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Somewhat disappointed - Still a Beta game

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After a day of playing FS2020 I, along with what looks like others, still feel this is very much a beta game. As someone who has been playing flight sim for 20 years I dont really see how so many fundamental things have been missed. A few key items from me;

  • Autopilot simply doesnt work in any aircraft
  • ATC is poor
  • IFR flight plans are not very good, the in game nav log doesnt show frequencies of VORs
  • Cant figure out how to get the autopilot to follow a GPS or NAV route at all
  • I see no way at all to get ILS frequencies in game. You can do a vor to vor route and see vor frequencies but how are you supposed to do an ILS approach? None of the map views I can see work, but ILS appraoches do work in game if you find the real world frequency. 
  • I dont seem to be able to press more than one key command at once, e.g. release parking brake is ctrl . but that doesnt work. Increase sim speed is r + but that also doesn't work

Dont get me wrong, the sim is fantastic and a great VFR improvement, but at present IFR flights are impossible, hopefully something that will be fixed soon but I imagine there is a lot on their product backlog... 


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Yes, this is a big disappointment given all the hype.  Thankfully my P3D is installed on a dedicated SSD and so there are no worries.  I feel for the people who uninstalled P3D expecting something special.

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Some of us tried to tell them but I'm guessing the bean counters won out.


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P3D had years of previous coding built upon by FSX which was built upon previous incarnations. lol. And it still is/was (as I have happily rid if from my drive) problematic. Plus the continual disappointment of the base textures which you need a small fortune to upgrade.



 Ryzen 7 5800x, 32gb, RX 6900XT 16gb

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19 minutes ago, teenflon5 said:

After a day of playing FS2020 I, along with what looks like others, still feel this is very much a beta game. As someone who has been playing flight sim for 20 years I dont really see how so many fundamental things have been missed. A few key items from me;

  • Autopilot simply doesnt work in any aircraft
  • ATC is poor
  • IFR flight plans are not very good, the in game nav log doesnt show frequencies of VORs
  • Cant figure out how to get the autopilot to follow a GPS or NAV route at all
  • I see no way at all to get ILS frequencies in game. You can do a vor to vor route and see vor frequencies but how are you supposed to do an ILS approach? None of the map views I can see work, but ILS appraoches do work in game if you find the real world frequency. 
  • I dont seem to be able to press more than one key command at once, e.g. release parking brake is ctrl . but that doesnt work. Increase sim speed is r + but that also doesn't work

Dont get me wrong, the sim is fantastic and a great VFR improvement, but at present IFR flights are impossible, hopefully something that will be fixed soon but I imagine there is a lot on their product backlog... 


Can I ask. Do you fly default planes in P3D?

9900k@5GHz, 32GB@3200 RAM, Strix RTX 2080ti, VKB Gladiator mkii, VKB rudder pedals 

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6 minutes ago, teenflon5 said:

Autopilot simply doesnt work in any aircraft

There's definitely something funky going on here. I have yet to have AP not work in an aircraft.

6 minutes ago, teenflon5 said:

ATC is poor

There are definitely things to be improved. The vectoring and capabilities exceed the P3D and FSX ATC at the moment. The phraseology and voices are a bit basic, though. Overall, it's a step up.

7 minutes ago, teenflon5 said:

IFR flight plans are not very good, the in game nav log doesnt show frequencies of VORs

This is definitely an accessibility issue for sure. The nav data is up to date though, so using AirNav or SkyVector you can get any radio frequencies you might need.

8 minutes ago, teenflon5 said:

Cant figure out how to get the autopilot to follow a GPS or NAV route at all

In the G1000, you need to set the CDI properly. In order to do that, click the G1000 softkey on the PFD (the left big screen display) labeled CDI (or Active Nav on the G3000) until the thing that you want to track (NAV1, NAV2, or GPS) is what is selected. Then, pressing NAV on the AP with the AP enabled will track that.

Note that the G1000 does not auto-tune radios to VORs. So, if you have VOR waypoints and you want to follow those instead of just the GPS, you'll need to tune those yourself (as in the real planes).

12 minutes ago, teenflon5 said:

I dont seem to be able to press more than one key command at once, e.g. release parking brake is ctrl . but that doesnt work. Increase sim speed is r + but that also doesn't work

That one I haven't seen yet.

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20 minutes ago, teenflon5 said:

After a day of playing FS2020 I, along with what looks like others, still feel this is very much a beta game. As someone who has been playing flight sim for 20 years I dont really see how so many fundamental things have been missed. A few key items from me;

  • Autopilot simply doesnt work in any aircraft
  • ATC is poor
  • IFR flight plans are not very good, the in game nav log doesnt show frequencies of VORs
  • Cant figure out how to get the autopilot to follow a GPS or NAV route at all
  • I see no way at all to get ILS frequencies in game. You can do a vor to vor route and see vor frequencies but how are you supposed to do an ILS approach? None of the map views I can see work, but ILS appraoches do work in game if you find the real world frequency. 
  • I dont seem to be able to press more than one key command at once, e.g. release parking brake is ctrl . but that doesnt work. Increase sim speed is r + but that also doesn't work

Dont get me wrong, the sim is fantastic and a great VFR improvement, but at present IFR flights are impossible, hopefully something that will be fixed soon but I imagine there is a lot on their product backlog... 


AP works

Vnav and lnav work

ctrl and , for pbrake works. It’s comma on the numpad not point.

Lukas Dalton

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I think this was to be expected when the release date was announced. At the time, the software was still in Alpha (usually a year at least from release). Microsoft must have pressured Asobo to get it out of the door, because MS wants the fall/winter to stage its XBOX launch. That having no really interesting titles (Halo pushed to 2021), they really didn't want the "first real next-gen game, but not on XBOX" press. It's sad, but think of it this way: sit out the first year of patches, and enjoy a stable release in 2021. That's the reality.


Currently giving X-Plane 12.10 a spin on Shadow PC. 10 years with X-Plane now, since 10.20

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You guys need some reading, research and all those stuff to get familiar with the new sim 😁, It's a day old Sim and make judgement like you've been Simming for years now. FSX/P3D wasn't perfect when it was released, I do more tweaking, install here and there, than flying and some CTD's back then not enjoyable. For now I do have hour's of flight log already and needing some sleep. 😄

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9 minutes ago, DaWu said:

AP works

Vnav and lnav work

ctrl and , for pbrake works. It’s comma on the numpad not point.


8 minutes ago, MarkSC said:

Autopilot works fine.

I think autopilot is a per-plane thing in terms of how well it works. In the 320 Neo, it certainly doesn't work without risking hundreds of virtual lifes with every push of a button.


Currently giving X-Plane 12.10 a spin on Shadow PC. 10 years with X-Plane now, since 10.20

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11 minutes ago, zemez said:

Can I ask. Do you fly default planes in P3D?

Please stop and go back to the interviews with the devs: This would be as real as it gets out of the box! It was mentioned often. The smaller planes are done with much more depth compared to the airliners for example. They simply did not get it ready and therefour the "shrunk" the scope or "marked things as should haves instead of must haves


Marcus P.


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3 minutes ago, Colonel X said:


I think Autopilot is a per-plane thing in terms of how well it works. In the 320 Neo, it certainly doesn't work without risking hundreds of virtual lifes with every button press.

Yes. A320, Boeing 747 and 787 are done very poorly compared to the smaller ones. I totally agree on you here.



Marcus P.


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Still an achievement how Asobo tricked all major gaming outlets, even the most respected ones, to shell out the 10/10 reviews. I mean of course a regular gamer can't grasp a flight simulator, but there are many, many issues that go unnoticed in the reviews.


Currently giving X-Plane 12.10 a spin on Shadow PC. 10 years with X-Plane now, since 10.20

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