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About fbfbfb

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  1. The starter must spin the engine to 400 RPM in order to start. If this appears to be the problem do this:In the [Piston Engine] section of the aircraft.cfg file find this entry:normalized_starter_torque=0.55
  2. Roy,A quick Google of that error code indicates that this is a fairly common problem with the built in zip function of Windows.Give freebie 7-zip a try and let us know what happens. www.7-zip.org/download.htmlFred
  3. fbfbfb


    Hi Jan,Look under Administrative Tools/Services and it should be somewhere in the list.Right click on it and select Stop, then set Startup type to Disabled.CheersFred
  4. I found that my MS mouse doesn't like too shiny a surface to work on. My old mouse pad was getting a bit glossy after a lot of use and the mouse pointer was starting to jump around the screen. A new pad solved the problem. Fred
  5. Your normal windows must be listed ahead of the vcockpit windows but the default C172 panel.cfg clearly shows that they do not have to be sequential.
  6. Can you post the relevant sections of your panel.cfg file so we can have a look?
  7. Your gauge needs to be in a seperate window to undock.See the GPS in the Baron panel.cfg for an example.
  8. Try this Jack,Go to http://www.maam.org/maam_sim.htmlSelect Free StuffUnder "R4D / DC-3 / C-47 FREE ENHANCEMENTS" get these 2 items:FSX BASIC COMPATIBILITY UPDATE FOR R4D/DC-3/C-47 PACKAGEFSX TRANSPARENCY FIX FOR SP2/ACCELERATIONThe compatibility update has full FSX installation instructions.CheersFred
  9. It should only be in the VC section. 2D gauges are only active when their window is open whereas VC gauges are always active.Fred
  10. Go for it Al. I think that the few problems encountered have been the fault of improper installation.It is working flawlessly for me under Win7 x64.Fred
  11. Gary,SP1 should have installed the v206 cfg file and that is the problem. Try installing SP1 again.
  12. You might be better off to forget about the services and take a look at all the crap that Task Scheduler has happening.Lots of stuff here to disable but do some homework before randomly turning things off.
  13. Some further investigation has revealed the following:If installing to a new disk or a newly created partition Win 7 will not accept the Update product key and of course will not activate.If the partition you are installing to has ever had any Windows version previously installed, even if that partition has since been reformatted, the Win 7 install will succeed and activate, which is why it worked for me. It seems that after reformatting there remains some kind of fingerprint that informs Win 7 that a previous Windows version was here and the installation goes ahead.There are several ways around this problem with the product key. The full details can be found here.http://www.sevenforums.com/tutorials/31402...-7-version.htmlGood luck, and buy yourself (or someone) something nice with the $$ you just saved.
  14. Strange. All I can say is that formatting and a clean install did work for me and many others with no activation problems. Your post is the first I have seen to the contrary.
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