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Everything posted by KavindaJD

  1. That should have solved the problem with Logging on to GFWL. It isn't Steve's fault, its the uninformed update to the GFWL Client by Microsoft. By default, Microsoft Flight comes with the 2012 release of the GFWL Client and it doesn't automatically update. So I guess that everyone needs to update their GFWL Client. @basys: You are getting the Internet Connection error because your GFWL Client has not been updated since Microsoft Flight was installed. But this problem is not completely solved. I think you may need to do a full reinstall of your DLC. For that to begin could you provide us with a screenshot of your GFWL Client which shows the DLC you have downloaded i.e. the "Downloads" Tab? Also could you provide a screenshot of the Flight Addon Manager?
  2. Jack H. is a troublesome guy... almost child-like. B)
  3. Yes, that is what I mean....but it works for me, no problems here. :( In fact, no one should have problems with it. You need it to run alongside Flight. OK. You may need to uninstall the program in Control Panel (just GFWL) and then go to %appdata%Local\Microsoft\GFWLive and delete this folder. This will remove GFWL completely from your PC. Reboot and then re install the program from here. You should now be able to regain access to the GFWL Client. Login and check that the details under the "Settings" tab is correct.
  4. 1) In the content error log, I receive the same errors but this does not my installed aircraft. My suggestion is for you to launch "Games For Windows Marketplace.exe," go to Settings, and check whether all the details are correct. If this does not work, I have also realized something wrong with the FileLocator.config in your main Microsoft Flight folder: <MappingEntry LocationType="Directory" PhysicalLocation="Addons" VirtualPath="Core" /> <MappingEntry LocationType="File" PhysicalLocation="Addons\Content" VirtualPath="Core" /> <Import Path="C:\FS\F\Xlive\DLC\4d5308d2\00000002\FileLocator.config" /> I do not have lines 1 and 2 on my .config file, so I would suggest deleting them. But always make a backup in case it does not work! 2) If the DLC is greyed out in the FTK, it means that you have already brought the content. If you have multiple accounts, or previous accounts, make sure there is no clash between DLC.
  5. I had this problem today as well, never got to the end of it..my Mic was working but Jack H. couldn't hear anything at his end!
  6. OK. Back on topic... Is there any indication of what "technology" Dovetail Games will be using? Microsoft ESP or.. Microsoft Flight technology? Personally, I feel that MS Flight technology is better, compared to ESP.
  7. This was what I was trying to prove, but at the end of the day "Steam is just a Marketplace." What I have learnt, is to always consider the ground that you are stepping on before beginning a debate!
  8. I regret wondering off topic now! :( Sorry stone...and thanks Tom for clearing things up.
  9. I owe quite a lot of apologies to you all (especially to Stone and mgh). May be I should have given some explanation as to what I meant. Sorry I misread your post Stone. So here goes... What I have seen over my lifetime, is that most Steam users do not prefer civil Flight Simulators and instead, are drawn into Combat Simulators. People are beginning to lose trust in Steam, as the platform is open to a variety of Dev’s. When Microsoft Flight was released on Steam, consumers began to experience the game, and then… objections rose which got Flight denied from the store. I am afraid that this may happen with FSX since this game has been around since 2006, and people have already began “poking holes” in the simulator. Similarly, with Microsoft Flight, a huge number shared their disappointment about the “game,” which finally lead to its downfall. Let’s consider another example: Aerofly FS As you can see, some consumers have disagreements towards some simulators and just about everywhere you look on Steam there are reviews such as this one. FSX has been around for some time, therefore, the criticism has had some time to accumulate. And before you know it, people will start to complain about FSX and comparisons between other Flight Simulators will begin, for example X-Plane. I admit that X-Plane will have a better chance on the market than FSX, and if both X-Plane and FSX are introduced onto Steam, more consumers will be willing to try out X-Plane as the discussions between the two simulators begin to take place. The clash, may reduce FSX’s sales and its reputation on Steam, though some may remain faithful members of the simulator. Since this is what brought Microsoft Flight down, think about what will happen to FSX: Steam Edition. In today’s world, most Steam users enjoy a bit of action in their games such as TF2 (Team Fortress 2) and Garry’s mod. What do these games have in common? Steam users are in for the interest in these games. Putting simulators on Steam, might just ruin the reputation that we see in these games. I hope that cleared some things up, and please do not take anything I have said personally. I agree that Steam is an “awesome place for any company that can't afford its own marketplace,” but it just doesn't suit Civil Simulators. Currently, there are about 3-4 Civil Flight Simulators on the Steam Marketplace (sorry if this statistic is incorrect).
  10. So, I've been reading around this new topic and hopefully this is what they might do (This quote was taken from the SimHQ forums and was posted by "malibu43") As said in the quote, this may affect Flight users than FSX users, and I have always liked Flight more than FSX to be honest. Flight had a bigger chance against competitors such as X-Plane. Dovetail are just going to sell FSX on Steam, and as Stone has said, it is a BAD IDEA. Flight Simulators do not belong on Steam! And plus, integrating FSX into Steam may be tough work!
  11. Great News! One can only hope of a bright future for this community. Trust me... all this waiting will one day pay off!
  12. Oops! Sorry about that! Should have double checked!
  13. @samtx: The data is stored under your Application Data folder - Local - GFWL and then inside your corresponding profile folder.
  14. The "standard.xml" shows references to slewing, but it does not work on the Beta. :( I never used the slew in the beta, I don't think it was ever enabled.
  15. Alpha Files? What alpha files? Were tools for Flight ever released? And also.... Stone, do you know how to get the Slew working in the Beta Version of Flight?
  16. Stone, has your attention been shifting from Scenery to Aerocaches? What's the biggest priority for you at the moment?
  17. Yup, I did a little project with the beta files which I could give to you. I'll start a PM and we'll go from there! Maybe, I could help out?
  18. Nice shots Steve! Spending some time on Multiplayer as well, though it didn't go too well, see if you can figure out what is wrong from these images: Two Jacks on One Screen? ...... His twin? But we left the twin on the side of the runway .... and we I went CRAZY! The end result: These images were from some time ago, but I promised Jack that I would upload them! A nice glitch to occupy my days of Multiplayer! :lol:
  19. You don't need to extract anything. Launch the Addon Manager, minimize it, and then run Flight. It will save your profile data to your Hard Disk. The aircraft installations still works for me, try re-installing the aircraft(s) that does not appear in Flight. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - On a different note.... Stone, can I report any problems to you through the Flight Toolkit support e-mail?
  20. That reminds of what could have been. It would have truly beaten FSX.
  21. Steve, you've given this game more than just a second chance! Thanks for your efforts, and I can't wait to see what this version will give us!
  22. Microsoft will not sell the license and will keep on supporting Microsoft Flight as the rumor we all thought was true, isn't. Steam will only port the games that were successful, which are the games they sell currently. They removed Flight a long time ago, so it is highly unlikely that Steam will put Flight back on its marketplace. We hope the answer will come quick, but for now, let’s keep our hopes up and see what the Toolkit will bring to us.
  23. Hopefully the servers will go down to make things easier for everyone! I really want to get some more aerocaches into the game (and some Missions!), but that is proving impossible right now! Microsoft will possibly "walk back" the current statement once they find out that GFWL was a massive failure! Stone, can't you just disconnect your internet and then try out your quick experiment. There is no connection so could'nt this resemble Flight with no Flight server?
  24. Can it be true? According to Gamespot, and "contrary to rumors, Microsoft insists that it is not shutting down Games For Windows Live on July 1, 2014." This news means that Flight will stay alive for a while now, but it does not bring anything new. Even though the platform may continue, we will not see any new content for the game! The multiplayer will still function and us Flight players can carry on playing the content we have purchased. Now it gets even more unlikely that Microsoft will release an SDK for the community. However, the message given by Microsoft is very vague and it is very hard to predict what they will do next. Another interesting article here. For me, GFWL was a bad move in the first place.
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