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PTA Is Amazing!

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Tried out the P3D Tweak Assistant (PTA) combined with my Reshader presets.   Mind blown.  Awesome looking!   Now if the simulator would stop bleeding away all it's VAS in less than 45 minutes of flight that would be great mmmmmmmmkay?   v3.4.9, I am disappointed...   









Captain K-Man FlightBlog Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCulqmz0zmIMuAzJvDAZPkWQ  //  Streaming on YouTube most Wednesdays and Fridays @ 6pm CST

Brian Navy

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great shots !!!


If not too much hassle can you do a quick  dropbox / or other free file hosting  upload link with your own personal reshade presets


Im eager to give them a try



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Awesome shots!


I would like to know the settings you used as well.


BTW: Thank you for the process lasso video!

"I am the Master of the Fist!" -Akuma

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Now I understand why you have that helmet pulled over your eyes: you must be going blind otherwise with those bleached out clouds and skies! ;)

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I agree! I'm diving into the PTA settings as well as HDR in sim. Things are turning out to be just..perfect!





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Great Effects!!




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Now I understand why you have that helmet pulled over your eyes: you must be going blind otherwise with those bleached out clouds and skies! ;)


It does get a little bright when one is staring into the sun.

Awesome shots!


I would like to know the settings you used as well.


BTW: Thank you for the process lasso video!


You are welcome.    Below is the link to my flightsim folder.   The loan .ini is for PTA and is not mine.  It is from another user but I tweaked it for my personal tastes.   His blue was a little too blue for my liking.   The folder is the preset for Reshader 3.0.0, the newest version.   DO NOT use this with Reshade 1 or 2.




A couple of shots leaving out of DFW with a little minor HDR tweaking.





Captain K-Man FlightBlog Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCulqmz0zmIMuAzJvDAZPkWQ  //  Streaming on YouTube most Wednesdays and Fridays @ 6pm CST

Brian Navy

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I like your screenies, Brian. But at least for me the second shot with the Southwest Boeing is a bit too much on the bright side

Any attempt to stretch fuel is guaranteed to increase headwinds

My specs: AMD Radeon RX6700XT, AMD Ryzen 9 5900X, 32GB RAM, 34" monitor, screen resolution: 2560x1080

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I like your screenies, Brian. But at least for me the second shot with the Southwest Boeing is a bit too much on the bright side


SO hard to find that balance.  I just chalk up to the fact that it's 8am in this screen shot so the sun is extremely bright on that side of the plane.   A lot of people go for the YOU ARE THERE color scheme and brightness but I tend to setup my shaders as if I am FILMING the shot with a camera.   This looks right to me with camera.     Still tweaking though!    We shall see!   My motivation to tweak is running out already as v3.4 of P3D is NOT VAS friendly.  I can't even do a 2 hour flight anymore without the VAS vanishing out.    3.2 I could fly for hours without a problem with the same add-ons and settings.   Definitely got a VAS bleed issue on this new version... but hey.. at least I can make pretty screen shots!  :)

Captain K-Man FlightBlog Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCulqmz0zmIMuAzJvDAZPkWQ  //  Streaming on YouTube most Wednesdays and Fridays @ 6pm CST

Brian Navy

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I can't know for sure but one, er, glaring issue with folks judging colors and brightness with people's PTA and ReShade settings is that it's difficult to compare what things look like on different monitors. I've tweaked the hell out of both PTA and ReShade and, like Brian, am smitten with the results. It's truly incredible. But sharing my presets and settings could likely just result in disappointment.


And one other (Brian), be sure to also post your HDR settings.


Good job buddy and glad you found "the light!"

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Those are great shots. I have not tried reshade yet, but probably should give it a go. What version of reshade should one use? I see there is 1.1, 2.0 and 3.0.


REX AccuSeason Developer

REX Simulations

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Hey Brian, try to switch off your freeway traffic for the VAS, I do have a significant VAS leak with any freeway traffic activated.

Arslan Nouar

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Hey Brian, try to switch off your freeway traffic for the VAS, I do have a significant VAS leak with any freeway traffic activated.


Off or on, no difference that I can see.  I do fly with it off to give those extra CPU cycles over to AI air traffic instead.   AI air traffic is obviously eating up some of the VAS but even with AI traffic off the VAS is unacceptable compared to my previous version of P3D and it is undeniably bleeding out to OOM doom.


A few more shots I did to see how the system is performing in bad weather/overcast.  This was historical weather from yesterday as it was raining cats and dogs all morning.   I was impressed.    This also shows how my HDR/PTA/ReShade settings interact with overcast.


HDR settings are (from top to bottom);  1.1, .8 and 1.0   Pretty much almost default.


Also, the latest version of ReShade 3.0 is what I am using and works great.  The nice thing about ReShade over PTA is ReShade allows you adjust your shaders in real time so you can see the results in the simulator.  PTA does not.  You have to set, apply and restart the sim.   I use both together (yes, I am aware PTA has some of the same shaders as ReShade but again, No real time interface with the sim).







Captain K-Man FlightBlog Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCulqmz0zmIMuAzJvDAZPkWQ  //  Streaming on YouTube most Wednesdays and Fridays @ 6pm CST

Brian Navy

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