and found a solution. Set the target framerate on unlimited and P3D is running smooth. Increased my FPS from 10 to 35, it's a known bug. Julian
  3. Could be a problem with a pre SP1 panel state ?
  4. 2-3 degrees are normal and realistic, if you fly at the most economic altitude for your weight. Because of that, the crew rests are pointed 3 degrees down to avoid the feeling of "lying up the hill"!
  5. I love it. Just flew a few circles at TNCM today, the new FBW logic is simply stunning ! http://youtu.be/Xv7N9DYQWDM
  6. Beautiful ! :lol: Thank you!
  7. I knew that kyle, i knew that!
  8. Yeah Just imagined his answer in my head! The new terrain + weather radar will be a big step forward! I am as happy as a child!
  9. Before Kyle gets the chance to get angry, YES it will ported later with SP2! (Rob said that) -> searchfunction !
  10. The NG cockpit is very small. Flew on the jumpseat a few years ago, it's not very comfortably at all. The T7 cockpit is one of the biggest in aviation I think (heard that from a friend who is flying that beast).
  11. 737NG : 2,6 meters 777: between 4,7 and 5 meters (depends on loading etc.) So its a big difference...
  12. I think it would not be a big deal, but haven't heard anything about it. Would love it so much!
  13. Active failures in the failure menu?
  14. Hey, it very much depends on weight. If you're very light the 777 starts to roll in idle thrust..if it's very heavy you have to give a bit thrust to get it rolling and to keep it rolling. A friend of mine is pilot on A330 and A340, he states that this behavior is quite realistic. Julian
  15. Reinstalled FSGRW and NGX/777? The only thing I could imagine is that you try to run multiple weather engines at once... IVAO weather is disabled when you connect FSGRW?
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