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  1. LOL same! We could just make it rain... but where would the fun be in that?
  2. I use world of ai set to 100% GA and airline and cull it back to 50 with the ai traffic manager linked in this forum on page 2. This ensures plenty of ai at most airports and doesn't kill frame rates.
  3. +1 It's well worth revising your vector mathematics when getting serious about aviation physics. Bear in mind as well that the handling characteristics of every aircraft are different. Vagaries such as centre of gravity, centres of aerodynamic pressure/moments and turbulent flow are all fascinating differences between airframes.
  4. Yes it was, AVSIM is infested with self righteous arse holes posting keyboard warrior responses such as the one above and I for one am sick of it. Suggesting a newbie search the forums is one thing, being a dick about it is quite another.
  5. That's actually quite a nice idea, never considered using the save feature like that. Normally it's just for covering for fsx crashes.
  6. A centilitre is metric friend. Not SI though. For that you'd need a 0.75x10^-3 m^3 bottle
  7. Bugger. Guess what I have installing on the other computer as I type this (hint: it's not version 2.5).
  8. Couldn't agree more. Synth voices aren't great, but I'll take that over "ransom note" waves spliced together. Radar contact is even worse for that.
  9. It's an orbx EU and dx10 issue. I have exactly the same on my sim. It would seem the dev team for ftx England either didn't test dx10 in any depth or couldn't find a solution because it affects Scotland and Wales also.
  10. Alternatively you can sign into the navigraph charts cloud in which case you don't download anything. It has a mobile/tablet friendly interface and instant links to every chart in the database. No need to faff about downloading!
  11. Ah ok that's fine. Although I should clarify I was curious if it's possible to occupy the right seat as PF. I guess then the suggestion for future projects might be to allow switching preference, although I concede it's not really all that important lol.
  12. Hi, I'm curious, is there a way of preventing the fs2crew first officer from adjusting the right hand displays? Indeed, is it possible to make these scripts execute for the left hand side instead? Furthermore, when the first officer is PF, do the flows continue to be PF/PM based or are the flows altered to reflect the practicalities of the panels eg. The air conditioning panel being of the FO side. Kevin
  13. I really enjoy the aerosoft Airbus. There's something about that "ca-clunk beep!" When you connect the ground power that's immensely satisfying. Real air stuff is also particularly good. The way the beech v2 sways when you first turn over the engines was one of those rare "wow" moments
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