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Everything posted by jozeff

  1. Hi! Well I have a gtx970 since 3 years. It does the job but it has always been minimal for my cv1. I'm interested in the rift s and a Nvidia 2070 gpu. I'll have to buy a new motherboard, cpu and memory as well so that's gonna cost me. That's why I'm hesitant because I want a much better vr experience than I have right now. Grtz Jozeff
  2. Thanks, I know I can send the rift s back. But I have to build a new pc also which is going to set me back another 1200 euros. my question was more like: is that worth it compared to my current system(gtx970 and i7 2600k and rift cv1). Thank you ! Jozeff
  3. Hi all, Interesting topic. I'm looking for the rift s myself coming from a cv1. How come some people find the visuals in the Rift s an amazing improvement over the CV1 while others returned their rift s because they couldn't see the difference. I don't understand this....I'm really looking for an improvement here. My gtx970 and 2600k always struggled to run my rift and buying a 2070 and a rift s should give me much improvement.... What do you guys think? Is it worth the upgrade? (I'll have to spend quite a lot because motherboard, gpu and memory also needs to be renewed). Thanks!!
  4. Ok thanks! Well a 2070 is a high end card which costs like 600 Euro. What would I need to run the reverb property then. I'm not planning to spend 1200 Euro on a graphics card actually. I don't need all the settings high or ultra but I want to have a sharp image and mono VR in p3d is also ok for me. This way you get way way more fps and yet you feel like you are in the airplane. The size is not correct as in real vr but nevertheless it is enjoying for me. Is there anyone with a 2070 and hp reverb who is satisfied? Thanks again! Jozeff
  5. Hi fellow flight friends, Jumped the VR wagon almost 3 years ago and spend a lot of money on a Oculus rift, extra memory and an overclocked gtx970 back then. I have been having a lot of fun with several flight Sims but kept coming back to p3dv4 because of the performance and colours. I mostly fly in mono VR because I find that a good experience and I can read the gauges much better that way. My system is minimal for VR flying but it was ok as long as it lasts. Bought flyinside for p3dv4 but it kept crashing and native vr is very stable. Now on to my question.... I'm thinking about the HP reverb and a system to run it (2070, new Intel processor and motherboard etc.). How much will my VR xperience improve by spending all that money? The deal breaker right now (Oculus rift) is low resolution. Screen door effect doesn't bother me that much but the shimmering and blocky graphics are starting to annoy me more and more. The experience feels like I'm in my son's PlayStation 2 games and that is not necessarily a good thing. A rift S is an option but I've been reading that this might not feel like a major jump coming from the rift. Should I make the jump and spend 2500 Euro or wait..... Waiting in PC land can last forever if you realize that today's money is twice the value in 2 years. What's you opinion? Thanks a lot!!
  6. Hi simba, I'm from the Netherlands as well.. Why do you use steam and p3d together? I never start steam when flying in p3d. I use Oculus tray tool and supersampling 1.1. I have the same cpu as you but I have the gtx970. How can you get this great performance? Would you share your exact settings? Tnx!! Jozeff
  7. When I flew it often it did. It took like 15 fps extra. Normally I had 40 fps and with the airfoillabs I had 25 or so. But to be honest it is a very good plane. Feels very alive, shaking, engine sounds are great and it's not as easy as many default planes.
  8. I'd say the simcoders and standard c172! I own both and I must say that I got really fed up with airfoillabs because there updates are very sparse and the model has fps for breakfast. It is a pretty good plane but I like the simcoders c172 better because of much better fps in VR. Edit: I just see a new update for airfoillabs!!
  9. Great stuff! Just installed fsx again especially for the dodo! I have all the other Sims and add-ons you can imagine but I love the good old 206 and the great features and lovely manual. Let's hope for the best!! Jozeff
  10. Hi! No I gave up on the stars.... Have been altering the config file a few times. Somehow I just don't get it how to lower the amount of stars. Half the sky is black or I get an area where there is a huge amount of starts next to a black area. I fly xplane11 quite a bit now. Those stars are ugly as well and way too large😆 Aeroflyfs2 looks great on VR so I fly the helicopter in that one .. Cheers Jozeff
  11. Ok thanks, I use fsuipc and don't really use the P3d control settings. Should I reset it anyways?? Cheers Jozeff
  12. Hi guys, Love helicopters, not necessarily in p3dv4, but since I have that sim and a lot of add-ons I make the best of it. I have used htr profiles for years to make my helicopters a but more realistic but suddenly as soon as I start htr my heli starts to spin, and bump uncontrollably. It just moves over the ground with 100 mph and instantly destroys the rotors and the rest of the helicopter. I unplugged all controls physically, I deactivated controllers in P3d, restarted everything..... No matter what I do, as soon as I start htr the heli goes absolutely crazy. This goes for all helicopters, milviz and default. This seems like some sort of strange bug.... What could this be? Any help would be greatly appreciated. Tnx Jozeff
  13. I tried it shortly. If I start oculus home then Xplane11 starts in VR on my system...... How do I switch to vr mode if xplane11 does this by itself? My baby boy was born on Saturday so little time to experiment......
  14. Yes I am! Had so much fun with the dodosim and I wish it would come back some day. I am really thinking about buying milviz Huey but I also have a Xplane11, dcs and aeroflyfs2. Those 3 are way better for helicopter flight but I have so much add-ons for p3dv4 and it flies so smooth with flyinside. Htr is great. Without it the helicopters in P3d fly like toys and are no fun at all. Jozeff
  15. I think we are not bullying a new developer here. 70 dollars is a lot of money for an add-on. The video's they show are beyond redicilous with no close-up what so ever. I have a bad feeling about this... Everyone must do what they have to but I'm not going to spend money here. If their product proves to be ok then I'm the first to grab some cash
  16. This looks very suspicious indeed. At least some good screenshots would be nice.... These dark, low-res pictures are a red flag...be warned
  17. Why oh why would you want to use these planes in p3dv4? Just curious. I'd love to see the dodosim 206 work in p3dv4 though..... Cheers Jozeff
  18. Anyone? It's the 6 lines of text in the skunkcraft file. Thanks!!
  19. Hi guys, Looking for something to do with my a2a c172. I know there's a mission generator for xplane11 but I really would like to try one in p3dv4. Is there such a thing? FS economy sounds cool but can it generate random missions or is it all just online flying? Any help would be appreciated! Jozeff
  20. I unzipped my original folder and couldn't find the skunkcraft file for some reason. Since it is something very simple( like 6 words or so) I figured that maybe someone could tell me what those are. Problem is that I lost almost all my account details, serials etc. I didn't touch my flightdeck for quite some time and didn't bother about all my add-ons, accounts and all sorts of things because I suffered from severe depression. I just wanted to update my rep aircraft and dust off my xplane11 version. I lost a lot of knowledge so I want to fresh up stuff. I also have some other Sims but I uninstalled a lot because ofy situation. So, if anyone knows what lines should be in the skunkcraft file for the rep 172, that would be awesome.
  21. Hi guys, Decided to dust of my c172 REP by simcoders which I bought more than a year ago. I tried to update it using skunkcraft update.cfg file. Problem is...there isn't one in my extracted zip file. I cannot for the love of God find my simcoders receipt/account details so I could maybe download the zip file again. I downloaded the robin dr401 freeware plane which contains a skunkcraft update cfg file and copy/pasted that in my simcoders folder. Started xplane11 and everything started updating! But, somehow the aircraft doesn't seem to work anymore. I get this fatal error when I try to load this plane Is there anyone who can tell me how to get this skunkcraft update cfg file? Edit: wait the skunkcraft file only contains 6 small lines in notepad++. Can someone tell me what those are? Thanks!!! Jozeff
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