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Everything posted by warning23

  1. The aerosoft x might be pretty on the outside but it is nothing but a busty blonde with no substance. Until flightsimlabs is released i need an a320 that has 2d panels and the flight model and handling is accurate, and in fact the wilco a320 is superior in that to the aerosoft one which doesnt even have 2d panels. In any case thanks for the suggestion.
  2. Was wondering if any of you guys have come across these issues: 2D PEDESTAL RADAR CRASHING FSX:SE: When Turning on the pedestal, a test goes on in the ND, after it finishes the sandclock from windows appear and fsx crashes. http://www.flightsim.com/vbfs/showthread.php?300418-Airbus-is-now-crashing-my-FSX-with-no-error-reported/page2 Dont know what he refers to with this: FMS VOR AUTOTUNNING: When setting manually vor1 in rad nav page it will still autotune closest VOR when thrust levers are manually advanced to FLEX/TOGA. Making impossible to fly a raw data sid with VOR´S other than the closest one. Also when changing from FLEX/TOGA to CL it will AGAIN autotune to closest VOR.
  3. Hi there, i was thinking about using the tablet as the radio pedestal and been trying fsradiopanel https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.tambucho.fsradiopanel&hl=es which works pretty well with stock planes. But with PMDG doesnt. Anyone knows how to make this applet work with the 737ngx?? Thanks. Or any other applet for radios in tablet?? i was thinking about saitek radio panel but the knob problem seems to be a big one
  4. I decided to install both updates in a clean no more addons fsx boxed version in another computer AND initally i had the same problem, when AS16 IS running fs force doesnt work correctly. Then i decided to install the hotfiz update 2 and now it works in that computer. So i went to this one which is a fsx:Se premium edition and after the hot fix update it still has erratic behaviour. Tomorrow a new motherboard is coming since this one has a ram slot broken and i will format the entire pc and install from 0 and see how it goes. If you guys have any more ideas please let me know.
  5. So thats that. Ive been having some trouble with these two magnificent addon. When as16 is running trimming with the hat switch wont work properly. if i restart fsforce or connect/discconect usb sidewinder ff2 it weill beave erratically and i will loose hat switch trimming along trim feeling but ill have spring centering. If i start fsx without as16 fs force 2 will work properly. Im thinking it may be something with simconnect due to log file: FSF_HDW_VERIFY received by EXE. Result=-1 Error in routine AirEffect.Load[1] : DIERR_NOTEXCLUSIVEACQUIRED & VFW_E_FILTER_ACTIVE & DMO_E_TYPE_NOT_ACCEPTED : The operation cannot be performed unless the device is acquired in DISCL_EXCLUSIVE mode. & This operation cannot be performed because the filter is active. Error in routine AirEffect.Load[2] : : DIERR_NOTEXCLUSIVEACQUIRED & VFW_E_FILTER_ACTIVE & DMO_E_TYPE_NOT_ACCEPTED : The operation cannot be performed unless the device is acquired in DISCL_EXCLUSIVE mode. & This operation cannot be performed because the filter is active. Error in routine MechanicalEffects.Init[1] : DIERR_NOTEXCLUSIVEACQUIRED & VFW_E_FILTER_ACTIVE & DMO_E_TYPE_NOT_ACCEPTED : The operation cannot be performed unless the device is acquired in DISCL_EXCLUSIVE mode. & This operation cannot be performed because the filter is active. Error in routine MechanicalEffects.Init[2] : DIERR_NOTEXCLUSIVEACQUIRED & VFW_E_FILTER_ACTIVE & DMO_E_TYPE_NOT_ACCEPTED : The operation cannot be performed unless the device is acquired in DISCL_EXCLUSIVE mode. & This operation cannot be performed because the filter is active. Error in routine LandingBump.Init1 : DIERR_NOTEXCLUSIVEACQUIRED & VFW_E_FILTER_ACTIVE & DMO_E_TYPE_NOT_ACCEPTED : The operation cannot be performed unless the device is acquired in DISCL_EXCLUSIVE mode. & This operation cannot be performed because the filter is active. Error in routine LandingBump.Init2 : DIERR_NOTEXCLUSIVEACQUIRED & VFW_E_FILTER_ACTIVE & DMO_E_TYPE_NOT_ACCEPTED : The operation cannot be performed unless the device is acquired in DISCL_EXCLUSIVE mode. & This operation cannot be performed because the filter is active. Error in routine LandingBump.Init3 : DIERR_NOTEXCLUSIVEACQUIRED & VFW_E_FILTER_ACTIVE & DMO_E_TYPE_NOT_ACCEPTED : The operation cannot be performed unless the device is acquired in DISCL_EXCLUSIVE mode. & This operation cannot be performed because the filter is active. Error in routine MechanicalEffects.UpdateForces1 : DIERR_NOTEXCLUSIVEACQUIRED & VFW_E_FILTER_ACTIVE & DMO_E_TYPE_NOT_ACCEPTED : The operation cannot be performed unless the device is acquired in DISCL_EXCLUSIVE mode. & This operation cannot be performed because the filter is active. Error in routine AirEffect.ProgramForces (1) : DIERR_NOTEXCLUSIVEACQUIRED & VFW_E_FILTER_ACTIVE & DMO_E_TYPE_NOT_ACCEPTED : The operation cannot be performed unless the device is acquired in DISCL_EXCLUSIVE mode. & This operation cannot be performed because the filter is active. Error in routine MechanicalEffects.UpdateForces1 : DIERR_NOTEXCLUSIVEACQUIRED & VFW_E_FILTER_ACTIVE & DMO_E_TYPE_NOT_ACCEPTED : The operation cannot be performed unless the device is acquired in DISCL_EXCLUSIVE mode. & This operation cannot be performed because the filter is active. Error in routine AirEffect.ProgramForces (1) : DIERR_NOTEXCLUSIVEACQUIRED & VFW_E_FILTER_ACTIVE & DMO_E_TYPE_NOT_ACCEPTED : The operation cannot be performed unless the device is acquired in DISCL_EXCLUSIVE mode. & This operation cannot be performed because the filter is active. Error in routine AirEffect.ProgramForces (1) : DIERR_NOTEXCLUSIVEACQUIRED & VFW_E_FILTER_ACTIVE & DMO_E_TYPE_NOT_ACCEPTED : The operation cannot be performed unless the device is acquired in DISCL_EXCLUSIVE mode. & This operation cannot be performed because the filter is active. Application name : Microsoft Flight Simulator X Application version : 10.0.62615.0 SimConnect Version : 10.0.62615.0 Interface Version : 4 Anyone else with same problem?? Wrote an email to fs force support but no answer yet, cant log to their forums. Should i try hifi forums??
  6. Hi there, i was trying ezdok for the first time and it has messed up my hat switch configuration on my joysticks. The shaky effects on landing, takeoff, flying, turbulence and ground roll are very cool though. I was wondering if there is way of installing this ezdok effects without all the binding and crap. I d ont need EZDOKS main purpose which i guess is camera placement since i have a multimonitor setup with 6 screens. I just need the shaking effects
  7. Well im using A force feedback joystick, that may be the reason. How do you have your in game fsx realism settings?
  8. Hi there, since installing accu-feel i feel the airplanes heavier, specially upon touchdown. In any case i was wondering how i should set the in game fsx realism settingss and if this despite whatever you select are overridden by accu-feel. Many thanks.
  9. I know, but this sabertooth has decent rating. In fact i tried doing what you did but very few z 170 motherboards in newegg have a decent enough rating. And the one sthat have have too few reviews
  10. Made sure the ram is qvl, im chaning the ram but im pretty sure its the mobo. The PSU is obviously not the issue as i suspected and im googling Z170 cold boot problems and there is definitely a trend so not what you are saying Harold.
  11. The Sabertooth Mark 1 is failing to boot on cold in the morning. Doesnt save the xmp settings and i need to press the memtest button. Second z170 board that is giving me problems. The first one bein an ASUS z170 pro gaming. I will change the psu, and ultimately try another sabertooth if needed. If it still doesnt work properly im giving up on skylake all together and waiting for the next platform whcih hopefully will be more stable. This hardware is a POS
  12. Im changing rigs recently and it would be very convenient to have this addon automatically installed everytime i format and change hardware. Thanks.
  13. So just recently purchased fsx:se and im really digging having all the addons on steam and being installed automatically when i change rigs. Any plans for hifi to have as16 like they have asn? Im holding on buying as16 because its clearly a better produt tan ASN, but it is not in steam. ( PUN INTENDED )
  14. Asus Z170 Sabertooth Mark 1 win 7 ultimate 64 bits with no Windows update whatsoever. I didint even install sp1 6700k Overclocked @4.6 at 1.35 vcore, at that vcore 4.7 freezes when runnning cinebench. 4.8 an blue screen upon Windows start. At 4.6 completely stable running Aida64 for more tan 3 hours max temps in the 60´s. Ill think ill try 1.325 see how it goes.
  15. Hi there, got a new build and everything Works except dx10. If i try doing DX10 fullscreen fsx enter a loop of flickering monitors. Ive looked around the internet and trying a solution that Kostas said with a bat file that enables something called Aero that does something to fix this problema. The problem is the bat file cannot find the route ( and yeah i put the proper route so i must be doing something wrong. Do you guys know any other simple solution that fixes the problem? Thanks
  16. Hi there, after my motherboard debacle in the other post i decided to give the cpu one more try and try anotehr motherboard. Any skylake users that use more tan 4 monitors here with 2 gpus can tell me which motherboards are they using and which memory?? Im looking for a motherboard that supports two different GPUS for 6 monitors total: 3 in surround + 3 accesories. If you guys tell me i should go with a single ATI card then i will but i understand NVIDIA is better. The build ive been using was an old Core2duo with a 750ti and a zotac 275 handling all 6 monitors ok ( one of them was at a lower resol tan its native but at least it worked ) Thanks
  17. I need two cards to run my 6 screen monitor setup. Since Crappy Nvidia only supports Surround + accesory on one card i need another GPU card for the other two. The problem is the stupid motherboard wont post when the other card is installed. ( it doesnt even reach the BIOS asus logo ) Any ideas before i return this problematic skylake build?? Already updated BIOS to latest.
  18. Hi there, just bought FSX:SE along with rex4 and when installed no icon appears. SOLved
  19. So downloaded a free 7 day trial of active sky next. Searched for a metar with rain and TS only to find out my 737 wx radar doesnt even have proper functioning buttons. They dont do nothing, the mouse cursor doesnt change to a hand or anything, they dont get pushed or anything. The 737 is updated 1.10.6461 according to PMDGS operation center.
  20. Edit, with a BIOS change my motherboard will recognize ps2 hardware and enable usb 2.0 pre IOS for install.
  21. So bought an i76700k with an ASUS z170 pro gaming and cant install win 7. It wont recognize usb mouse or keyboard There are workarounds but i cant be bothered. I have my neat win 7 DVD and really dont need all the driver modification ISO crap. Which motherboards DO enable EHCI option??
  22. Hi, is there any external addon to add a 2d panel overhead an pedestal to this plane?? i have a 6 monitor setup with one monitor for the overhead and the other just for the pedestal and blocking the main view with an ezdok movement is taking a step backwards in realism.
  23. Hi, im using a three widescreen monitor and the 2d main panel is too Little. If i change the panel.cfg and put more tan 1.0 in the Y axis i will get the mouse cursor flickering bug. Therefore i need to cut/crop unnecesary stuff like the compass área in the feelthere A320 to resize the panel. Can this be done modifying the .dll with visual studio?? Im trying with fs panel studio to no avail.
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