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Everything posted by Afterburner

  1. I have also read about changing from "Do Nothing" to "Reduce volume by x%" and back in Windows communication settings, but it only works one time before running P3D; when I reset my PC, the problem appears again when I run P3D. It's silly that one needs to change the setting each time before using P3D, don't you think? This must be related to some Windows update, because I can't remember this being a problem a few months ago.
  2. You forgot to include the DVD version in the poll 😉
  3. When it comes to sky colors, nothing beats Envtex in my opinion. They look the most natural of all sky add-ons, while others may look spectacular, but quite artificial.
  4. I suspect that if only graphics and lighting were changed in MSFS, while the rest would be kept the same as in FSX (especially the UI), the new sim would be more successful than it is now, and we would hear fewer complaints.
  5. Can you turn off the sound by pressing the Q button and repeat the test? I would also try to install a newer or different sound driver.
  6. You can actually uninstall Windows updates by going to Updates -> View Update History -> Uninstall updates. If you check the history, do you by chance have KB5001330 installed? This update is known to slow down performance on some systems.
  7. Ray, I share your sentiment regarding the communication (or lack thereof) between FSL and those who are waiting for a new Concorde. However, we must not forget that FSL were putting all of their resources on the finalization of the sharklet versions of the Airbuses, giving them little time for other projects. Now that these versions have been released, we can hope that FSL's will fully shift their focus towards the new Concorde. I know that FSL announced and hinted at the work on it a while ago, but I just wanted to point the statement "and ... on to the next one", which is a signal to me that this time, they may be serious about it. Whether they will release the airliner this year is a different question; but knowing that they are tackling the development is something that should give is some confidence.
  8. When you check this thread on the FS-Labs forum about the newest release of the Sharklets verions of the Airbus, you will see the following written by Lefteris: "and ... on to the next one:" Hopefully, the team will now get to some serious work.
  9. I would deactivate all scenery add-ons and tools to revert to the default configuration to find out if one of them may be responsible for the phenomenon you described. While you do the test, monitor your CPU and GPU load to watch for any anomalies occur. Who knows, maybe there is some tool at work that interferes with the sim?
  10. How recently did you notice the changes? Was there a recent Windows 10 update? If yes, you could try to uninstall these updates and see if that has an effect. There was a Windows update a few weeks ago that negatively impacted the FPS of some games.
  11. Does this problem also occur with other airplanes, or only with FSL A320? Your settings seem fine to me.
  12. Is that Rivendell from the "Lord of the Rings"? 😁
  13. Can you be more specific about what FPS you get with PMDG airplanes and which add-on sceneries you use?
  14. What is your CPU load during flight when textures are blurry? (I don't mean the overall load, but the load on each core). Can you make a screenshot of it?
  15. Would you like to elaborate what the problem is with your Windows 10 setup that makes you want to go back to Windows 7? The updates in Win10 can be deferred, as you know.
  16. I am limiting FPS internally to 30 fps wile running my monitor at 60 Hz. Runs smoothly, I don't see the point of trying a different method. (A few months ago in a previous version, it stuttered heavily, though).
  17. Do you run P3D as administrator? If not, I would try it, because I had similar issues with editing the scenery library. When I didn't run as administrator, any changes in scenery library would not be taken over by P3D.
  18. If I start abusing and bullying other users, the forum moderator has the right to ban me, whether I use my full real name or not. In case of PMDG and FSL (forums where people normally don't hang around to contemplate taking their own life), they know my real name that is tied to my serial key of my software purchase. But there should be no problem if I only use my first name as the display name in that case. How would a real name protect against insults and bullying? It could actually make things worse in some cases when the young person who is being bullied displays his real name, which may attract unwanted attention or even more bullies.
  19. I don't like it if a forum requires you to display your real first- and last name to be allowed to participate. That way, anyone may scan the internet for your full name and find out that you are active in a forum and make their inference about you, which may affect you beneficially or adversely. This might seem non-essential, but someone interested in you, like a future employer or a future partner, may think that you must be spending a lot of time with flight simulation if they see that you post a lot on the PMDG or FSL forum and thus conclude that you may not be as productive of a worker - and I don't want anyone to know it nor come up with this crazy idea. (And god forbid you have made a political statement somewhere, which can literally cost you a job or a relationship in today's cancel culture). This is especially a problem if you have a rare, unique name. Going the other way, forum users may attempt to find information about you in the internet that you want to keep at a low profile. In my opinion, if I have purchased PMDGs or FS-Labs' software legally, which should matter to them most (and they can verify it), I should have the right not to disclose my full personal name in their forum if I want to use their support, for it doesn't diminish my positive financial contribution towards them. When it comes to easy communication between users, why can't the first name be sufficient?
  20. I don't know what else the cause could be. If you could record a video of how you install envshade and how it's not making any difference to the shadows in the sim under fog/clouds, that would be helpful.
  21. Have you tried manually reducing the visibility and checking the effects? Have you clicked on "install to sim" in the Envdir interface?
  22. A dumb question, but have you ticked the options in the P3D graphics settings for the ground and the virtual cockpit to receive shadows?
  23. I have a question for add-on scenery developers: Let's say you want to make a new airport. How much work would it take to make that airport for both MSFS and P3D versus making it only for MSFS or P3D? How much effort is required for a conversion from one into the other sim platform? I am asking because if it doesn't take much effort, why not make and sell an airport for both sim platforms? There may be fewer buyers for the P3D version than for MSFS, but if there is not so much work involved, you will still end up with the formula "Total sales for both MSFS and P3D > Total sales for MSFS or P3D only", which makes it almost a win-win situation. I am sure that users of P3D would not object paying a little upgrade fee to use that airport in MSFS as well (or vice versa). I know that Drzewiecki Design has ported some of their city scenes into MSFS, and FSDT made KORD v2 available for MSFS as well.
  24. When all the highly detailed airplanes (+ weather programs and other stuff) come to MSFS, I am sure that hardly anyone will be unhappy about it (maybe except LM). Are you willing to wait for that moment? If yes, great, you will save a bunch of money. But I am not willing to wait an uncertain length of time. I can use them in P3D now. It costs money, yes, but the great thing about a market economy is that you have complete liberty over what you buy and when. I prefer paying for them and flying them now. When they will be made for MSFS, who knows, maybe there will be a discount?
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