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Armchair Pilot

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Everything posted by Armchair Pilot

  1. My 2c, don't buy pre builts. Save coin and bloatware by building your own. I had no idea about pc parts but after a few nights reading up. I ended up building my own and honestly its lasted me 3yrs with the odd upgrade as my budget allows. Check reddits buildapc community. They could easily put together a parts list suitable for your needs and budget.
  2. Fantastic footage. Was great to see roma street at the start. Even noticed the southbank pools well done.
  3. about to pick this up. noticed this on the dot points. " Perfectly matched with our upcoming YBBN Brisbane Airport for Microsoft Flight Simulator I am keeeeeeeen.
  4. you lost credibility the moment you started talking about cool aid. sorry you just dont have a competent knowledge set to use a PC proficiently and have the ability to determine what updates on your end work for you.
  5. having top of the line gear still has one basic issue. the hardware between the keyboard and the screen.
  6. Auto Update are the way to go. Surprised folks still won't use an automated feature that improves QoL.
  7. fair enough. just FYI, cockpit zoom does not go that far. Yeah I also thought that but when I recreated the pic he took, I noticed that grammetry tends to look mushy and jagged as its at a greater distance away than it needs to render fully with detail.
  8. so I just quickly fired up the sim to show what i was discussing. the LOD of objects and the deception of taking those shots zoomed all the way in. standard field of view and zoom in showcase cam: moving my camera back and zooming all the way in to force a LOD dropoff on the focussed area:
  9. nope. it looks particularly normal as with most objects ending at the horizon.
  10. to get that effect even if you are using ultra would be to move your showcase cam all the way out and zoom in. its rendering at a Lower LOD but your zoom still captures it.
  11. well its certainly not ultra looking at the base ss up top. your terrain data looks to be set to low or medium. this is default ultra:
  12. ss your graphics settings and chuck em in here and ill help where i can.
  13. Anisotropic filtering. It tells you what the features do in the graphics tab. Texture resolution simply is for the quality of render.
  14. I noticed that. Seems the streetmap data overlaps the airfield. All he would probably need to do is setup an exclusion zone around the airport perimeter. The floating orbs i have no clue.
  15. love the fact such an iconic historical airport is completely freeware as well. good fun
  16. Just download the installer. That should detect your community folder or you can point it and it will install correctly.
  17. Its a rather sore point of conversation atm I guess, after all its been weekly teasers from them, at this point its just becoming more negative than positive publicity. I am sure most folks want a well polished release but I guess they went abit over on the marketing.
  18. Whilst the cabins are not modelled fully, they hold small cabinets with modelled wing views, right side is parallel to the engine and left is behind the wing a few rows. I use the custom camera mod. Its a free plugin that adds proper custom views to the sim. Highly recommended. Also appreciate the kind words.
  19. I have the same exact friend. Now all he wants is flight videos to armchair travel with me since he is not a fan of simming or in a state where he can afford a gaming pc.
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