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P3Dv5 Excessive vRam usage

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5 hours ago, snapshot21 said:

I wonder if LM implemented DX12's multi adapter mode. Which allows VRAM stacking when using nvidia NVLink similar to SLI. It theoretically will allow 22GB of VRAM when using 2x 2080ti.

It costs too much, but might be the only way we can truly max out P3Dv5 without OOM.

This program is a joke ! We can make 4k movie with that amount of vram 🙂

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Be careful with nvidia control panel if you attend to use v5 and keep V4 alive. 
your profile created with the V4 become the V5 

so high setting in V4 profile could create some crash in the V5 profile

check your’s!

Frédéric Giraud

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14 minutes ago, grandfred29 said:

Be careful with nvidia control panel if you attend to use v5 and keep V4 alive. 
your profile created with the V4 become the V5 

so high setting in V4 profile could create some crash in the V5 profile

check your’s!

Is that enough just to delete the v4 client ? or how can force nvidia control panel to focus just to v5?

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1 hour ago, atesz76 said:

You are right! Absolutely ridiculous! New P3DV5 simply doesn’t work!!!!

They haven’t even worked together with developers so not even one airplane is ready to go with there product. How is that possible???

Your post is absolutely ridiculous. What are you talking about? It’s up to the developers to make their aircraft work with the new versions of P3D. A lot of them have had access to the betas. 

Claiming v5 doesn’t work is simply not true. I haven’t had a crash yet - Sure some people have and have noticed bugs but complaining about them on Avsim is not helping anyone. If you haven’t already, go over to the P3DS official forum and post your findings. With your settings, specs and more so they can try and help understand what is happening and possibly fix it.

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Vote for better camera support in MSFS: https://devsupport.flightsimulator.com/t/camera-api/3077/29

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13 hours ago, jimimac said:

I have a 1080 card so I will hold of purchasing v5, anyone advise on xplane with Vulcan if you have the same vram problems.thanks

Not at all....I have my XP11.50b3 well 'cranked'...using an GTX1070 8GB card...and never ...never have chunk 'n stutter....or CTD's....   I had one CTD,  only because I was running their b1 beta...and 11.50x IS a Beta release. 11.41 is rock solid...

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11 hours ago, troyboy66 said:

No no. I am extremely patient. I can wait a long time until all this mess is cleaned up.

This is why you NEVER delete a well running installment of any application you are in the process of upgrading so just to have a fall-back......there are some users kicking themselves now....and for sure!  I can think of one...

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2 hours ago, atesz76 said:

They haven’t even worked together with developers so not even one airplane is ready to go with there product.

Untrue. All you need is an aircraft that is properly installed via addon.xml method.

Then you point P3D via autodetect to the correct folder and, voila, the aircraft shows up.

Works for the Aerosoft Airbusses and the CRJ, for example.

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I have found V5 to much for my lowly 970 strix graphic card, it crashes about one in two attempts to fly usually the card gives up the ghost and I get a black box with a message! my sliders in the main are set at about 50% of v4.5 setting, but I do love watching the lines of info that tells me I'm using 3,2 GB memory out of the 3,5 GB I have available to use and that's while still on the ground!, and as I do not have any of my Orbx, Rex etc loaded, I wonder what will happen when I install that lot, So its off to Rob a bank for a new card oh sod it are they open?, what amount of memory is "really" required for P3d V5 is 11GB going to be enough, as LM move forward because I see the game changing. to refund or not to refund that is the question

any way thanks for reading, if my rambling does not make sense put it down to the effects of Lockdown


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10 hours ago, fppilot said:

That's what I needed to hear.  Cannot build new system until at least after this pandemic, and really wish to wait until MSFS 2020 specs are out in the open.  Having trouble with my aging FSX setup now, so really in a bind.  System specs appear below.

I'm running with a GTX1070 8GB and only ***12*** GB's of System Ram.  That is all my M.B. will allow.  That being said, I have no problems running either P3D v4.5 (pretty well maxed out at 28-33 FPS and XP11.50b3 pretty well maxed out at 28-30 FPS.  But...now I see that I have to pass on P3D v5.0, in that I can NOT go back to a primitive virtual world..of mid to low settings. I'd fly like that once...and uninstall v5.0.   If MSFS20 (of which I will buy the first day out...) also is DX12 and eats vRAM, then I will, like others sweat it out, until you can buy a 32GB GPU, that doesn't mean I have to rob every child I produced from getting something outta me...(smile).  Seriously though...I see now, that perhaps my present system, is coming to the 'end of the road'...and I will now start to budget for whatever MSFS20 is going to throw at me.  I fully intend to run it 'bending to the right', or not at all. My virtual world needs the highest torque that I can glean from any of my flight sims.  Why have features...for goodness sakes,  but if to use it...you have to cripple the output to the screen, as I see is happening post by post today in the P3D forum.  Pass.....for now, anyway...

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What I don't get is how I can run V4.5 at almost maxed out settings with the fslabs bus at heathrow with orbx, active sky etc and get 35 constant fps with only 3GB of VRAM. Glad I read this before buying because I thought id have no issues in V5 because they are non-existent in V4.5

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9 hours ago, KL Oo said:

Hi Simbol,

Before purchasing I'm waiting to hear more about theVRAM issue. Beau Hollis has posted on the LM forums about the issue and from my understanding of his post, there doesn't sound like there is much that they can do to stop the CTD - Here is the post for those that mightn't have seen it :

3) DirectX11 allows applications to go over budget and the driver then attempts to shuffle resources on and off of the GPU to keep the app running. This tends to cause major performance issues, so it was always best to stay under budget, It just wasn't clear in Dx11 what your budget was or how much was in use. DirectX12 drivers don't allow apps to go over budget, but we do get clear information on memory usage. We've added this data to the InfoGen text to help users tune their settings and content. Our focus for 5.0 was to optimize performance under the assumption that settings and content are tuned to keep the app under budget.

The bolding is mine. The way I read that quote it doesn't sound like DX12 allows anybody to go over their VRAM "budget", just lets the program know how close they are too that budget. It also doesn't appear to allow for sharing into regular RAM (something it sounds like DX11 did). So, given that, are we back in the realms of OOMs albeit with VRAM as opposed to regular RAM? And what would a possible patch actually do given that DX12 simply doesn't allow one to go over the budget? Is there a method of removing items from VRAM once you hit your budget as opposed to the app crashing?

I've got no idea, just trying to get greater clarity on the changes to DX12 from the developer of the software...




You guys are reading it wrong, he is explaining the behavior of DX12..


After that post he also said:

Thanks for the clarification. We're sorry to hear the settings change isn't working properly for you. We will try to reproduce the crash on our end and improve the settings change experience so that the app can continue to run.

Beau Hollis

Prepar3D Software Architect


Clearly they are working to make the application change settings on the fly to avoid a crash.

Via private beta forums I got a similar answer from Kevin Cartrette.

I would advise everyone to stop making asumptions and ask directly to LM developers who are clearly responding and dealing with these issues.



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My VRAM is on par with BF5  in 4k (roughly 7,5 GB). So it's not like we are seeing absurd amounts of VRAM...

I understand the two of them are significantly different games. One is open world (P3D), whereas the other is within a set confine of a map...

I run V5 almost maxed out with these default little planes, will likely scale back when FSL, PMDG enters the fray.


Edited by SAS443
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EASA PPL SEPL ( NQ , Turbocharged, EFIS, Variable Pitch, SLPC, Retractable undercarriage)
B23 / PA32R / PA28 / DA40NG+tdi / C172S 

MSFS | X-Plane 12 |


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me thinks.....This version of P3D V5 is sponsored by Nvidia with subliminal messages in the sim.  Look for ILS approaches with a course heading of 208.0 TI ( IAF waypoint TITAN)

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8 minutes ago, SAS443 said:

My VRAM is on par with BF5  in 4k (roughly 7,5 GB). So it's not like we are seeing absurd amounts of VRAM...

I understand the two of them are significantly different games. One is open world (P3D), whereas the other is within a set confine of a map...

I run V5 almost maxed out with these default little planes, will likely scale back when FSL, PMDG enters the fray.


that's pretty!

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A pilot is always learning and I LOVE to learn.

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