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Everything posted by Lenny777

  1. The FMS is basically an implementation of default Garmin 430 device so it's not a reflection of the native FMS from the craft.
  2. Still getting OOMs with the latest version. I hope this is better addressed.
  3. First, if you get motion sickness don't bother. I've always found it a nuisance because the lighting in your room could effect the head movement. As Bobsk8 states, it's more useful for GA, vfr etc. type of flying. And no need to pan with the joystick if you use EZDOK. I use the middle mouse button to have smooth panning and it's much better than using the hat button on my Saitek.
  4. I bought the NGX reboot and just bought this for the 777. Love the new NGX implementation. Will there be a redesign of the 777 version?
  5. Well don't know what happened but all is now good. All of a sudden it's ok. Parking brake issue is now a non-issue. However, some quirky things like the cargo door wouldn't close.
  6. I posted this on another older thread but I think it belongs here. I purchased the FSCrew 1.7 for the 777 which I also just purchased. So both should be P3D v3 compatible. Unfortunately I cannot get started on the checklist because the request is to set my parking brake which obviously is set. I noted this was a problem indicated in late 2014 and there does not appear to be a posted solution. I have the NGX new version with the 737 PMDG and it works fantastically. This one, not so much. Please advise.
  7. Has this been resolved with the parking brake. I just purchased this new version for the P3D v3 and new 777 and this request for parking brake happens regardless if it is on. Can't start the checklists. By the way I'd love this to be redone like the new NGX one much cleaner and intuitive.
  8. No OOMs with v3. I can fly from payware airport to payware airport with lowest memory noted at around 650 mb. Now here is the thing. Before on v2.5 I had all the ORBX stuff. I could never fly payware to payware airports. I'd invariably get an oom. I did a fresh install of v3 with no ORBX stuff. All settings on very high including 2048 textures. Use multiple addons including ASN and REX textures, GSX, PFPX planner. Only additional ground helps are FSGenesis mesh and night lighting for Germany and Greece. Reinstalled all the payware airports. One of the worst airports was an Aerosoft product EDDB. When I started out with PMDG NGX in short order, on the ground I'd get an OOM under v2.5. Huge memory hog. No longer with v3. Very happy now, flying PMDG NGX almost always between payware airports. Now of course here's the fear though - reinstalling ORBX. Not sure whether this may be a source of significant memory issues even with v3. So happy to just leave things the way they are. i7-4790 3.5 ghz DDR3 16GB EVGA 9700 GTX 4gb.
  9. Same with me. In fact NGX has no active gauges showing and black rectangle for FSCaptain gauge. I also had to manually configure the dll for P3D v3 even though the program states it's supposed to be compatible as it has a P3D v3 installer.
  10. Love the Avatar. The possibilities are endless. By the way, bring the Avatar out to the water and drop him in. He'll start swimming! He's a good swimmer too.
  11. Works great using Nexus 7 HD tablet. Make sure you turn on standby power on the overhead. I had the CDU nicely appearing on my tablet but there was no power to it despite the fact the CDU was on in the NGX cockpit. So power up on the overhead and all will be great. Love it and great price.
  12. 2.6.46 Version. Had regular crashing. Installed the newest version. Only thing appeared to work was to change dbug=0 to debug=1. The voice recognition seemed very slow to start up and thought it was a bug but it eventually started up. I'm a little unsure of the stability. What exactly would the debug=1 do because that appears to be what got it going from the crashing?
  13. So far I've ported over Aerosoft's 2 sceneries Lisbon and Mallorca X. Perfect. The amazing thing is that my frames are running high and the sceneries look fantastic with v2.5. I've ported over Carenado PC12 HD. Perfect. I'm going to try Aerosoft's A321. Any issues with this one?
  14. Agree. Long time FS user. Was using the Steam version. I think I was under a rock. Finally went to Prepar3D site. Bought v2.5. and WOW! What a graphics revamp. No contest. With DX11 functionality this is a brand new sim. Now porting over sceneries and planes from FSX.
  15. I just got v2.5. Where have I been? Under a rock? I've been using the Steam version. What a graphics revamp. Bravo! Like a brand new simulator. So now I'm ported over Aerosoft stuff with the Prepar3D installer. Starting my list: Lisbon - Perfect Carenado PC12 HD. - Perfect.
  16. All is good through the support ticket thanks. I even got it to work in the Steam version.
  17. By the way I'm running windows 8.1 but also ran in various compatibility settings. By the way, is the password entered on the screen the same password to the account at PMDG? LT
  18. Looks like this a problem generally. I'm having exactly the same problem as the customer above and same message. Entered numerous times as carefully as possible. I purchase a lot of addons and never a firewall problem. Thanks Leonard Tailleur
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