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Everything posted by marsman2020

  1. There is a glitch in the Pacific where the line drawn on the GPS doubles back at the 180 degree longitude line, but if you leave the AP on the aircraft follows the correct path. It's just a visual error in the line drawn on the Garmin.
  2. No problems here with the Longitude (set to unlimited fuel) and the 'IFR High' plan generated by the in-sim flight planner. The deviation at the end is due to the arrival STAR not being exported into the PLN/picked up by LittleNavMap.
  3. I have to wonder what being a "Partner" with MS/Asobo means, really. Honeycomb is a "Partner" and there is still the issues where the 'on/on' switches on their controls (or any other controls with the same arrangement, as Honeycomb employees like to point out on this and other forums) cause the heading bug and other bugs to only increment in large increments. This has been present since before release, even though MS sent out Honeycomb hardware to the YouTube reviewers influencers that they had hype the sim pre-launch. They even touted 'full compatibility' in the recent Partner video. Textron Aviation is a "Partner", and the representation of their business jets in the sim is....completely wrong...and there are major issues with at least the Bonanza as well. You'd think being a "Partner" would actually mean something, that in 7 updates a few lines of code breaking your hardware could get fixed, or that as the first company releasing 3rd party content on the Marketplace you'd get priority for your patches for aircraft people have already bought over approving new content, or that it would mean the representation of the basic aspects of your aircraft like cruise speed and range would be correct..... I think being a "Partner" means Asobo makes a video advertising a "Partners" stuff, and the "Partner" only says good things about MSFS, and that is about it. It's a "you rub my back I rub yours" arrangement for advertising and marketing only, with no guarantee of technical interchange.
  4. You can't fix the current broken heading Asobo AP behavior of "rolling to wings level starting 30 degrees away from the target" with any accessible variable in the .cfg files or SimConnect variable or variable accessible via C++. The Asobo AP SimVars accessible via SimConnect or C++ are all read-only values, and the aircraft .cfg settings for PID don't fix the behavior due to inaccessible changes to the AP internal code which Matt described earlier in this thread. The updated PID values from Seb fix a separate issue where some aircraft could only bank in one direction. Of course one could could a complete AP replacement using their own code for the AP, their own cockpit button/glass cockpit code updates to connect to that code, and directly driving the writeable variables for the control surface positions. But beyond that we are stuck as far as any additional updates to make the Asobo AP work better.
  5. Yeah, that's just dumb. With all the fancy "cloud computing" and "AI" they are talking about, and the need to maximize performance in this sim, there is 0 reason for them to ask millions of customers to run the same algorithms over and over on our individual PCs when they could be run once on the server side. The only legit reason I could see for doing DEM updates on the fly would be for regions around custom scenery.
  6. I'd expect this to be done on the server side before the data gets passed to the sim. Eg, they would have some algorithm, it might have false positives, it would find however many 100s of of positives over the US, and someone would spend a couple of days reviewing them and either correcting them or flagging them as false positives, and the data would be corrected before it ever gets posted to the servers...
  7. Super disappointing that Asobo couldn't run some kind of an algorithm on their DEM data to identify and remove these.
  8. I'd be interested to try this (likely with a sim rate speed-up) but I have no experience with any of the jets and their more-complex FMC systems vs the Garmin based units. Could try the Longitude with the G5000 with unlimited fuel turned on....
  9. The longest flight I've done us about 5 hours east across the Aleutian Islands. I haven't seen an issue with the AP while doing this. I did see one post on the official MSFS Forum saying that the aircraft might follow a 'great circle' course as expected but that that Garmin draws a straight line, resulting in an apparent cross track error on very long flight plan legs where the difference between the great circle and the straight line would be large. LittleNavMap might be a good way to check this and if it's true, a ZenDesk report might be warranted. Also if it's a 'great circle' vs 'straight line' error, based on the geometry in play there I would expect the error to reach a maximum around the center of the leg and then start to decrease on the other side, such that you are back on track at the destination waypoint.
  10. I don't think anyone asked for Meteoblue to open up their intellectual property. What was asked was for MS/Asobo to open up the weather portion of the sim to allow the weather engine to be replaced with a custom weather engine (with its own data sources). I never expected it to happen though, because the weather is a flagship feature of the sim.
  11. Mods have been a part of the flight simulator ecosystem for all simulators for decades, and you don't need to clutter up every thread with your made-up "facts".
  12. This I would report to the Working Title team, they mentioned they were using a new persistent storage mechanism a while back, maybe it has been glitched.
  13. Isn't there an 'AUX' page that you can scroll over to using the FMS page change knob that has this setting on it?
  14. The most recent patch was just a navigation data update and shouldn't have impacted any mods. I'd try moving everything out of the Community folder to another folder, starting the sim, close sim, move everything back into Community folder, start it again as a start.
  15. There are keybinds for all of the AP functions (AP on/off, modes, and incrementing and decrementing the HDG, CRS, VS, FLC, etc settings). There are also keybinds for the radio functions (increment and decrement COM/NAV and swap). There are not keybinds for the softkeys at the bottom of the G1000, or the FMS knob, flight plan buttons etc. So while there are things missing - you can do 90% of what is needed via controllers right now if needed.
  16. Excellent explanation on that X-Plane page. Would be nice if the MSFS SDK had a similar explanation.
  17. Official statement from Microsoft (Community Manager) on this issue: https://forums.flightsimulator.com/t/m20r-carenado-ctd/310157/94 In other words, maybe sometime in the next 4 months they might do something to improve this. The wise experienced people I worked with at my first job used to say - Prior Planning Prevents word not allowed Poor Performance
  18. Also true, the red beacons at the wind farms near KMHV for example have an around 1s blink on-off routine.
  19. In the real world there are many different sizes of wind turbines. Older farms from the 80s used much smaller turbines. In the sim there is only 1 size, so the denser farms that are smaller sizes in real life are way too close together in sim. It's a nice attempt to show them, but really needed a bit more thought. Last time I checked the turbines really killed my CPU too.
  20. I have to wonder who controls releasing things to the Marketplace, Microsoft or Asobo. I have a strong suspicion it is Microsoft. If it's Microsoft then you have a whole host of "big company" processes to deal with. This is also likely why we are looking at as late as Q2 of next year (9 months after launch) to get a Beta track going - because Microsoft has to do a ton of internal reviews and naval gazing to put it into place.
  21. I'd strongly recommend everyone take a look at Matt's useful posts in this thread - where information provided by Asobo on the inner workings of the A/P is relayed.
  22. I'm a never-Marketplace customer now after watching all this unfold. Gaya said on their forum they had sent some updates to airport scenery to MS in mid-October and they just appeared this week. So other developers appear to be experiencing similar delays.
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