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  1. Based on the search I just ran on their discord, there is no WX radar or terrain map, I am not really sure why they couldnt include both as many other airliners availble in FS20 have at least one of these features. I know the weather radar is just a simple bitmap and is nothing like the real thing but we use these tools IRL and for a plane that is offering this level of detail and systems depth, I cannot understand why these are lacking....
  2. Has anyone been running into issues with VR with 12.1beta? I am getting 1FPS (where I was able to use VR prior 12.1). I have a G2 and use mid-levels graphics settings. A big thank you to the devs for this big update.
  3. I know the Asobo "weather radar" is bare (iirc isn't it some sort of bitmaps?), but IMO it is better than nothing. I dont understand why Fenix is so reluctant to implement it in their product. Is it a technical limitation? It's confusing to me as I see other products (Inibuild, FSS Ejets, Leonardo, etc.) with the default weather radar.... John.
  4. Former CRJ driver here, completely agree with @Prpn this addon is lacking in many aspects. Even the engine start timing is innacurate, all these quirks have been discussed so many times, it's clear the dev have no intentions on fixing what could have been a great product.
  5. a possible answer to this is that he has time on his hand because he is waiting to start IOE (assuming he recently finished his type rating). The wait at my airline from training to IOE is currently close to 2 months..
  6. someone asked about this on their discord and the answer given was that they cannot implement the ASOBO "weather radar" because the type of gauge being used in the Fenix Airbus is not compatible with the default weather radar. Seems a bit odd to me but I am not a developer....
  7. hey guys, I am having a strange issue (HP G2) with VR ONLY in P3D. I am unable to move forward/backward or left/right. I can look around the VC but if I try to lean forward for example, the view sort of goes backward a few inches. I dont have this problem in any other sims (I am thinking particulary XP11 as I also use SteamVR there). Is there a setting I need to adjust? Thanks in advance John
  8. I dont see Inibuild, Working Title, Leonardo, etc. getting bashed for using MS default "radar", a simple disclaimer would suffice IMO
  9. I think it is a shame they dont include the default MS "radar", I know it is a bitmap but it is better than nothing, just my humble opinion.....
  10. In my case, I will use the sim before heading to recurrent in order to practice certain scenarios that we will encounter in the sim (FSS), and not being practiced on the line. In other cases, I've known pilots to use pc sims to familiarize with a new aircraft, and learn FMS, practice flows and so on. I've seen pilot coming to ground school and mastering FMS labs in no time because they used PC sims at home (where others struggled). PC Sims have come a long way and with devs like Fenix, FSL, PMDG and others, we have good options.
  11. I agree with everyone, that is absolutely unacceptable, HIFI has always been a top notch company, this is poor business practice.
  12. Completely agree, I wish that PMDG, Fenix, etc. would do the same and implement the Asobo solution. I think we're a long way from getting realistic radar returns, and not having a weather radar limits the experience (IMO) John
  13. a bit of a separate topic but does anyone know if LR if planning to improve VR? I have a G2 and XP12 is basically unplayable in VR. I am not sure if it is G2 related but I have seen other users complaining about it. There is an Open VR DLL out there that is helping a bit, but it is not stable. Thx! John
  14. Great shots! Is this XP12? What scenery (airport and orthos?) I live in the area and it's always nice to see screenshots like these Thx Ryan John
  15. I tried both NordVPN and ExpressVPN and unfortunately the fastest speed I have seen with either is no more than 40Mb (with VPN Off I get over 100Mb). I opened a ticket with both and they came back with a standard response "sorry that's the best we can do" 😞 John
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