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Navigraph Extension Pack for the S550 Citation II released!

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I used to buy Carenado, but not anymore. Their products look great, but their functionality sucks. Their customer support is also lacking in my opinion and asking customers to pay for an update is the straw that broke this camel's back.

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It is very interesting what Izamm just wrote.


This is my first carenado since their Cirrus. So it is the first that I own with FMS.


After flying a couple of times and getting used to a different FMS, with a different logic and very limited functionality, I might get what this product was trying to do.


Perhaps my expectations behind the Carenado navigraph FMS was set by my experience with other addons with FMS like, in my case PMDG J41. Hence my initial frustration.


What I don't understand is that if the FMS logic is exactly the same as the one with FSX data on it, why so many complains in terms of functionality?, it has been the same functionality since the original model...


By including myself, then it is the first time Carenado is touching a new audience with different approach to the sim, just by adding Navigraph data..... Sadly the group with too much time or that enjoy the methodology on the details of flight planning and execution .... The toughest audience...


High risk, yes

High development cost, yes


I'm going to keep flying, learning Carenado's FMS, and reporting my final thoughts...


Clear skies,



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What I don't understand is that if the FMS logic is exactly the same as the one with FSX data on it, why so many complains in terms of functionality?, it has been the same functionality since the original model...


Well the original FMS also came in for quite a lot of stick, and I suppose people expected more from a (paid!) upgrade.  If it looks like an FMS people expect it to behave like an FMS, if Carenado go further and say it's a UNS FMS (do they actually?) people have every right to expect it to behave like a UNS FMS.


I don't think we'd be having this discussion if Carenado had opted to add Navigraph support to their G1000.  But would anyone have bought it?

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Well the original FMS also came in for quite a lot of stick, and I suppose people expected more from a (paid!) upgrade.  If it looks like an FMS people expect it to behave like an FMS, if Carenado go further and say it's a UNS FMS (do they actually?) people have every right to expect it to behave like a UNS FMS. ...


Carenado states on their web page http://www.carenado.com/CarSite/Portal/index.php?accion=product&correl=142 that they are providing an "Universal Flight Management System (FMS.)" Universal only makes 1 Flight Management System the UNS-1. The hardware is a little different between the UNS-1F, UNS-L, and UNS-E but the software is the same.


Since the display is visually like the 4" FPCDU and has Univeral's name blazoned on the top one can also conclude this is based on either the UNS-1F or UNS-1L hardware (Since the UNS-1E only comes in 5" display.) Also since the system is not WAAS capable we can also conclude it is not the UNS-1Fw or UNS-1Lw.


The original FMS manual (prior to the update) showed a picture of the FMS with Software Control Number (SCN) 802.0. Based on that one can expect a UNS-1 with SCN 802.x. 


There is more than enough evidence to suggest that Carenado intended at some level the functionality of a UNS-1 based Flight Management System (FMS) and at least intended that functionality to be consistent with SCN 802.x.


The other question is if Universal Avionics was contacted and the Carenado version of their FMS was licensed. If not then the inconstancies we have noticed may have been on purpose to avoid "look and feel" copyright litigation with Universal Avionics. Just a thought on my part and something only Carenado can answer.

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Guest ~Craig~

What I don't understand is that if the FMS logic is exactly the same as the one with FSX data on it, why so many complains in terms of functionality?, it has been the same functionality since the original model...


Well that's the whole point isn't it. We paid for an upgrade to the originally supplied FMS, so we didn't expect it to be the same basic FSX default nav-hacked based system.......     So I don't understand your logic in pointing out that it's the same as the original (and therefore why are people complaining).....   the fact it wasn't an 'update' (free), but was instead an 'addon' (paid), to the original S550 package led people to believe they were getting something better than the original FMS.

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Just a quick update, the pack is now also available at Just Flight. Might be handy for others who prefer to use PayPal or have rewards points to trade in. Like I did, whoo, 80 percent discount :D

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And folks still rush to buy everything they release, why would they change a winning formula :Thinking:

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First off, you can code a nav system either completely separate from the FS GPS or to inject coordinates into it.

Reading about that background was interesting, lzamm. Thanks for taking the time to write it up.


If your assumption is true, Carenado indeed went down the 'closer to FSX default' path which, to be honest, takes a fair bit away from the use of the presumed 'upgrade' for me. Substituting with a RXP/GTN/ISG gauge might remain a reasonable alternative.

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 Substituting with a RXP/GTN/ISG gauge might remain a reasonable alternative.


By trying to find answers looking into details, I've overlooked the biggest fact stated here. We like to pay for more functionality!


NavData + Functionality = Fun


NavData + default FMS like = Frustration


Frustration + Money = The biggest Carenado disappointment  for me.


Carenado Airplane + RXP/GTN/ISG = Reasonable Solution


Clear skies,





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Guest ~Craig~

Frustration + Money = The biggest Carenado disappointment  for me


That's very true!


Where Carenado are concerned, I remain an idiot.  After these types of purchases I say to myself, never, ever, again - then I get seduced by the visuals of the next release and buy it, and the cycle of pain continues!


Luckily, I have no desire for a Hawker (the S550 was the jet I was interested in from the outset), so won't be getting stung there.

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Does anyone know where the documentation for the addon went ?


Carenado mentions a manual on their site but I can't find it,


OK found it now


file had an odd date on it, was expecting today's


haven't flown it yet but am concerned about the FPS

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I've done some short flights yesterday like EHAM-EDDL, and didn't really notice any added drop after installing the expansion. Stayed nicely around 35 where I expected it. But then, no two systems are alike (I'm using an iMac) and no two FSX installs are the same either. 


I haven't even read the manual yet, thanks to that excellent video that was posted here earlier. It seems to be working as I expect it to. 

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I actually do get an error when it builds the database..


What can I do to fix this??


This is the error:


  Application Name: fsx.exe
  Application Version: 10.0.61472.0
  Application Timestamp: 475e17d3
  Fault Module Name: Carenavigraph.dll
  Fault Module Version:
  Fault Module Timestamp: 54f5f526
  Exception Code: 80000003
  Exception Offset: 00343e6a
  OS-versjon: 6.3.9600.
  ID for nasjonal innstilling: 1033
It looks to be the Carenavigraph.dll who causes the problem...



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I know you are frustrated and looking for help. However, it is considered bad form to post the same thing in multiple threads. Please check the thread you opened for my suggestion.


Best of luck.



I actually do get an error when it builds the database..


What can I do to fix this??


This is the error:


  Application Name: fsx.exe
  Application Version: 10.0.61472.0
  Application Timestamp: 475e17d3
  Fault Module Name: Carenavigraph.dll
  Fault Module Version:
  Fault Module Timestamp: 54f5f526
  Exception Code: 80000003
  Exception Offset: 00343e6a
  OS-versjon: 6.3.9600.
  ID for nasjonal innstilling: 1033
It looks to be the Carenavigraph.dll who causes the problem...



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Anyone else expect a decrease in performance after the FMS upgrade? I'm getting around 15-20FPS when it was at least 30 before the update. 

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