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About MBaclawski

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  1. Thanks again for sharing the MU-2 Corporate Pilot Texture! I am enjoying it more every day.

    1. MBaclawski


      Glad you like it !!!!!!

  2. Yeah this one is tricky, Hopefully Carenado will fix this , it is annoying to hear 2 call outs and if you do anything in the panel .cfg it makes a mess, I will keep looking at it but who knows at this point, I was just trying to get a Radar in . ;-)
  3. In the main folder for the 228 you can install the GTN'S the 530's or the RXP gauges just go in and run the setup for the 530's and that's what will show up if your having problems . it changes the .Mdl file to place them.
  4. Your Panel file will have the 530 and the FMC commented out with // you can restore one or the other but I doubt the fmc will work, see which one you would rather have in the place of the GTN .
  5. I Love my 980 TI Hybrid, chugging away at 44 C, this card has never gone over 52 C , I think i will wait.
  6. Actually for it's age it is Still one of the best you can find, It has Always been my Go To when I'm looking to fly a Route using Reliable Avionics and Nav Systems, you just can't beat it. Granted the "Old" model using Fsuipc was cumbersome to get everything running but now with the newest 3.08 version released fixing the Ice warnings and the reversers you can't go wrong, I will be buying V3 when it comes out but until then I will be Enjoying my usual Cirrus skimming at FL 470 at Mach .87 80 knots, V1, Rotate, 2992 on the Altimeter.
  7. Personally the TBM (with the mods) is my favorite when i need to get somewhere, when I have the time i fly either the Alabeo 207 or the Aztec, I have the GTN in the 207 and really enjoy low and slow in that one.
  8. The 185 bush has Worked for me in all versions of P3d no problem, you do need to use the Migration tool or a fake folder to install.
  9. I solved the issue by plugging in my trim wheel after i startded P3d , I also shut off the advanced Power management for all of my Saitek devices and have not had the problem since. This was on a very early version of Win 10 after i started using a Powered Hub. I also shut off the APM in that as well. Just a thought I pulled my hair out for weeks trying to figre it out. Good Luck.
  10. Never thought about that and that's much better advice than what was being bandied about. I will reset my default flight when I get home and give it a try. Appreciate the Advice. !!! Haven't been in this forum for months so I'm glad i Stopped by.
  11. if your using the GTN version make sure it's configured to com 1 nav 1 or it will circle and head north, I can only get mine to burn fuel from the right tank so I quit flying it but check that first.
  12. If I want to tweak just the cloud shadows and terrain cast shadows what file and line please , ??? the lines in a earlier post were not even close to mine. Thanks !!
  13. I did see that Ron and must agree about the performance in P3D. Ed said he may rework it so hopefully I can get it to work with my Panels before he gets it finished.
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