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Everything posted by ThrottleUp

  1. Nice pics, now the next pics have to show you doing STOL landing on the roof of the steamer 🤠
  2. I like it, nice and dirty plane. The other jets I see on MSFS are so clean and glossy they look like plastic models.
  3. Nice shots, I was fortunate enough to get the chance to visit the flight deck of one of these back in the 90s! While it was parked.
  4. Arrival at WMKK (Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia) from WIMM (Kualanamu International Airport, Indonesia)
  5. I run MSFS on a PC I got in 2009. i7-920 @3.00Ghz 12GB RAM GTX 10606GB Win10 Pro I get about 18-20FPS around very dense cities (which I avoid) and upto 40FPS in other areas. I was close to getting a new gaming rig but have decided to wait till after FS24 releases to see how it performs by watching YT and reading forum posts. Then i'll get the new monster rig.
  6. Unbelievable to me still (even after all this time) how the city authorities went in there at midnight and tore the runway up.
  7. I would love to see the clouds whipping past the wings and obscure part of the wing as we descend into it. https://youtube.com/clip/UgkxfqPd24ITpijb8l_qz7Npq-xDcyT5CTL0?si=I3YdpU6pc0EUZ6oT
  8. Goodbye social life, this looks absolutely insane. Also an excuse finally to ditch the 16yr old gaming PC and upgrade to a monster rig.
  9. Hi everyone, I just cant locate where in the menu this function is. Its the one where if you point to something (lets say its the HDG knob on the autopilot panel) the knob would be highlighted and a pop-up box would appear. Then when you used the mouse scroll-wheel to change the Heading the values would appear in the pop up box letting you see them easily as you scrolled up/down. I find it hard to read the fonts on the displays and while I do have hot keys to zoom in it would be nice just to point at the manipulator and see the big pop ups showing the values. Thanks for your input.
  10. For sure. It is the only one that freezes time. The others I feel should have been called "Motion Freeze" or "Aircraft Stop" as that is all they do - time keeps ticking in the background. With the Dev Pause we can make a note of the airplane clock at the moment we paused. Come back to the sim hours later and it has not changed.
  11. It is updated regularly by its creator Alex who is also extremely helpful on the dedicated forum here on Avsim. He is also receptive of suggestions. The app is absolutely overflowing with features. Its amazing that its freeware. Along with that other little gem Addons Linker; LNM is a hero product!
  12. I am going to try this. I saw a comment on Reddit that one way to test the Pause was to look at the clock on the airplane panel while the Pause was engaged. If this trick freezes the clock then thats what Im after. But if this works then does it mean its looking at the Dev Menu pause?
  13. Thats a good question, will head on over to the official forums and poke around. Im sure it is as theres been a noise about it, lets see!
  14. I didn't think of that, its a good idea you had. Pity it didn't work. I hope they've taken note of what people want and give us good ol' P button that activates a "real" pause in the upcoming FS24.
  15. Hi friends, As we all know the only "true" pause in MSFS is the one in the Developer Menu. Its the only one that freezes time. Is there some kind of trickery one can do to bind a key to that Developer Pause? Right now we have to enable the Dev Menu then use the mouse to get to the submenu to hit Pause. Thanks for any info.
  16. Thanks Alex. Nice - I dint think of those things! I just sat down at my computer and will follow your instructions. Will be really great to have the performance data in your map app for the NX Cub.
  17. Hi friends, I was wondering if anyone on here would have a performance file for the default Asobo NX Cub. I do a lot of flights in it and LNM shows a "aircraft performance not valid" message. So right now I kind of use an approximation by using Cessna 150 file from here: https://www.littlenavmap.org/downloads/Aircraft Performance/MSFS/ If you have Cub file (just the stock plane, no engine mods) would you please share if you dont mind. Thanks for help!
  18. That would be nice too. MSFS clouds look great (a fantastic free addon is Floyds Epic Clouds). However I'm just not getting the sensation like I'm doing Mach 0.84 as I skim a cloud deck during cruise. On an Emirates 777 flight we skimmed just under a high alt cirrus layer and it was awesome as they blasted past.
  19. Looks interesting, I wonder if they will be able to simulate the "clouds whipping past at high speed" effect. We've all experienced this on airlines as we leave the clear sky behind and begin a descent into the crud. They whip past giving a sensation of speed.
  20. Ensure you are testing on a vanilla game with NO mods. Community folder should be empty. in nVidia control panel you can set Global Settings to High Performance nVidia Processor You will find a LOT of forum posts that you can use as a guide - and thats all they are good for because you will have to tweak and play around a lot on your own system to tweak it to find that sweet spot. Heres a good one https://forums.flightsimulator.com/t/how-to-graphics-settings-and-performance-guide-su12-update-7-26-2023/132407 It will take some time as you will have to play with the nVidia panel and the game menu settings.
  21. I never said realism shouldn't be aspired to. What I was trying to say is that some gamers get upset because their pretend pixel Airbus isn't right on the money. No ones going to complain if the realism and flight modelling is ramped up to greater standards. But theres no need for some to cry if something is a little off at the moment. These products are constantly being updated. Many of the 3rd party pixel tubes have impressed RW pilots from PMDG to Zibo to ToLiss to JF Fokker 100 etc. So they are already doing something right. Ghost Recon series is a a fun shooter but it will never get the hardcore realism physics of Arma , Ubi will lose a huge part of the player base if they did that.
  22. Really if theres 2 things FS20 and FS24 should copy from X-Plane 12 its that games excellent view & replay system. The FS20 menu UI is a hot clunky mess and feels like wading through quicksand. There is an excellent free 3rd party recorder and replay system. Sky Dolly. Cannot recommend this enough! https://flightsim.to/file/9067/sky-dolly
  23. Absolutely nailed it. Very well said. This is a computer game and yet I see some players (including my housemate with his powerful rig and peripherals) fretting about "flight models" and "realism". I once saw him freeze a YT video taken from a 737-800 flight deck during an approach. He took a screenshot and zoomed into the PFD to compare to his PMDG. After he saw me shaking my head he agreed it was getting out of hand! Just play the thing and enjoy the pixel flights already 😅 On Reddit some months ago I saw a post where this guy said he has stopped playing MSFS because of the poor flight modeling. Wow yes, remove your enjoyment of this amazing product because your pixel A320 doesn't match the real Toulouse Tube 100% 😯 The same will apply to all games. The guns in Ghost Recon, the cars in Forza - are they all superbly modeled with accurate ballistics and physics? Of course not. They are games.
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