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Gabriel Teles

Sky Textures for ENB Series

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Hello guys,



I'm presenting here a little addon I made for FSX. It's a set of sky textures designed to take advantadge of some ENB features. The sky textures were made in parallel with ENB settings -- that I included in the package -- to achieve the best visual result. You can use them without ENB, in a pure FSX, or while using something like SweetFX, but the results will be a bit different from the intended.


Here are some screenshots, with and without ENB:




With ENB








At night (it will be darker than vanilla FSX, but lights will stay there)



















Without ENB



















Ok, I think this gives you an idea.



You can download it here:





That's all, hope you like it! Use this topic to discuss about this mod.

This topic is replacing the one that was in the screenshots forum.




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Nice work, many thanks for the mod.


2 Questions:


1) How did you get the sun to look this small? What does your suneffect.cfg file look like? In my FSX the sun always look like this.

2) Any chance you'll include SweetFX settings in a future version?

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Nice work, many thanks for the mod.


2 Questions:


1) How did you get the sun to look this small? What does your suneffect.cfg file look like? In my FSX the sun always look like this.

2) Any chance you'll include SweetFX settings in a future version?


1. This is actually a frequently asked question, so I will kind of highlight the answer:



How to make the sun appear smaller


Depending on the sun textures you are using, your results may vary a bit; but, generally speaking, you only need to edit some lines of "suneffect.cfg" -- a file that is in FSX root directory and can be edited with Notepad.


Open the file and change the "SunSize" value to something lower. I don't remember the default value... I think it's something like 1200. Usually I use something like 500. This will make your sun smaller. Please note that this change will affect the flare size too.


Maybe that's not all; you may want to disable "RenderGlow" and / or "RenderCorona" (by changing its values to "0") to make your sun appear more simple. Do some tests, until you find something that suits your tastes!



2. That's something I want to do, but I don't know exactly when. I will have to learn how SweetFX works and this can take some time.  :P



That's it!

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Great pics!

Ivan Majetic


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Does your enb bloom fade in and out (the ones that darken when you look directly at the light source)?


Unfortunately, no.

It's a cool effect that I would like to add sometime in the future, actually -- but this is something that has to be made with careful... small changes in ENB settings sometimes results in big changes in FSX.  :P


Great pics!



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Unfortunately, no.

It's a cool effect that I would like to add sometime in the future, actually -- but this is something that has to be made with careful... small changes in ENB settings sometimes results in big changes in FSX.  :P





That's awesome.  It's what I actually prefer.  I find the constant shift from bright to dark very annoying. 

I switch back and forth between DX9 and DX10 depending on what planes I want to fly.  I will give your sky/enb a shot for my next DX9 flight.


Thanks for sharing your hard work.

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Hey Gabriel. I was wondering. If it isn't any trouble... Is it possible to make the predawn and post sunset have these colors? It's a screenshot of a space engine program that uses light scattering for the earth's atmosphere. Just thought I could share.



David Zambrano, CFII, CPL, IGI

I know there's a lot of money in aviation because I put it there. 


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Wow, those look good even without ENB. Are theses the same from the other topic, the really long one?


I am going to try this out with FXAA, what do I do with my REX sky textures, I shouldn't have to do anything hey?




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Wow, those look good even without ENB. Are theses the same from the other topic, the really long one?


I am going to try this out with FXAA, what do I do with my REX sky textures, I shouldn't have to do anything hey?







It's not from FSX. This is a program called Space Engine. It's free.

David Zambrano, CFII, CPL, IGI

I know there's a lot of money in aviation because I put it there. 


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Currently using this set and enjoying its realism compared to the massively over-saturated ones you get to choose from in REX. However everything seems to have a *very slight* blue tint in the day, which I'm going to try to get rid of - not entirely sure whether it's the daytime textures from this or perhaps something from the Shade preset I am running.


Edit: Gabriel you really should rename the topic to something like 'Natural Sky Textures' or similar - you do yourself and injustice by implying that they're just for use with ENB when they're one of the best sets to come along in a long time and they're just as good without ENB (as I use them).

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That's awesome.  It's what I actually prefer.  I find the constant shift from bright to dark very annoying. 

I switch back and forth between DX9 and DX10 depending on what planes I want to fly.  I will give your sky/enb a shot for my next DX9 flight.


Thanks for sharing your hard work.


Ah! That's cool. 

I like how that effect simulates the HDR effect you see in some games. But that's my personal taste.


Hey Gabriel. I was wondering. If it isn't any trouble... Is it possible to make the predawn and post sunset have these colors? It's a screenshot of a space engine program that uses light scattering for the earth's atmosphere. Just thought I could share.




Hmm... maybe. Actually, here's the problem: FSX renders the sky in a poor way, in my opinion. The sky textures that FSX uses have no sufficient resolution to reproduce some subtle color changes that we see in reality. 


That's why I used ENB, actually -- ENB add some color gradations that we wouldn't have in a pure FSX. 


Anyway -- Space Engine can do these things much better than FSX, it seems. So I'm not sure if it's possible to do in FSX something that Space Engine does. 


Awesome shot, by the way. I've been curious about Space Engine for a long time now. Might try it one of these days!


Wow, those look good even without ENB. Are theses the same from the other topic, the really long one?


I am going to try this out with FXAA, what do I do with my REX sky textures, I shouldn't have to do anything hey?





Thanks! These are new shots from the most recent version -- the one in the library.

When you paste my textures in your "Texture" folder, they will overwrite the REX ones. That's all! 


Currently using this set and enjoying its realism compared to the massively over-saturated ones you get to choose from in REX. However everything seems to have a *very slight* blue tint in the day, which I'm going to try to get rid of - not entirely sure whether it's the daytime textures from this or perhaps something from the Shade preset I am running.


Edit: Gabriel you really should rename the topic to something like 'Natural Sky Textures' or similar - you do yourself and injustice by implying that they're just for use with ENB when they're one of the best sets to come along in a long time and they're just as good without ENB (as I use them).


I'm bad with naming... but I'm afraid it's too late: this is the name of the addon in AVSIM's Library...  :P

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Here is the result of config of ENB Series that was suggested.

I´m pretty happy with that. Anyway, the shadow effect is maybe too much exaggerated? 

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Great sky textures!  I've been using them since I came across the other thread, and they're by far the nicest looking and most realistic set I've seen in FSX, even without ENB.  Just wanted to say thanks. :)

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Hello! Sorry for late answers, guys. I've been busy lately... 


Here is the result of config of ENB Series that was suggested.

I´m pretty happy with that. Anyway, the shadow effect is maybe too much exaggerated? 


Hi! I made the shadows a bit darker than normal in the morning / afternoon. But just to be sure: have you used Shade for FSX after installing these textures? Also see your monitor options -- shadows can be too strong depending on your gamma settings.


Great sky textures!  I've been using them since I came across the other thread, and they're by far the nicest looking and most realistic set I've seen in FSX, even without ENB.  Just wanted to say thanks. :)


Thank you! You're welcome.

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