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My feeling about Orbx

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So suggest where I made the error., besides buying it in the first place>?


When you aborted the installation of the Orbx libraries, because you felt you knew better than Orbx  what requirements the software needed.

You now know that was the wrong call (from the help you have received here) But it's still Orbx's fault, right ?

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Yes, it's usually the install process where you see the names of the files flashing up very quickly.

Christopher Low

UK2000 Beta Tester


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Yes, it's usually the install process where you see the names of the files flashing up very quickly.

Yes  that what I was thinking   chris  seems  that  the op says   on downloading  which seems  odd

I7-800k,Corsair h1101 cooler ,Asus Strix Gaming Intel Z370 S11 motherboard, Corsair 32gb ramDD4,    2  ssd 500gb 970 drive, gtx 1080ti Card,  RM850 power supply


Peter kelberg

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Might be worth running some simple free utilities like CCcleaner which will check for remnants of partially installed files. I've used ccleaner for years and it often  finds something left behind by the "official " uninstall utility supplied with whatever program I've just erased.


In particular I would run the registry component of ccleaner.


This may not solve the problem however if the tree download /install modified prexisting files , CCleaner will not find them.

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That's true Fireone. And as I have said before, if you want the uninstaller to remove everything, you will need to use something like Revo Uninstaller, which is free

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The only problems I ever had with Ad Ons and Software have been either one of 2 things.

User error and not researching or reading instructions.


Secondly and my favourite, Anti virus programs. This has probably accounted for about 75% of all my problems. Once I found where my "excluded process" was built into my Anti virus I have been a happier poppet ever since:)




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To the OP, I think your sim really had some issue with the trees themselves and not some random files that were installed in these useless 2058 files, contrary to what most seem to say here.


And yes I'm saying useless because I did the exact same thing, installed the trees, cancelled the download when I saw all the junk it was downloading, and guess what it works just fine on my system.


I might be wrong but I do seem to remember reading these ORBX trees have a higher texture resolution than the default P3D trees and so might eat more VAS, don't quote me on that though. So that may have been your problem.

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To the OP, I think your sim really had some issue with the trees themselves and not some random files that were installed in these useless 2058 files, contrary to what most seem to say here.


And yes I'm saying useless because I did the exact same thing, installed the trees, cancelled the download when I saw all the junk it was downloading, and guess what it works just fine on my system.


I might be wrong but I do seem to remember reading these ORBX trees have a higher texture resolution than the default P3D trees and so might eat more VAS, don't quote me on that though. So that may have been your problem.



I have taken 3 2 hour flights in the MJQ400 since I deleted the trees and everything is back to normal. The only thing I did not do after I installed the trees was delete the shader cache which one person in another forum suggested, Nobody has mentioned this anywhere else that I have read, and I posted this suggestion on the Orbx forum to see if that would have been a good solution, and no one has commented on it , so I am thinking, it probably wouldn't have helped. At this point, I am afraid to risk the health and well being of my P3d, by trying this install again. When it was stuttering, after I installed the trees, I was clearly remembering why I left flight simming years ago, and never want to return to that again. Just not worth the risk...


BOBSK8             MSFS 2020 ,    ,PMDG 737-600-800 Fenix A320, FSLTL , TrackIR ,  Avliasoft EFB2  ,  ATC  by PF3  ,

A Pilots LIfe V2 ,  CLX PC , Auto FPS, ACTIVE Sky FS,  PMDG DC6 , A2A Comanche, , Milviz C 310



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The only thing I did not do after I installed the trees was delete the shader cache


There are only a couple of instances where you really need to delete the shader cache:


1.  If you CTD/OOM during a flight

2.  If your working with the SDK (especially FX)



3.  GPU driver change (old or new) and/or GPU change


BTW, if you do CTD/OOM during a flight you should ALWAYS reboot your PC before attempting to start P3D again.  Unless you are VERY familiar Process Explorer and know how to terminate all related tasks that may still be running after a CTD/OOM, then a system reboot is the easiest and best process.


The HD trees download is a single zip file as is the Orbx libraries ... there are no display of "files" during a download.  When you EXTRACT the zip file ... I'm assuming you did extract the zip file and didn't just double click on it and then run the installer from within the ZIP file ... you never want to run an installer from within ZIP file context (security issues can arise).  Once you extract the zip file you should see:


Important Read Me!.txt



When you execute the .EXE above is when you start the installation process and this is when you see filenames.


The Orbx libraries are here: https://fullterrain.com/support#Orbxlibs be sure to select Libraries for P3Dv2.  The file downloaded will be a single ZIP file:




Extract the ZIP to:




Now execute/run/install the EXE


When you download the Orbx Libraries for P3DV2 (they have separate libraries for each product, one for P3D v1, and one for P3D v2).


The ONLY time you see file names is during the installation process NOT during download process ... aborting out of an install of either the Orbx Common library install or the HD Trees "might" (I've never aborted an install so I can't confirm) have caused your issues with Orbx HD trees.


The HD trees do look nice, but I haven't noticed any FPS or VAS difference from default trees or the other Orbx trees.  


For the install process, I'd recommend you install the Orbx Libraries FIRST then install the HD Trees ... I haven't actually tested installing the Orbx Libraries without having any other Orbx product installed but if I were in your situation, I'd try to install the Orbx Libraries first.


You are certainly not alone in your frustration with Flight Simulation, many have left and come back and have left again.  I've often ponder the thought of building a entire front end for P3D that incorporates everything P3D and 3rd party from installation and configuration of add-ons to auto updates to "tweaks" to anything that makes the P3D world a better end user experience ... it's still a project on my radar but with P3D v3 it's wise for me to wait and see before I code such an application.


Cheers, Rob.

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There are only a couple of instances where you really


Rob makes a good point as I have had stutters from loading libraries before certain versions seem to cause problems with different systems - so I use the last working version if I do have a problem - it could have been libraries not trees causing a problem - and for what its worth these trees will not cause problems - also make sure you download the proper libraries version for your p3d as that could be a big issue - very easy to make that mistake- I have not or I could back this up more

Rich Sennett


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There are only a couple of instances where you really need to delete the shader cache:


1.  If you CTD/OOM during a flight

2.  If your working with the SDK (especially FX)



3.  GPU driver change (old or new) and/or GPU change


BTW, if you do CTD/OOM during a flight you should ALWAYS reboot your PC before attempting to start P3D again.  Unless you are VERY familiar Process Explorer and know how to terminate all related tasks that may still be running after a CTD/OOM, then a system reboot is the easiest and best process.


The HD trees download is a single zip file as is the Orbx libraries ... there are no display of "files" during a download.  When you EXTRACT the zip file ... I'm assuming you did extract the zip file and didn't just double click on it and then run the installer from within the ZIP file ... you never want to run an installer from within ZIP file context (security issues can arise).  Once you extract the zip file you should see:


Important Read Me!.txt



When you execute the .EXE above is when you start the installation process and this is when you see filenames.


The Orbx libraries are here: https://fullterrain.com/support#Orbxlibs be sure to select Libraries for P3Dv2.  The file downloaded will be a single ZIP file:




Extract the ZIP to:




Now execute/run/install the EXE


When you download the Orbx Libraries for P3DV2 (they have separate libraries for each product, one for P3D v1, and one for P3D v2).


The ONLY time you see file names is during the installation process NOT during download process ... aborting out of an install of either the Orbx Common library install or the HD Trees "might" (I've never aborted an install so I can't confirm) have caused your issues with Orbx HD trees.


The HD trees do look nice, but I haven't noticed any FPS or VAS difference from default trees or the other Orbx trees.  


For the install process, I'd recommend you install the Orbx Libraries FIRST then install the HD Trees ... I haven't actually tested installing the Orbx Libraries without having any other Orbx product installed but if I were in your situation, I'd try to install the Orbx Libraries first.


You are certainly not alone in your frustration with Flight Simulation, many have left and come back and have left again.  I've often ponder the thought of building a entire front end for P3D that incorporates everything P3D and 3rd party from installation and configuration of add-ons to auto updates to "tweaks" to anything that makes the P3D world a better end user experience ... it's still a project on my radar but with P3D v3 it's wise for me to wait and see before I code such an application.


Cheers, Rob.



Ok, first of all I am pretty computer savy, not as much as you apparently, but been dealing with FS since the late 80's plus I worked with computers as part of my job as a technical trainer for many years. 


1.  The original download of the tree file was a zip file, that I extracted into a folder and then it became Orbx FTX trees HD100.exe    

2. I ran the exe file and it installed the trees. As it installed, I don't remember seeing any file names. 

3. At that point I see I have a shortcut on my desktop that I didn't have before ( I forget the exact name)  I click on it and it opens a program called FTX central.  FTX central tells me that there is an update for my Orbx library along with an ad for an airport or something, so at first, I was confused because I know I didn't have any library of Orbx stuff, I just downloaded some tree textures as far as I knew. I thought about it awhile, and decided I would see what happens if I click on the link to get this update. It was at that point, that it started downloading files, and it said there were 2058 of them .. The names were whizzing by as the files were downloaded.  Notice I didn't say that anything was installing yet, it was just downloading these update files from the server and there were over 2,000 files, so I knew this was going to take awhile.  As I watched the file names go by I see names for arpt.bgl, scenery items, vehicles, etc, etc...  Now I am thinking, what the heck is going on, all I wanted was some trees, why a, I getting all this stuff. That is when I hit the cancel button on the download screen.  The download at that point stopped, and I breathed a sigh of relief... 


4. I then started up P3D after I rebooted my system, which I always do when I add software. I flew for a short time trying to see what the difference was in the trees, and I noticed that the ground seemed to not be moving smoothly, but was moving with tiny little stutters or jerks... I also noticed that I could see scenery popping up like the old days of FS9, not to far away which I had never noticed with my P3D. I used to tell people that this was the smoothest flight sim  I have ever used, with the exception of the $25 million dollar Delta 767 Level 3 sim that I spent about 5 hours in, some years ago. The next thing I see, is the micro stutters and turning into some really intense stuttering, in fact, when I change the view in the cockpit,  it is jerking from one position to another versus a nice smooth scrolling movement. Then P3D freezes, the screen turns white, and I see a message about P3D is not responding, and it crashed. 


5. Now I decide, maybe I need to run this update after all so I start up FX Central , get the message about the update, and click on it.  And now, the files start scrolling by again, and I am looking at the names as it is downloading the 2000+ files. It is not downloading any zip file, it is downloading actual files. The only zip file I have associated with Orbx is the one with the original compressed exe file in it ( which I still have ) 


6. It finishes downloading the files, and then asks me if I would like to install them, , and I clicked yes or Ok or whatever it asked for and it started installing all this stuff into who knows where....The install ran for quite a while, and then a message popped up and said that install was "successful"  


7. I rebooted my system again, fired up P3D and my MJQ400 and took off on a 2 hour flight from the UK to Denmark. I still see the stuttering, and looking at my FPS, after taking off, I see that it is bouncing around from 30 down to the mid 20's and back up again, continuously. I had never seen this before, and for the first couple of weeks I flew around with the frame counter on all the time, and was really impressed on how steady it was compared to my old MSFS days. Then what happened on the previous flight, repeated itself, stutters got worse, longer duration, more frequent, the screen turns whitish, and P3D crashes again. 


8. Having spent my entire life troubleshooting electronic devices, and teaching techs how to do it properly as a Training Director, it was obvious that what I had installed had screwed up P3D. So my first thought is lets get back to square one, and go to control panel, find this Orbx entry, and hit the uninstall button. Guess what, there is no uninstall, and no mention of Orbx in my program list there. I finally find the folder that has the Orbx stuff in it, and I see a script that is labeled uninstall trees. I run the script with my fingers crossed. Very quickly the script runs, like maybe one or two seconds at the most. Now I am thinking, it took a long time to install those 2000+ files, how on earth did this script uninstall everything in 2 seconds? So it became obvious that this stuff must be on my hard drive someplace, and even maybe in P3D, and even maybe responsible for changing or replacing some of the P3D default files, which may be causing some of my problems.


9. I decide to try another flight, and I am already mulling over the possibility of having to do a complete  uninstall of P3D, and reinstall it from scratch including all my add ons. To say that I am angry at this point, is a major understatement. Now I start flying, hopefully minus the trees, and I don't notice any micro stutters. It is as smooth as before I planted the trees. I flew a couple of 2 hour flights since then with zero problem.s  


10.  In the mean time, I had posted two questions on the Orbx forum. The first question was about the update, and why did I have to install 2000+ files when all I purchased was some trees.  I was told by someone that must be associated with Orbx who replied that my trees would not run without running the update, period. He also said everytime I add any Orbx to my computer, I will have to run this update again or the new purchase won't work.  No explanation at all as to why this update had to download over 2,000 files to my PC. The other question I asked, was about the problem that I had, and the usual, " Did you extract the zip before running the exe. file, Is you PC plugged in,  yada yada, that someone that had never even owned a computer would be expected to do. Then he went to to state that my P3D should run better with these trees rather than worse.  


So after all this, I looked over my hard drive and deleted everything I could find that had the name Orbx attached to it. There were a few files, but nothing like the 2000 + that the update downloaded, so where that stuff is located now, is a mystery to me and probably anyone else that runs this update. I finished all this by running  CCleaner, which I have used for years, and even CCleaner didn't list Orbx as any program that it could uninstall.  I found a few registry errors, but nothing associated with Orbx, and since P3D is back where it was, I think I lucked out.


Now someone at Orbx, a programmer, responded to my question on their forum, and asked me about my system, etc, but had no suggestions to offer. Nobody has mentioned deleting shader cache as a quick solution, so it looks like counting on that to fix the problem I had, was wishful thinking.


So at this point, is trying another reinstall, doing the exact same things I did before, going to result in a different outcome.  The old expression, "if you do what you did, you will get what you got comes to mind. "

Now before anyone starts speculating. I am very well aware of the difference between downloading something and executing or installing it.  I am well aware of the difference between a compressed file and an uncompressed file. I am very well aware that one of the worst things you can do is quitting an install of any program, after it has started. So please, don't accuse me of doing something like that, when my experience in working with computers goes back to the mid 80's.    


BOBSK8             MSFS 2020 ,    ,PMDG 737-600-800 Fenix A320, FSLTL , TrackIR ,  Avliasoft EFB2  ,  ATC  by PF3  ,

A Pilots LIfe V2 ,  CLX PC , Auto FPS, ACTIVE Sky FS,  PMDG DC6 , A2A Comanche, , Milviz C 310



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Now I am thinking, what the heck is going on, all I wanted was some trees, why a, I getting all this stuff. That is when I hit the cancel button on the download screen. The download at that point stopped, and I breathed a sigh of relief...


And you still don't get it, The Orbx Central was only trying to install fully the Tree software and it's necessary updated libraries that you had purchased.

Why did you feel that you knew better than the developers and why did having a few extra files on your system panic you to the extent that you would abort an installation ?

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And you still don't get it, The Orbx Central was only trying to install fully the Tree software and it's necessary updated libraries that you had purchased.

Why did you feel that you knew better than the developers and why did having a few extra files on your system panic you to the extent that you would abort an installation ?


And you don't get it. Explain to me how a trees add on  that was  totally  contained  in a 60 mb .exe file takes 2058 files to update?     That Tree add on id the only thing I ever purchased from Orbx, and nothing else of theirs on my HD.  Your explanation  should be really  interesting.  B)


And anyway, if you had taken the time to read my very detailed post above as to what I did. step by step,  you will see that I did exactly what Orbx told me to do in running the update, and it still screwed up the operation of my P3D until I uninstalled the trees. . 


BOBSK8             MSFS 2020 ,    ,PMDG 737-600-800 Fenix A320, FSLTL , TrackIR ,  Avliasoft EFB2  ,  ATC  by PF3  ,

A Pilots LIfe V2 ,  CLX PC , Auto FPS, ACTIVE Sky FS,  PMDG DC6 , A2A Comanche, , Milviz C 310



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And you don't get it. Explain to me how trees that were contained  in a 60 mb .exe file takes 2058 files to update?     That is the only thing I ever purchased from Orbx.  this should be interesting.  B)


I'll take a stab at this: The HD Trees required changes in the autogen implementation (that's where the potential framerate increase is supposed to come from.) The autogen changes are probably contained in the ORBX library. ORBX used to ship separate libraries for each of their products, which made updating a nightmare - so they combined them into one. Much easier for everybody who has more than 1 or 2 ORBX products, but of course it made the single library much larger.


You're somewhat of an exception with HD Trees being your only ORBX product.

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Not sure if HD Trees was designed to be installed without any other Orbx products?

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