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Everything posted by BMW969

  1. PTA has examples in pictures. Changes are clearly presented. It is not clear what the Normal position is. Does this mean no change?
  2. According to my observations, performance has increased
  3. I have a simple question. How to adjust the sunlight? The sharp edges of the sun are visible only before sunset. The rest of the time we see a bright light, not a circle. Here is a comparison of P3Dv5 and P3Dv4,5 I posted the same question on the Prepar3D forum. Hope to find an answer
  4. The long-awaited update! Is the sun ready to shine ?!! Is it enough to install patch
  5. I remember in P3Dv4.5 the fog was inconvenient and I turned it off. What to do in P3Dv5?
  6. I see a serious impact UTLive on performance in P3Dv5. In version 4.5 this was not FPS drop by 25% even with 20% traffic.
  7. Why did ORBX refuse from HD versions for P3D? For x-plane this is offered.
  8. Today, the plane went into the ground after the activation of the NAV to capture the glide path. I flew around Portland without a FMS flight plan. Failed to save anyone((
  9. Thank you FSLabs! And then we would sit in a dark cockpit for a long time))
  10. Now it is clear. So I can’t use it simultaneously yet. I thought one computer is the iron inside the case))
  11. I have two windows on ONE computer to make it easier to handle the new sim. I decided that using version 5 and version 4.5 on one Windows is not practical. In order not to break the settings.
  12. Yesterday I sent you a letter to the address indicated. I have installed Windows 2004 updates. Thanks
  13. I received a message about exceeding the number of registrations
  14. The cockpit looks great! However, as always)) FPS is great! Like the A320 Aerosoft
  15. The old atmosphere is also unpleasant to use, as the clouds flicker.
  16. I use this tweak only with MegaSceneryEarth. But I observe a funny effect. The textures under the plane begin to blur, while the textures in the distance can be seen very clearly. But this is visible only from the outside.
  17. Link please, if not difficult )
  18. Do your clouds not flicker? With old weather engine, clouds constantly flicker
  19. Fine! Is the weather changing smooth? No abrupt cloud change?
  20. Why did RivaTuner Statistics Server stop working with frame restrictions in P3Dv5 ?
  21. I discovered the cause of serious stuttering. This is the "Extremely dense" autogen building setting. As soon as I set the slider to "Dense", the stuttering went away. Orbx overdid with the number of buildings in Portland. It remains to find out the cause of the flickering clouds when using the old engine.
  22. I checked again. Looks like you're right. After stuttering, the processor shows a load of 98%. I launched version 4.5 and there the flight is much better. Of course, standard micro stuttering is present, but this is a characteristic 4.5
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