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What happened, PMDG?

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Without being disrespectful, I even highly admit the work of PMDG, but :


I look at PMDG as a company. Not as single persons with family like robert. If I as a customer ( and I AM a customer because I bought their past products) wants to see the product they have to show and preview it or at least put every amount of capacity to fulfill the needs of the customer. I dunno in which business you work but in my business(Aviation btw) our customers (other companies) are the kings. If they want something they get it. If they want something now, they get it. Why? Because we can only survive when our customers are happy. Thats just my two cents. If they would not take money for it. I would NEVER EVER push them or anything like that. However I want to show my deepest respect to PMDG as they run a succesfull (small?) company in a very uncertain business. Their ressources are of course limited.


I will be quiet from now on again. Please do not take this message as offense. I just want to highlight a different point of view.

This statement has not really played out very accurately in the Aviation business of late. Both Airbus (A380) and Boeing (787) delaying the launch of new aircraft, with Boeing most recently being forced to take the 787 out of service for a number of months to fix the battery problem. Now I can only imagine that customers of Airbus and Boeing were just slightly more demanding than PMDG's customers and the cost from delays was in the hundreds of millions of dollars. But at the end of the day, there are times when you simply cannot release a product to market that is not finished. What I don't understand about some simmers is why they get so hung up on the new release when not only do we have many flying options to choose from but I would guess most of the complainers have not fully mastered the PMDG releases that are already available.

Mark   CYYZ      


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Wondering what the reaction would've been like if the 777 had been in Air China c/s :Smug:


...okay I better leave!

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For some odd reason I constantly dreamt of a T7 release today...sad, dunno.


I also dream of the T7 release, not just today, but every day that it is not released. 


PMDG crew, please keep up the good work and let my dreams continue until you feel it is time to fill them. 


Thanks for the excellent work.

Harry Nelson

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As I say, I myself am willing to take on a product that is 99% finished and stable, release it and let us help pinpoint the bugs.



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I fit into the first category of poster


I feel sorry for you guys. You don't deserve to be treated like that.


Those people should be ashamed of themselves.

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If I as a customer ( and I AM a customer because I bought their past products) wants to see the product they have to show and preview it or at least put every amount of capacity to fulfill the needs of the customer.


I do not know the name of the person that left this quote, as they were afraid to sign it, but I do not know of a company that is compelled to show/preview any product to a customer unless that customer has paid for the product.  I support the rights of PMDG 100% in marketing their products as they see fit.

Harry Nelson

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What I don't understand about some simmers is why they get so hung up on the new release when not only do we have many flying options to choose from but I would guess most of the complainers have not fully mastered the PMDG releases that are already available.

Personnally I have almost all the PMDG's aircrafts (without the extensions) for fsX (MD11, J41, B747 and NGX). And I fly all of them with the same pleasure, but... the T7 is by far far my favourite Boeing plane and until PMDG release theirs, there is no T7 available in the market with the depth of system I'm looking for.

That would explain my desire to have that plane as soon as possible.^^

However, that wouldn't allow me to be disrespectful to PMDG.

Romain Roux



Avec l'avion, nous avons inventé la ligne droite.

St Exupéry, Terre des hommes.

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Thanks for reposting Ryan, it's a great shot indeed! Glad us "#1ers" could see it.


Hope the holiday was (aside from what happened last night...) great for all you guys at PMDG. Keep up the great work guys!

Best regards, happy flying,


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1. PMDG - arguably the best complex aircraft developer for FSX.

2. Ryan - 100%  -The best Tech Support in the FS Community


3. PMDG's policy not to ship a product until THEY consider it is ready  -- Defiantly the best policy !!


The FS community should be grateful (as many are), that PMDG care enough to go that extra mile, to make sure their product works correctly, before they ship it.

This policy helps to ensure maximum satisfaction to  their customers, as well as less EXPENSIVE and logistically difficult updates and correction later.



There is a lot to be said for getting it right the first time, (or as close as possible) and not just shipping prematurely, in order to start making a quick buck.


15 years in Business, they must know what works  as a FS developer !!


4. The rudeness and ignorance of a small minority in the FS Community  ( and not just on Forums)  ... VERY DISAPPOINTING


Enough said ..

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As I say, I myself am willing to take on a product that is 99% finished and stable, release it and let us help pinpoint the bugs.


I understand this stance and would certainly take a 99% product, but as I believe PMDG themselves have repeatedly stated, they will not follow suit with that "other" developer and give out an incomplete product so that the customers can pay to beta test.  We wait.

Elijah Hoyt

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It will be done when it is done.  Folks just need to chill out and let the developers do their work.


I don't get it, everyone know the 777 will be a most excellent release that 99% of us will enjoy.  But it isn't like we have an empty FS hangar.  It isn't like the 777 is the first and only addon released for FSX.  We already have the NGX, MD-11, J41, and many great airplanes from other developers.  Why not spend time flying those airplanes instead of continually banging on PMDG's doors for updates.  Are those airplanes some how unejoyable with 777 so close to release? 


Its like with A2A's 172...we know it will be awesome, but it certainly wont stop me from enjoying my beloved P-40.  The 172 will be done when it is done.  Plenty of great planes to enjoy in the meantime.   


How long will people enjoy the 777 base package before they start banging on PMDG's doors again for expansion pack updates?




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I'm going to close this thread down, not because we don't appreciate the catharsis, but because we are moving on to other things...


Before I do- let me offer one important thought:  Someone suggested that removal of the 04JUL13 posts was "punishing the masses for the offense of a few."


It was not.


The fact is that we simply decided it was not worth pulling moderators into the forum to baby-sit on a national holiday when most of the team was spending time with their families.  If the full team had been on duty the decision might have been otherwise- but we weren't- so we made the decision that made best use of resources.


One other misconception I'd like to clear up:  A few folks have suggested that PMDG are treated unfairly, or that we would be treated better if we "give customers what they demand."


We are not treated unfairly.  In fact- I would argue that this community treats us exceptionally well- and we very much appreciate it.  (As I posted earlier- we ignore the drama...)


Additionally- we feel that history bears out that we give our customers far more value for the investment than is normal in our industry.  That is why you guys look forward to our products- and that faith in our work is why we take product quality so seriously.


I would happily deal with the angry minority on the front end because we aren't showing you what you want rather than dealing with an angry majority because we delivered a product that wasn't ready.


Yeah- I'll take it that way ANY day...


Thank you again for your support- now lets go back to what we are good at!

Robert S. Randazzo coolcap.gif


You can find us at:  http://forum.pmdg.com

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