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  1. Should be dodgy of course 😄 Want to do the same, but am waiting to see how AviaPlanner matures first and what MSFS 2024 will bring to the table given their Expo showing. Plus I have always preferred LIDO charts.
  2. On one of A330Driver latest live streams he was asked about AviaPlanner and basically said he thought there was something doggy going on. Didn't clarify why, but certainly was not positive about it. Time will tell.
  3. Not sure if this helps, but just purchased and got a conversion rate of £1 = $1.216 using Paypal. I can't say the total sterling price as I paid only $47.73 (£39.25) as I had a $30 discount.
  4. Well that sounds promising. Have you used it with BATC and does it resolve some of the 'no taxiway' issues at the airports covered by Real Taxiways? Might consider a purchase.
  5. Are they actually changing the taxiway data or just changing scenery objects? If it's only objects then it will not help, it's not clear to me.
  6. Wasn't suggesting it would be common, but was just emphasising the point that it could happen on occasion. I also have not had the situation as yet. And you are right limiting the traffic is probably the key.
  7. There is no trial version, however plenty of YouTube videos that give a very good idea of how it works and its current limitations. You can still use FSLTL, but and a BIG but, BATC currently has no interaction with any injected traffic. So expect running into other aircraft doing their own thing!
  8. And to add to both your comments the BATC discord is full of a very helpful group whom are quick to help with issues and make suggestions. The BATC developers are also listing to feedback and currently fixing issue at an incredible rate. Can't complain for $30.
  9. Well done comparison video, worth a watch. The delay in SI response would be an immersion killer for me. IN SIM SIDE BY SIDE ATC CALLS WITH BEYOND ATC & SAYINTENTIONS AI ATC (MSFS) (youtube.com)
  10. Haha, never thought of that as a reason to use it.
  11. No not true. If you use speech only to talk to BATC then MSFS remains focused even with BATC always on top. However MSFS will lose focus if you interact with BATC window in any way. For example if the BATC does not understand your request/response and you have to resort to pressing the appropriate response button in the BATC window. Not happened to me yet in the 3 flights I have carried out. So far it's meeting expectation, though it's approach vectoring can be strange on occasions. Sure it will be improved in time.
  12. BATC has just had an update to V1.0.16.EA
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