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Armchair Pilot

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Everything posted by Armchair Pilot

  1. Appreciated. Sydney has been producing great clouds the past few days and brisbane is always a lovely approach when shooting it over archerfield. Keen for orbx to get in on YBBN so we can get that parallel runway use.
  2. No VNAV as of yet. My rule of thumb is (alt required to lose)/1000x3. That gives me my distance out to begin a descent.
  3. Super simple, unzip then run it. I use it for my videos and its a great app. The dev is super helpful and adding features that gain enough requests, it recently had timescaling built in so now you can adjust playback speed. Its free qt the end of the day so I much rather prefer this to hold me over until asobo introduce their tool, even then I may continue using this with more feature additions.
  4. I tend to have the outlook of, "if its not for me, im sure there is someone out there who will like/utilize it" but yes, we live in the age of sharing unnecessary things purely because anonymity online enables it.
  5. You really going down that rabbit hole because your taste in music differs to others. Lmao as they, ok boomer.
  6. music in background has been a thing since the dawn of music. What's this "its been a trend" excuse lmao. I get it, this music is not of your taste, but that is a reach to say music as background ambience is a new thing lmao.
  7. Speak for yourself. I listen to aircraft engines enough to not wanna mimic it at all in a video.
  8. I wonder if they will model that vapour suction, would be pretty common to see in humid climates. The 787 would rack up some engine screen time.
  9. Okay chief, Enjoy whatever makes you happy 🙂 Cheers mate, weather today was just too good not to record.
  10. Just had to shift to daylight hours, but the weather patterns coming into AYNZ were pretty spot on and even had the low level haze which tends to build up from local bush fires this time of the year.
  11. set your dest and departure as the same ICAO and add a SID and STAR I guess, could add a waypoint nearby to go hold at whilst you setup your approach type.
  12. It's free, lightweight, does its purpose and allows you to load up recordings in sim and you can disrupt the recording at any point and fly. There is an issue at the moment with the tool not auto starting engines for you in replays, but its easy to workaround as you can still interact with the aircraft. I love it, really gives the sim some major points when you can view it from the wing on takeoff or watch a landing into familiar territory. I have not used the paid tools, but I'm stoked to run this.
  13. Having a replay tool really changes how immersive this sim is, especially from the wing on familiar routes.
  14. For engine status could we not use the fuel flow pqrameter to detect activity?
  15. Fair enough, not sure how that would work out for quality assurance but as always im keen to see what fbw does.
  16. why not just add a working vnav in the fbw 320? WT has cracked the puzzle and I am sure they are more than willing to share results.
  17. Talk about variables. I got a 3070 pushing this game at ultra and even on a mediocre net connection i have nothing that assimilates to that vid.
  18. Scenery popping sounds like a streaming scenery issue. Is your net limiting the inbound traffic? I went from playing on a high speed connection to standard wireless aussie net but i can stream scenery fine.
  19. you would have to clear out the community folder per their studo suggestion for this update, i removed it all for the time being.
  20. Did you remove any mods from your community mods folder?
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