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May I visit the pilots in the cockpit?

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I agree with you psolk, have never known it to be an issue as long as the aircraft is on the ground. personally I don't bother asking but know for sure adults and children have a quick visit fairly often.


probably best to ask the senior flight attendant, I know some hostie's would be too scared to check with the senior flight attendant or Captain and just say no it is not allowed.


Times have definitely changed, I can remember when the flight deck was the smoking room for hostie's, Dead headers & people on staff tickets. Then again, I can remember when it was normally a party at the back of the aircraft.

Rob Prest


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I can't believe anyone would even think about asking something like this in this day and age. Pilot's and attendants have to be watchful for crazy individuals like the guy who tried to pose as a airline pilot in KPHL. With the safety of hundreds of people I'm fine sitting in my seat and enjoying the passenger ride. Asking to go up to the cockpit in mid flight is insane to say the least. Get a clue on the world we live in and ask yourself if you saw someone else asking this on your flight what would you think? If they had kids maybe (and that's a skeptic maybe), but if it was some slob with a virtual airline hobby that plays Flight Simulator I would say 'Hell No'... People are just too crazy these days.


If you really want to know what it's like to fly an airliner go get some time in a Level-D simulator that the airline pilot's train in. I did that and realized some eye opening things about our hobby. The main thing being the level of detail we have is spot on in many ways to the real thing. I don't need to go up in a real airliner cockpit at 37,000ft scaring other passengers with an odd ball request like this.


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I can't believe anyone would even think about asking something like this in this day and age. Pilot's and attendants have to be watchful for crazy individuals like the guy who tried to pose as a airline pilot in KPHL. With the safety of hundreds of people I'm fine sitting in my seat and enjoying the passenger ride. Asking to go up to the cockpit in mid flight is insane to say the least. Get a clue on the world we live in and ask yourself if you saw someone else asking this on your flight what would you think? If they had kids maybe (and that's a skeptic maybe), but if it was some slob with a virtual airline hobby that plays Flight Simulator I would say 'Hell No'... People are just too crazy these days.


If you really want to know what it's like to fly an airliner go get some time in a Level-D simulator that the airline pilot's train in. I did that and realized some eye opening things about our hobby. The main thing being the level of detail we have is spot on in many ways to the real thing. I don't need to go up in a real airliner cockpit at 37,000ft scaring other passengers with an odd ball request like this.

Degree of paranoia I have never seen before!


I'm gonna ask for cockpit visitation every single time. You scared? Than do not fly!

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I was allowed in the cockpit of a KLM MD-11 in 2003 when I was 14 on my birthday. :smile: See? There are still nice people on this world :happy:


EDIT: Just to clarify, it was in flight, over the Atlantic

Edited by crimtye

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Ask if you can after landing most pilots are open to it then. It a stupid rule but that's the world we live in.because a few wanted to.hurt people it messed it up for everyone else.



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A while back on a return trip from Tenerife to East Midlands on a Ryanair 737 they had the flight deck door open and since half the plane took the L1 exit they walked past it, a few (me included) took a closer peak inside but that's as far as it went. Thinking back I wish I had a really smart question to ask that would get their attention but alas my family were with me and they wanted to get home. I suppose if you are walking past the flight deck after a flight you could ask and most likely get a yes here in the EU. 

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I've never asked on commercial planes, but during my many years in the Air Force I've been fortunate to be in the cockpit not only during cruise, also for takeoffs and landings.  I guess on commercial flights I'm always in a hurry to get the hell off the plane!

Chris Sunseri




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Wow! A lot of people scared to go ask.


The best time to ask is after the flight. Before the flight we are so busy trying to get numbers for weight, fuel, changes in the flight plan coordinating with dispatch and briefing the flight. We can't finish that until everyone is in their seats and counted. We never worried about crazies in the cockpit because we had plenty of protection. Sometimes we had worried FAs during the flight so we would keep our window out the door open sometimes so we could monitor the situation.


Go ask at the end we love having visitors and sit in the seat. That's probably the thing I miss the most after leaving the airline flying.

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Last time I visited the cockpit of an airliner in flight was in 2000. I asked the cabin crew on a British Airways 744 flying from SFO to LHR.


Got to say hi to the pilots while dawn came over Scotland ^_^ . I remember it was a very awesome sight.


I realise the times have changed, but it is not impossible. I know several people that have been in the jumpseat of an airliner in cruise in recent times. 

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I realise the times have changed, but it is not impossible. I know several people that have been in the jumpseat of an airliner in cruise in recent times. 

They must've worked for the airline or were jump seating pilots.

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They must've worked for the airline or were jump seating pilots.


Actually no. One is a licensed commercial pilot, but not working as a pilot or anything else for the airline.

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Actually no. One is a licensed commercial pilot, but not working as a pilot or anything else for the airline.

My second guess would be this was outside the US.

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My second guess would be this was outside the US.


THAT guess is correct, sir!  ^_^ Other side of the Atlantic.

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Last year a coming bride - traveling with her bachelorette party friends - visited the cockpit of a Norwegian Air Shuttle Boeing 737 in flight. The woman wasn't intoxicated and knew the captain since childhood, but it caused a big headline, of course... before the storm blew off *sigh*





- "Det er ikke vanlig at passasjerer får lov til å komme inn i cockpiten, men det er opp til kapteinen å ta den vurderingen. Kapteinen og kvinnen fra utdrikningslaget kjente hverandre fra før, sier informasjonssjef i Norwegian, Åsa Larsson, til Dagbladet."


-"Passengers visiting the cockpit, is not something that is allowed on a regular basis. However, it is up to the captain to make the final decision. The captain and the woman from the bachelorette party knew each other from previous, states Norwegian's spokeswoman, Åsa Larsson"

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Just to clarify after a flight I could see Pilots letting passengers see the cockpit but never in flight...


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