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Gabriel Victor

P3DV4 QualityWings 787 Bugs

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I still have to try it our myself but reading these posts I can't figure out for someone the VNAV doesn't work at all, that's just like pressing a fake key on the MCP. 

Others can smoothly land even with a fully functional ILS.

Which criteria/setting/procedure or whatever leads into situation 1 or 2 ? That's a mystery.



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 Following the numbers and adding flaps at the correct point, I've not had a single issue with the eight landings I've made so far worldwide and one in a 17kt crosswind.

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I have no doubt that it is a premium product because I have flown a lot with the FSX Steam, but I must say that this version of P3D V4 is not yet adjusted. One of my biggest disappointments is in the takeoff with flight plan introduced in the FMC, I was manually limited to FL070 and ignored, continuing the ascent without control, this in FSX does not happen, another disappointment was in the landing, when Note that the runway was displaced with respect to the course, and I have to say that it does not always land correctly even if you have the correct configuration for the landing. All this does not happen in my version of FSX.

So much is my frustration that I have stopped flying with him, and I continue with my 777 PDMG until these errors are solved.

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15 hours ago, Dean_EGTC said:

There is nothing that makes this aircraft unflyable.

And yet in a later post you say -

"Well, i am extremely new to flying.."


Just because i am new to flying it doesn't mean i don't know what i'm doing

Most of my hours in P3DV4 are in the 737, 747 and FSLA320 and i've been flying with those for over an year now (except for the FSLabs A320, i used Aerosoft's before)

I know, for example that if i adjust the payload on the aircraft to be even in all of its parts, there shouldn't be anything unbalancing the aircraft to the right or to the left.

I know that i shouldn't be getting a stall warning when i'm flying nowhere near my stall speed, sometimes not even below 160kts

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Have you guys tried to compute the landing VREF using the EFB, then sending the data to FMC? Haven’t had any of the above issues on my landings

Chen Chen

MSFS: FENIX A320 / PMDG 737 / FBW A32NX / WT 787-10


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Do you guys had CTD's after departure? Every single take off leads to a CTD so far...
Cold and dark up to the rwy is fine. Just about half a minute after take off.

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7 hours ago, Gabriel Victor said:

Just because i am new to flying it doesn't mean i don't know what i'm doing

Most of my hours in P3DV4 are in the 737, 747 and FSLA320 and i've been flying with those for over an year now (except for the FSLabs A320, i used Aerosoft's before)

I know, for example that if i adjust the payload on the aircraft to be even in all of its parts, there shouldn't be anything unbalancing the aircraft to the right or to the left.

I know that i shouldn't be getting a stall warning when i'm flying nowhere near my stall speed, sometimes not even below 160kts

Then i'm sorry Gabriel, but you're doing something wrong with this aircraft.  I've just completed my eighth flight with the B788, both GE and RR engines, at very lightly loaded and close to MTOW; I've not stalled yet.  I will say,  I do see the red speed indicator come close at times when reducing speed but if you add flaps when indicated you can reduce to Vapp then around 1500AGL reduce to Vref + wind component.

Why don't you record your approach and stick it up on You Tube.  Maybe we can spot the problem.  I should also say i've never encountered this imbalance issue.  That's weird.

The only CTD I've had is when I tried to use the WX radar.

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8 minutes ago, Dean_EGTC said:

Then i'm sorry Gabriel, but you're doing something wrong with this aircraft.  I've just completed my eighth flight with the B788, both GE and RR engines, at very lightly loaded and close to MTOW; I've not stalled yet.  I will say,  I do see the red speed indicator come close at times when reducing speed but if you add flaps when indicated you can reduce to Vapp then around 1500AGL reduce to Vref + wind component.

Why don't you record your approach and stick it up on You Tube.  Maybe we can spot the problem.  I should also say i've never encountered this imbalance issue.  That's weird.

The only CTD I've had is when I tried to use the WX radar.

I have reinstalled my P3D again and QW787 and i'm in touch with the FSCaptain Team since the QW787 conflicts with FSC.

By using both of these at the same time, somehow, QW787 manages to alter the p3d files and render fsc useless, as in the software will not open anymore, and that is only when you have the QW787 installed.

After 2 days working with this issue they have given me a set of instructions to follow regarding P3D and they said they might have found the issue and will have it fixed in around 48 hours. So now i'm testing QW787 without FSC

And this is what i found so far:

-The balance bug is gone now.

-The heading indicator bug is still here

-The stall bug is also still here, is as if the aircraft was too heavy, even when it's not. I had flown it right now with absolutely no payload, and only 50% fuel on the center and wings and this time it landed perfectly at 145kts. No issues. So i'm guessing there is an issue here with how the aircraft is handling the payload. Just for reference, can you tell me the accurate max landing weight for the 788?

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I'm glad to see you've tracked it down to FSCaptains tweeking of the 787's payload.  I used FSPassengers a while back and believe it did the same thing.  There was an option though to not alter the config files of aircraft that had their own dispatcher and loader.  Very important!

I doubt this aircraft would ever land with 50% fuel in the tanks.  That's 35 metric tonnes.  I googled for MLW and consensus is it's 172t.  I believe they aim for not much more than 10% fuel remaining plus Alternate of course.


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1 minute ago, Dean_EGTC said:


I'm glad to see you've tracked it down to FSCaptains tweeking of the 787's payload.  I used FSPassengers a while back and believe it did the same thing.  There was an option though to not alter the config files of aircraft that had their own dispatcher and loader.  Very important!

I doubt this aircraft would ever land with 50% fuel in the tanks.  That's 35 metric tonnes.  I googled for MLW and consensus is it's 172t.  I believe they aim for not much more than 10% fuel remaining plus Alternate of course.


No, FSC does not messes up with the 787 payload. i meant the natural 787 does that, at least on my machine it handles the payload wrongly, thats why i'd like to run some tests.

Since you also have it installed could you help me with that? it'd be good to mimic a flight, with the same payload and configs. Just a take off and landing on the default airport (eglin) would be enough.

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Sure I will.  Give me your flight and payload.  I'll calculate fuel from PFPX.  Do you use Active Sky?

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3 hours ago, silentghostx said:

Have you guys tried to compute the landing VREF using the EFB, then sending the data to FMC? Haven’t had any of the above issues on my landings

I thought the FMC maintained the gross weight of the aircraft with ZFW + Fuel remaining and is always aware.  Why go to the EFB during landing and try to change things?  Should I get rid of some fuel or cargo or passengers?  So no, I do not use the EFB.  That is already configured in the Approach Page of the FMC.

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My 787 landings were successful until now.... Have 4 of them. ILS approach, disconnect AP between 2000 and 200 feet AGL.


I only experiecne AP problems (VNAV not flown correctly, AP does not respond at all) when using the "jump to waypoint" feature. Otherwise I really like the Dreamliner so far and I already said it in another thread: Give them some time to sort things out and fix them. Also for me, reading all this, it's not clear in all cases if the 787 is to blame or poor airmanship 🙂

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I've now tried the 787 with Active Sky on four occasions and I get a CTD on each occasion. I have not used the WX on the last one. Using Sky Force's weather engine brings no CTD. 

 Ryzen 7 5800x, 32gb, RX 6900XT 16gb

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