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About ziggy

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  • Birthday 04/04/1977

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    CYEG Edmonton Alberta Canada

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  1. Hi, Have you checked you spam? It may have found its way in there some how Hope this helps
  2. I can't believe none of us have mentioned this yet, If you go ahead and buy P3D and it doesn't work out so well on your rig you can always get a refund. There's plenty of time to test different areas and who knows, mabey your system will handle it really well Hope this helps Greg Z http://www.prepar3d.com/support/refundpolicy/
  3. Very cool Indeed!! I love BasementflyGuys home cockpit! It's just awesome!!
  4. In my opinion, I think your system would handle FSX DX10 better, your GPU only has 2GB and your i5-4460 CPU might not totally be up to the task of P3D, but it is really hard to say as all systems are so different.
  5. Ah yes, that's good advice indeed, I've tried this on my system with minimal results but it could quite possibly work well on another rig for sure. Thanks Greg Z
  6. Hi, I also use FSX (gold boxed) DX10, I also own P3D but have found that my system which is a bit older now (i7 2700k @4.7ghz, GTX 680, P8Z77-V pro/Thunderbolt) runs FSX better than P3D My rig runs P3D pretty decent just not to the standard I want it. In my opinion if you think you have a strong enough rig you should definitely go with P3D if not then I feel like FSX DX10 is still pretty darn good. Hope this helps Greg Z
  7. Hi, If you haven't tried already, try letting AS2016 through your firewall
  8. Hi, You could probably delete that desktop icon and then go to your AS16 folder and send the AS16.exe to desktop and it should show up properly. Hope this helps
  9. Hi, I have both AS16 + ASCA and I'm having a good time with them (FSX DX10) I would say there is not a whole lot of difference between ASN and AS16 from the outside but internally they have done some extra work. I've tried AS16 + REX soft clouds and love that they work well together too. I'm happy with the upgrade and everything seems to work with FSX just fine so far I love the dynamic texture changes its pretty cool!
  10. Zero Issues on my end as well, and my sim seems sharper and smoother. Hope all who have issues get them sorted.
  11. Oh this is such an easy question to answer. Have fun spamming
  12. Another beautifully put together video!! Very well done, enjoyed this one quite a bit!
  13. Also from Edmonton here, I've spent a lot of time working in Ft.Mac and can not believe the amount of damage that has been done by this catastrophic event. This fire is literally unstoppable without natures help. 90000 people have been evacuated and the fire so far has destroyed the area equal to the size of Boston and Chicago combined There are 49 fires burning in Alberta today The compassion and generosity that Albertains have shown is a breath of fresh air for humanity, people driving food,water and gasoline to stranded people on the highway trying to get out of harms way says something about the type of people in this Province. Donations are still needed, if possible please donate to the Canadian RedCross
  14. Wow! I can't believe some of the comments! Some of you need to check yourselves and appreciate the time and effort that goes into making these videos (editing tools or not) for the community's enjoyment! Karmelo, your videos are always terrific and fun to watch, Keep up the great work and I for one am always looking forward to your videos Thanks for sharing Cheers, Greg
  15. Hi, My advice would be to delete all ReShade and SweetFX files from your sim and re-download again from the ReShade site and then set it up using the ReShade GUI it will add the proper files to your sim if you're using DX9 use the DX9 option if using DX10 use that option. I had a similar issue with the API.dll and this has worked for me ( I also use DX10 ) Hope this helps
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