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What's next for PMDG?

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Personally if PMDG made and released a 737-300/400/500 and a 757 and 767 my fleet would be complete,  though I remember that in the OVPA interview a few years back Rob did mention the team that was working on the dc6 would be working on something mainstream next,  if that is still the case that is

Peter Graves


Kalgoorlie, WA

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Keeping the MD-11 dream alive :-)

Jeff Bea

I am an avid globetrotter with my trusty Lufthansa B777F, Polar Air Cargo B744F, and Atlas Air B748F.

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46 minutes ago, ahuimanu said:

Keeping the MD-11 dream alive :-)

It should’ve died along time ago, but for some reason it’s advocates have been refusing to pull the plug on a dead project. Maybe they’ll do one some day, maybe they don’t. But it obviously won’t be anytime soon.

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On 17/01/2018 at 3:50 AM, PaulGR said:

Max would be great. And a PMDG quality 787. :D

Oh I would love a 787

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On 27/1/2018 at 3:24 AM, Milton Waddams said:

It should’ve died along time ago, but for some reason it’s advocates have been refusing to pull the plug on a dead project. Maybe they’ll do one some day, maybe they don’t. But it obviously won’t be anytime soon.

Why? What would make you prefer a JaBBA* to something more interesting? At least when the MD-11 was launched, we had to learn how to actually fly it, same with the JS41 and the DC6. Don't get me wrong, I think PMDG produce excellent renditions of the 737, 747 and 777, I just have no interest in yet another variant of a plane I already have and can already program fly well.  Do you really care if your next version of your last simulated airliner has a more accurate rendering of the rivets on the left hand lower widget sub-strut? I don't. Investing effort into simulating the variation in the specific gravity of fuel depending on where it was loaded does not, as far as I am aware, change or even influence a single decision that a pilot makes in the planning or execution of a flight so it is (in my opinion) in the same category as verifying the rivet count: Nice to do if you have time, but not high on my priority list.


[* Just another Boring Boeing or Airbus]

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9 hours ago, Paul_Smith said:

Investing effort into simulating the variation in the specific gravity of fuel depending on where it was loaded does not, as far as I am aware, change or even influence a single decision that a pilot makes in the planning or execution of a flight so it is (in my opinion) in the same category as verifying the rivet count: Nice to do if you have time, but not high on my priority list.

I still hope for a seperated tiller some day..


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1 hour ago, Ephedrin said:

I still hope for a seperated tiller some day..

I'm sure it'll happen, possibly even as soon as the -8 but that remains unclear at this time.

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Windows that open would be nice...

p.s; I know about the full up animations quotas...

And if that's beyond them then a full on 787 will do nicely.

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3 hours ago, ganter said:

Windows that open would be nice...

p.s; I know about the full up animations quotas...

And if that's beyond them then a full on 787 will do nicely.

Well, as far as I know there is no animation limit anymore in P3D v4.2 so things like openable windows, sunshades and all that "good" stuff should be possible in the upcoming aircraft.

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12 hours ago, ganter said:

And if that's beyond them then a full on 787 will do nicely.

You know what, that could be a real possibility. Obviously just a theory here, but it’d make sense for their next aircraft to be a 787. The 787 is a massively complex aircraft, referred to the Airbus of Boeing’s in terms of complexity if that makes sense, so it’s possible that PMDG are breaking it down into small chunks to make it a bit easier, such as the engines on the 747-8 and some of the cockpit systems on the unannounced 737 Max. This way they have 2 more products to refine their technologies, knock out a few major components of the 787 while having revenue streaming in, all in preparation for a 787. That’s really the only plane I can see PMDG doing after the -8 and the Max, unless RSR decides to do a CSeries/EJet or a 757 or 767. Again, just a theory.

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i wish a slap function would be incorporated/invented... it is essential these days...

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1 hour ago, scandinavian13 said:


The lurking, pragmatic and yet sensitive to our needs presence, of the old Grand Master of the PMDG Sim...

Hear us;


(Pretty please, with sugar on the top)

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Is there a big difference in cockpit layout from the 747-400 to the 747-8?  I was looking at photos but I can't see any differences?

Paul Gugliotta

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59 minutes ago, paulyg123 said:

Is there a big difference in cockpit layout from the 747-400 to the 747-8?  I was looking at photos but I can't see any differences?

Rather subtle.. EFB on the side, smaller gear lever, no trim indication next to the throttle, some differences on the overhead panel... „track pad“ for the electronic checklist... stuff like this.. 


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