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Jiri Kocman

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About Jiri Kocman

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    Kladno, Czech Republic

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  1. Hello, I bought and install PreciptionFX today into P3Dv3. I do not care about "new folder structure" but... I find that PFX is automatically added to all aircraft.cfg in Prepar3D/SimObjects/Airplanes which is fine, but for example RealAir TurbineDuke for P3D cares about folder structure and it is installed outside P3D folder so PFX effects are not added during installation proces and I have to do it manually. I think it is same problem as for FSX:SE DLC aircrafts which is solved.
  2. Do you make some changes to Prepar3D.cfg? Swap wait timeout should help, but in case of my rig it is opposite, when I try it I get stutters about 1-2s period as you. I remove it from cfg solved my problem.
  3. It is no good idea. Cost difference will be minor, less than addon aircraft or scenery. If you turn off swap in Windows as I did many years ago, and with SSD it is fine for disk fitness, with 8GB only and some running apps like ASN, PlanG, SPAD, some PDF reader and web browser and for windows you easily go about 4GB RAM usage before you run sim. When SIM reach something like 3GB RAM for 7GB overall usage Windows with disabled swap will start with warnings about memory usage and propably will close application which consumes most of memory - P3D. For example I'm runnig Turbine Duke with two instances of GTN750. Each runs GTN Trainer at bacground. GTN Trainer easily eats 1,2-1.3GB RAM So 2,5GB RAM used olny by garmin software... With 12GB you are mostly fine, but it is not typical setup, so 16GB is perfect.
  4. I'm not HW specialist but my overclock of Devils Canyon was don during one minute. I just set my multiplier for 1,2,3,4 cores load to 4.6GHz, ok I'm on water cooling, with cheap Tranquillo rev3 air cooler I had 4.4GHz - it means that under load of 3 or 4 cores I have still full turbo frequency. I can go to 4.7, CPU stability test rusn perfecly all day long but P3D crashes quickly. But I have heavy oveclocked GPU, and only 500W PSU, so there is potentially problem with enough power supply. I planning PSU upgrade in january as my P3D load on plug is 400W and PSU under this is really loud as my radiator fans spins up to 800RPM max. Hope that new PSU can push my 4790k to 4.7+ and my GTX980 go over 1509MHz stabe in P3D. I can run 1579Mhz (very close to reference GTX980Ti performance) in 3DMark11 and few game tests, but P3D will crash immediately. Now I'm on only one performance tweek in P3Dv3 - Affinity Mask. I did some experiments - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m2rNHJ7Xz08 - AM84 is best, but some blurries, so I try something else and for now AM244 works perfect for me. First core and thread is not used by P3D, second core is used without thread and res are cores and threads. In scenario from video I'm on performance between AM84 and 85. For sure, I run high settings - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mIhcNDzfp8Y There was one hint - use Sparse Grid SuperSampling in NI. Yes, it is great with fighting shimmering, but there is think that have to be mentioned that you have to set same MSAA in P3D to make it work.... But with GTX980 even overclocked as my one, there is not enough performance for smooth run in heavy clouds. GTX980Ti is needed and for best two GTX980/980Ti in SLI even only FullHD resolution
  5. I agree with SimonC. If you have heavy overclocked 2xxx or 3xxx i7, new hanswell is no big gain. Tests (not just FSX, but overall testing) says that gain is about 7-10% from Ivy/Sandy Bridge clocket at same freq. Even 4790k is open for OC, it have same limits as cheaper 4770k (looks like 4790k is factory overclocked 4770k). At air cooling you propably get max 4.7GHz and 4.8 maby 4.9 with water cooling, but in FSX from my experience turbo boost frequency doenst fall from 4.4GHz, so It is no need overclock this beast, stock performance is same as olders i7 overclocked to 4.7-4.8-4.9.
  6. I'm on Samsung EVO SSD... At first, move Windows to SSD. If you maintain your system clear, It will boot to desktop up to 5sec (Win7) and mayby up to 3sec for win 8.1. Times measured from time when bios is loaded, from "cold and dark" you have to add few secs for "hw start". In second. I have SSD dedicated for Win and SSD dedicated for FSX, but for SSD disks "seek time" doesnt exists so share disk with OS is no problem. My FSX is FSX: Steam edition - I don't own other versions. That FSX loads to menu until +-30 secs. I have FTX Global, Vectors, openLC, few paid and free airports, few photoreal sceneries, few paid aircrafts... Instaled FSX is about 150GBs. So yes. 90 secs is, I think too much. Mayby some DLL or something Backup your fsx.cfg and delete it and try it again, check your exe.xml and dll.xml. Try delete scenery index data (it is under ProgramData folder, but I can't tell zou exactly which one). If you adding and removing sceneries, removed stays here. After that, next start takes more time to rebuild index, but can help. What is my "problem" is when i starting flight. From clik "flight now" to cockpit it takes about 80 secs. I try many thinks but I cant make this time shorter unless I remove mostly everything from FSX. My specs: i7 4790k stock 4.0@4.4 GHz, 8 GB RAM, MSI GTX N960 Gaming, 2GB
  7. I think that KSEZ is must have. You can add free OZx_World Grand Canyon photoscenery with KGCN airport and make trips between KSEZ and KGCN. It is about twenty minutes flight. There is video from that sightseeing flight: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JCysx-p7Eqo In Sednona you can enjoy some fun with Duke - main video idea starts at 5:00 and see next minute: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kp-cuenzDTQ
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