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Everything posted by barrel_owl

  1. Brian, Ezdok world cameras work fine in FSX Steam. I have not less than 30 world cameras around the globe in the airports I use most. I don't have P3D, but I can't see any logical reason why it should not work there too. There is a tutorial on how to change variables in case you have problems with creating World cameras. But I agree, Ezdok is not the friendliest of addons and requires a lot of immersion before you can properly handle it and take the most out of it. ChasePlane appears to be more intuitive. However, these are only talks and speculations. Only once installed and fully integrated in our systems, we can conclude whether it is a real step forward compared to Ezdok or not. I concur, if it is not priced ridiculously, I'll maybe give a try.
  2. Whereas I am an happy owner of PrecipitFX and Lear35 Immersion and I fully trust this house, I am still looking for the "game changing" part within this tool. I watched this new presentation and I came to same conclusion as after the first video announcement. Except for a more modern and intuitive user interface, I simply can't see anything that I can do with it that I can't do now with Ezdok. Anyway, I am open to change my mind.
  3. Here Download: http://library.avsim.net/download.php?DLID=196697 Download: http://library.avsim.net/download.php?DLID=196696 Download: http://library.avsim.net/download.php?DLID=196719
  4. Five stars as usual, Rob! For your information: there are a couple of nice Alaska repaints in the library by Bernd along with another Northwest livery. This would add a final touch to your excellent video! :-)
  5. First test, good news, at least for me. Pro-ATC/X now seem to accept even small airports without SID/STARs as departure and arrival airport. I ran a couple of tests from S45 to KHQM and EDBH to EDCG. With such flight plans were not even saved (I got that known message in German). Now, not only I could save both flight plans, but I flew them and was properly vectored to the first waypoint as expected. I understand that this may make a very little difference for many of you using exclusively liners, but it does a lot for some us using GA aircraft and turboprops for short IFR flights and yet liking an ATC.
  6. You made my day, Tom. I cancelled and restarted Pro-ATC/X not less than 20 times, but never from the Task Manager and I always got to a point where the download got stuck. Thank you very much.
  7. Full version just overwrites all of your settings, configurations, options, flight plans, for what I have seen. It is a vanilla install. There is probably a way to update all that from my backup, but since there is no clear instruction from the developer, I prefer to wait.
  8. Update is still stuck on 5% after hours. Apparently several other users aare in the same boat. Giving up for today.
  9. Clive, is there any alternative (external) link for the update file (not the full installer) beside the in-app Auto Update feature? I went for the full installer hours ago (found the link on your forum), as the Auto Update got stuck for almost one hour here without any apparent progress. I made the wrong turn, though. After installing the full version over, I noticed that I had lost all my personal flight plans, all my custom path settings, all my In Flight custom key assignments, all my custom aircraft and models, in addition to other import issues I had. Therefore, I decided to completely remove Pro-ATC-X, reinstall version and reinstate all my custom settings data from a backup copy using my synchronization tool. Now I reinstated the original situation pre- Since half an hour the server is apparently up again and I am promped to update the software. However, the progress bar is still stuck to zero. Are you sure you can't provide any other solution on a mirror site or similar? Thanks
  10. I am using one and it changed things very little compared to the Auto Update feature. I am stuck at less than 3%. Anyway, no problem. Patience is the word.
  11. I confirm it works here as well.
  12. Of course, it is. All you need is to assign a window to the WX Advantage Radar in the declaration and then an appropriate window definition. For example, I have the WX radar assigned to Window08. Just use the Gauge Management Tool that comes with the WX Advantage Radar. It does all that for you.
  13. No. I am using the GNS530 configuration, that it the default model (with the only difference that I replaced the default GNS 530 gauge with the new gauge by Flight1) and the WX radar gauge looks exactly as in MBaclawski's post within my VC. Are you sure you correctly copied these lines from post 1? gauge01 = MV_WX!WX, 45,40,420,322 //gauge01 = MFD640_DO228!MFD640, 0, 0, 512,397 What you are doing with this action is simply replacing the MFD 640 gauge with the Rex/Milviz WX Advantage radar. The MFD 640 is still available in 2D by hitting Shift+1, unless you remove the appropriate window, of course. Note that the WX radar is only visible in 3D. To push buttons and adjust settings, you have to call the appropriate window in 2D.
  14. Of course they can. Just as two units of the same kind (GTN750+ GTN750/650) already coexist within the same VC. Problem is: what is this for as long as we have no crossfill?
  15. I made a test with my A2A Cessna 182 Skylane, where I previously had the the GTN750 installed. I used the A2A configurator to remove the GTN and install the Reality XP GNS 500 gauge. Then I ran the Flight1 configurator to replace the (fake) Reality XP GNS 500 with the Flight1 gauge. The process ran smooth. Looking at the final panel.cfg, I noticed that the Flight1 configurator had correctly changed the previous "Ident=" number with "15531". So, no manual tweak was needed. With Carenado gauges this process is not yet completely automatic, but Tiberiu from Flight1 assured me this morning their next update will solve this.
  16. Unfortunately, I do not have the A2A Piper Comanche 250, however I assume it should work as the A2A Cessna 182. In such case, first please open your A2A configurator, select GPS, then select Reality XP. Finally, run the Flight1 Configurator. It should identify the Reality XP gauge installed into your Piper. Click on Replace Reality XP and exit, then paste your panel.cfg here again. One remark. From your current panel, I assume you have choosen the configuration with 2 gauges: gauge00=gps!gns_400, 0,0,420,217 gauge01=gps!gps_500, 103,27,310,225 Did you buy both gauges from Flight1 or only the GNS530? This is important.
  17. Which aircraft are you trying to install the GNS530 into? This is essential. If you are comfortable, please paste your panel.cfg here.
  18. I succeeded installing the GNS530 both into the VC and as 2D window in Carenado Dornier Do228 and Aerocommander 500S Shrike. However, please be advised that this requires a little manual tweaking for the moment. The current configurator replaces the RXP gauge correctly, however it fails to properly insert the "ident=" number into the panel.cfg file. As confirmed by Flight1, they are working on an update that should solve this soon. If you have some experience with panels, however, you can do everything manually without the help of the configurator. Now, apart from this, I can state that the gauge itself is working like a charm and I am removing several GTN750 mods from my GA aircraft to make them more "realistic" with this gauge. I also hope that Flight1 will implement crossfill in the future. It is really expensive, but worth ever cent.
  19. The procedure is extremely easy if you simple move both levers to the full reverse position and then immediately after back to the Flight Idle position using your hardware or your mouse. I have FSUIPC payware, but don't use it for this feature, since I have no hardware for levers yet. But I know from others threads that FSUIPC has a specific function for the control of Beta range. Check the forum or ask directly to Pete Dawson. Your problem seems to be related to an erratic FSUIPC setting.
  20. My little tribute to Stavros Palatsidis and his excellent new Olympic livery for Carenado Dornier Do228.
  21. Thanks for sharing, David. Looks very promising. Hopefully this time it will more than just announcement.
  22. Many many thanks to the repainter!
  23. Actually there is no connection between both GTN units and this is very unfortunate, because that's exactly what we're missing here: crossfill. Something that Flight1 promised to offer some time in the future. So, the problem is definitely not related to a missing connection, but it is not unlikely that we have forgotten to change something in the panel.cfg and/or in the F1GTN.ini file (for example Radios=0/1). The best thing you can do now, in my opinion, is to repeat the same approach with the default GTN configuration (so that with both units, as provided by Carenado's F1GTN750DO228.exe) and then again with the modified configuration (GTN Unit2 deactivated) to see the difference. Finally, if you opted for removing GTN Unit1 and keeping GTN Unit 2 (lower pedestal) active, as in my example above, there are a couple of more tweaks to do in addition to those mentioned above to have things working properly, but, based on your post, that should not be your case. Hi Ed, thanks for your input. I will try that configuration and will let you know.
  24. When exactly? Which sound? The free sound pack is in my opinion far superior than the default one in all aspects, both in VC and externally. Fuel pumps switches are almost unnoticeable in the default package, for example. And the sound of the Garrett TPE331 is much more realistic. Just add the sound pack to your main aircraft folder, then replace "sound=" with "sound=228" for every texture you want to load this sound pack with. I applied it to all since there is no going back to the default pack for me.
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