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February 6th-ish, 2020 – Development Update

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4 hours ago, DAD said:

well, while I understand that that hangar picture is a screenshot I am still expecting somehow that is a static view when selecting an aircraft, like any of those screenshots of other games which are not actually taken from the game itself but which are rather splash screens. Unless you can actually walk around that aircraft in the hangar, then I stand corrected. 

Again, it's been confirmed the hanger shots are being rendered in game. The shot with the (edit: DR 400) in the hanger was specifically cited by ASOBO. It may *also* be the plane select screen as well, but it is not CGI.

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Yes, see the following video from their official channel (and its title):


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17 hours ago, Claviateur said:

As it was mentioned above,the photos shown as examples are overexposed. They are usually preferred for tourism posters and post cards... They are overexposed and made glamorous for a purpose. When I flew with my cousin back in the late 90s I remember the city lights were not that bright. 

To reproduce reality as is in visual art, we must never use photography:  ...

I have found that photographs are useful for comparing one color to another but not the colors themselves.  You can look at a thousand pictures of the sky and some are more bluegreen and some almost purple (and the sky does change quite a lot with clouds, haze, and lighting) but there are often some universal relativities contained in all the photos.

17 hours ago, irrics said:

I prefer that the simulator represent what the human eyes of pilots see as much as possible. 

When considering "what the pilot sees", I think its important to remember that one pilot flies an ultralight and sees through sunglasses and/or goggles and another pilot sees through tinted windscreens while also wearing sunglasses.  

I would rather the world be as seen with the naked eye and then window tinting and/or sunglasses can be added after the fact.

As it pertains to city lighting, the naked eye is quite sensitive to light and real cities can be quite bright.  The two real photos shown in this thread so far are both overexposed but not that badly.  I think its more of a dynamic range issue.

|   Dave   |    I've been around for most of my life.

There's always a sunset happening somewhere in the world that somebody is enjoying.

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2 hours ago, bonchie said:

It may *also* be the plane select screen as well, but it is not CGI.

You do know what CGI stands for right 😉

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4 minutes ago, NZ255 said:

You do know what CGI stands for right 😉

You know what I mean. A CGI cutscene.

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On 2/9/2020 at 2:58 PM, Tuskin38 said:

They were talking about the Discovery episode release date. That was the heading and topic of the paragraph.

Yeah I think you are right, would have been cool though wouldn't it, unless they were going to anounce it will be releasing 2022... [joke!]

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4 hours ago, divide said:

Yes, see the following video from their official channel (and its title):


Yeah thats a good spot, assuming it's the same hanger... in the same game mode, and the same hanger isn't prerendered in higher fidelity for menu options and the like...

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36 minutes ago, dtrjones said:

Yeah thats a good spot, assuming it's the same hanger... in the same game mode, and the same hanger isn't prerendered in higher fidelity for menu options and the like...

Given the occlusion culling that is possible within a hangar (particularly if you can close and open the doors like in the trailer) I would expect they can squeeze a dramatic amount of additional detail in them. Whether they do in practice or it’s just a menu screen I guess we’ll have to wait and find out.

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As impressive as it looks, I see nothing that can't be achieved in realtime nowadays, specially since it's (likely) a closed environment in this case. My guess is that it's the mode where you choose your aircraft, same hangar for all but the plane changes, and you can rotate (not walk) around each aircraft with the mouse. Something very similar to what is usually done with the character selection screen in most videogames.

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On 2/8/2020 at 6:08 PM, mSparks said:

This looks fine:


That MSFS2020 night shot needs a lot of work to be remotely close to fine, it looks like my niece got loose with some florescent ink.

hanger looks phenomenal, possibly a photo with the plane in though.


That doesn't look fine at all.

Having several thousand hours flying in and out of the world's biggest cities at night in big jets, including almost all major European airports and most major American airfields (as well as the Middle East, East Asia, Africa, the Carribean and elsewhere), I've never seen a night scene that looks anything like what you've posted.  It's complete garbage.

Out of all the 'night' photos in this thread (including the real photos which have been exposure compensated), by far the most accurate is that depicted by Asobo. 


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7 minutes ago, 2reds2whites said:

That doesn't look fine at all.

Having several thousand hours flying in and out of the world's biggest cities at night in big jets, including almost all major European airports and most major American airfields (as well as the Middle East, East Asia, Africa, the Carribean and elsewhere), I've never seen a night scene that looks anything like what you've posted.  It's complete garbage.

Out of all the 'night' photos in this thread (including the real photos which have been exposure compensated), by far the most accurate is that depicted by Asobo. 


You're right, not quite as many locations as you, but Detroit, Boston, Miami,  Hong Kong, Manila, and Tokyo, Amsterdam aren't that dim, and certainly not postcards.  ooh are the windmill farms there on approach in Amsterdam ? 

MSFS is a good medium between both. Again, is it better than what we have now in SIMS? Oh lord yes.

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1 hour ago, 2reds2whites said:

That doesn't look fine at all.

Please note, the "fine" refers to the size of the windows, and general placement of default roads and buildings. Not my lighting or gamma correction settings which are turned well down for headset performance.

It also looks absolutely phenomenal with the headset on, but obviously you cannot see that unless you have a headset with the same color response as me.

AutoATC Developer

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Fer cripes sake!  It's 3:30 am your time!  Go get some sleep!  Are you a vampire?

Charlie Aron

AVSIM Board of Directors-Moderator-Registrar

Awaiting the new Microsoft Flight Sim and the purchase of a new system.  Running a Chromebook for now! :cool:



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2 hours ago, charliearon said:

Fer cripes sake!  It's 3:30 am your time!  Go get some sleep!  Are you a vampire?

Sleep deprivation!! Now that explains a lot🤣

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19 hours ago, DAD said:

Unless you can actually walk around that aircraft in the hangar, then I stand corrected.

They could make it possible that you can walk around there, and it would then be its own closed world. It would be much more different when the doors could be opened and you can then roll out. In the original E3 trailer the hangar doors open to a live outside world at 0:28min.

Siggy Schwarz

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