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FSHud 1.3. Beta Wow!!!!

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8 minutes ago, cchiozza said:

I am confused, I have FSfud, is 1.3 out if so how do I get it?

I am on 1.3.43 just right from the installer (could choose beta channel). Bought it yesterday though.

7 minutes ago, anden145 said:

The voice demo/sample that @techman just sent, was quite amazing. That's from Amazon Polly? Will FSHud at some point make use of this TTS engine? That would absolutely be amazing! 🙂
(Right now, my voices in FSHud doesn't sound like that).

As far as I´m aware the dev is using exactly that, but it just sounds a little bit different in the software. Time to find out why. 

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6 hours ago, FSHud said:

It can be also because sample rate of 8000Hz is used (lowest one)

Where do I check/change sample rate?

Best regards,
--Anders Bermann--
Scandinavian VA

Pilot-ID: SAS2471

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1 minute ago, techman said:

I am on 1.3.43 just right from the installer (could choose beta channel). Bought it yesterday though.

As far as I´m aware the dev is using exactly that, but it just sounds a little bit different in the software. Time to find out why. 

Agreed. The voices you've linked to, is not what I am experiencing in FSHud.

Edited by anden145

Best regards,
--Anders Bermann--
Scandinavian VA

Pilot-ID: SAS2471

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1 hour ago, RALF9636 said:


What about the holding point for takeoff? How flexible is FSHud with that? Does it allow to request takeoff even if you are not at the assigned holding point - be it because the holding point is somehow misplaced in the scenery or you want to do an intersection takeoff (or are requested intersection takeoffs even supported by FSHud?)?


You have to request takeoff only at ATC expected lineup point.

Version 1.3 will start to support intersection waypoints.

However - it is completely not a good practice to taxi whenever you want and or ask for takeoff from any point.
Because by the end - there are lots of complex calculation about AI Aircraft, how to pass AI Aircraft or pass you by - where the collision can be in measurement of time and hold AI Aircraft
on earlier stage.
Just think of real-world situation - you just start to taxi whenever you want or didn't taxi by expected taxi route - the ATC Controller (human) have to perform huge workload on how to instruct you by the path so you will not collide or stuck into another taxiing aircraft.
The same is done by application.

There are several visual examples of complex problems that can easily come into a life:

Example no 1 - Taxi problem

Blue is your aircraft - you've been instructed to taxi via Alpha, X-Ray then Bravo.

But there is completely no solution scenario if you've decided to taxi via Alpha, Zulu, Bravo - which is 100% opposite taxi path of Red aircraft - which will end up
user unhappiness in any case:
1. Aircrafts will just stop in front of each other - "Why FSHud stuck an aircraft in front of me?"
2. AI Aircraft was removed - "Why FSHud disappears AI aircrafts?"
3. Even if AI Aircraft will turn 180 degrees - it's still "AI Aircrafts are moving not realistically". 

Example no 2 - non-expected intersection takeoff:

Blue aircraft is you - you've just decided to takeoff from intersection as drawn in drawing - but there is already crossing AI Aircraft - which already on the runway and his only exit path taxiway
is taxiway you've decided to takeoff from your own.
This ends up with identical problem as above.

At this moment - FSHud knows in a good way to handle such cases as long as you keep the expected instructions also by time-to-time look at the FSHud panel in order to see that you're ok and doing what is expected.

It is also a point for most of other ATC programs - which just monitors your situation and don't care about such cases - therefore, they're looks more "servable".
"Every user's wish!"
"You want to perform Cuban-Eight? Go for it! we just monitor your current situation parameters and instruct you when you finish with it!"

This is also why I call them "chat programs" - monitoring user's aircraft state and deliver by the voice every wish he wants.

Thank you.

Edited by FSHud
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1 hour ago, FSHud said:

You have to request takeoff only at ATC expected lineup point.

... there are lots of complex calculation about AI Aircraft, how to pass AI Aircraft or pass you by - ...

Makes totally sense.

I was thinking too much along the lines of the conventional ATC addons. With FSHud really controlling AI traffic there are of course much more things to consider.

I think you got me convinced, I'll give FSHud a try.


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23 minutes ago, RALF9636 said:

Makes totally sense.

I was thinking too much along the lines of the conventional ATC addons. With FSHud really controlling AI traffic there are of course much more things to consider.

I think you got me convinced, I'll give FSHud a try.


My apologizes that somehow it became as promotion - that wasn't a meaning.
I've said previously, I'm mostly here to clarify things and provide clarifications to others - much of stuff here said by me from a position of someone who is
in Flight Simulators world from childhood and someone who is having PPL and have some good idea what actually happens in real world, what happens in Simulator and the gap between.

I'm also one of the founders of FSHud and from day zero - all I wanted is good, realistic ATC that takes into account all ATC main workflow cases and realistic AI Aircraft behavior very similar to human controlled aircraft.
Users (including me) are so much used to wrong state of mind that "There is me" and "There is AI Traffic" - AI Traffic is kind of folk birds - they should move and fly nicely and don't disturb my
(user) wishes - but it's totally unrealistic!
This is not what happens in real world! 
You can't also perform whatever you want. Taxiing to wrong taxiway will cause immediate shout from ATC and then clarification by authorities that can even invalidate your license - depends on Impact that came from your incorrect behavior.

Another example is Vatsim or similar networks:
Honestly asking you, how many times it was that you or someone else taxied into you? I guess many - and all of that was forgiven!
Because your state of mind says "it is also human pilot as me sitting in this aircraft" - not as it happens with AI Aircraft - it's just bird or flock of birds - move nicely and don't interfere me!
My point is not that if AI Aircraft taxi into you or disappears should be forgiven - but take some responsibility to make it not happen on earlier stages (making things more realistic).

Edited by FSHud
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I'm sold: FSHUD is my next buy for MFS, and, maybe so I hope, P3Dv6...

Main Simulation Rig:

Ryzen 5600x, 32GB RAM, Nvidia RTX 3060 Ti, 1 TB & 500 GB M.2 nvme drives, Win11.

Lenovo TB310FU 9,5" Tablet for Navigraph and some available external FMCs or AVITABs

Preferred addons: TOLISS A32N, TOGA MU-2, VSkylabs DC-3 and R66, LES DC-3, AWX DC-3

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Seems like people are getting very impressed from my previous saying.
But as I said, I'm here to clarify things.
Please don't make too much emptions about all of that - because there are still tons of issues and things are complex and become even more complex.

To clarify: 
All of those "golden promises" are barely supported in version 1.2.
The AI Aircraft on the ground was simply removed instead of handling all necessary stop on necessary position.
As same for airborne - aircraft was removed when there is some kind of conflict.
Also there are many performance issues and lack of FSLTL injected AI Traffic.

Most of version 1.3 work was around those separation parts as main focus.
And my previous posts was more about how we see ultimate ATC program in perspective to understand where FSHud directions are taken.

To summarize what is it ultimate ATC:
Proper airborne separation with speed instructions and vectors which are also reliable (not heading user or aircraft into mountain) or make
large amount of heading changes while on final - close as possible to reality (with all limitations).

Proper ground handling to avoid long takeoff queues or even worse no-solution traffic jam.
Just take a look on FlightRadar24 busy airport - see how things are handled in fast coordinated manner - one aircraft barely vacated runway, another is on short final, while everything is
very coordinated - this is the main goal!

While things like "robotic voices", "AI aircraft doesn't pushback or not connected to AI Gates" or there is no option "Bring me a coffee" are more about "Cherry above the cake"
rather than core parts - just my personal opinion.

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12 hours ago, FSHud said:


I don't see how to access the FSHud Beta forum so I'd like to give some feedback on my first flight with FSHud (version 1.3.43) and FSLTL (Southwest Airlines KMDW-KATL) here.

The first impression is quite good. It is a sleek UI and getting started with setting everything up and importing my SimBrief flightplan was a breeze.


Two suggestions regarding the UI:

- There should be a separate slider to control the volume of the co-pilot's voice independently from the ATC volume. Voice Recognition users would want to turn it off.

- There should be an option to only display the ATC communication with the user aircraft, hiding the communication of AI aircraft.



I've heard a decent variety of voices and they don't sound too robotic to me. I used the FS-ATC-Chatter app alongside FSHud during the flight and the mix of recorded real chatter and the FSHud TTS chatter was immersive enough for me.

AI traffic:

There was a nice amount of traffic with adequate airlines (parking at the wrong spots though, see below). It's immersive to get hold position or standby instructions and see ATC interacting intelligently with both AI aircraft and user aircraft, you really feel as part of the traffic flow (that is if it works, see below).


There are some issues though (which is to be expected with a Beta version of course):

- Active runway at KMDW was 22L. An AI aircraft landing got stuck when vacating the runway just between the runway and Taxiway Z. So AI aircraft were piling up at 22L for takeoff but never received takeoff clearance. There were also some low overflights of AI aircraft at weird headings - maybe also caused by the blocked runway. I was told to hold position accordingly when taxiing out. It never cleared up for 15 minutes until I restarted the traffic injection. Then I was told to continue taxi.

- On departure I received vectors like heading 162, heading 178, heading 191. I think they should be rounded to the nearest 5 degrees.

- I was vectored to the first waypoint CMSKY but didn't get clearance to proceed on course. Vectoring continued to the second and third waypoint. Then vectoring stopped but I was never actually cleared to proceed on my filed route.

- During cruise I was told to continue to climb to my cruise level, which I had already reached (co-pilot also said "climbing..." when making contact). After some time that issue disappeared (co-pilot didn't say "climbing" any more).

- Using the CHPPR STAR to 26R I received vectors at the end of the downwind leg at KEAVY - as to be expected, very nice. I was vectored to heading 156, but crossed the centerline and never heard back from ATC until I was 50 miles out and changed approach settings to Vectors to wake up ATC again. Then I immediately was cleared for the ILS approach 26R.

- After landing on 26R I was told to hold short runways 8L/26R and 8R/26L. I think the runway I just landed on shouldn't be mentioned here because I am only about to cross runway 8R/26L. And I think only the active runway should be designated. So it should have been: "Hold short runway 26L".

- While taxiing to my gate I noticed there was a traffic jam building up towards runway 27R because an AI aircraft was stuck somewhere between runway 27R and I think it was taxiway D or J, facing south. Again some weird low overflights.

- Aircraft were parking at wrong terminals, for example United at the Delta concourse A. I was Southwest Airlines and assigned a parking spot at the international concourse E - instead of concourse C.

After all FSHud looks quite promising. There is still some way to go though.


Edited by RALF9636
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Good job FSHud. I'm using the beta version and I'm still understanding the new items introduced. So far very good.

What I like more from you is that you are a user exactly as us and you know what we know. I see this from the way you are progressing knowing where to improve first.


As i said other times, the best aspect of this addon is the capability to regulate the AI traffic and we are part of it.

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13 minutes ago, Axis3600 said:

How to try the beta version ?

From flight1 agent, go to download FSHud. You will find a dropmenu where to select the beta version to download. Install it, activate it (the certificate requested is where there is the dropmenu) and update it.

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26 minutes ago, YouDontKnow said:

From flight1 agent, go to download FSHud. You will find a dropmenu where to select the beta version to download. Install it, activate it (the certificate requested is where there is the dropmenu) and update it.

Oh ok great thank you !

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This update of FSHud looks very interesting to me.

For years I have been searching for an easy to use and immersive ATC program that takes notice of the surrounding traffic. If all what is promised is going to be delivered in this new version, it should be referred to as version FsHud 2.0 rather than  FsHud 1.3! It looks very feature risk and promises to deliver things that have never done before.

Is it correct that there are no videos out of the new capabilities of the program? I am especially interested in the interaction (and commands by ATC) of the surrounding traffic. In all the videos that I watched of FSHub I was never able to find footage of this (maybe my bad and if you can direct me that would be appreciated).

Keep up the good work and I will be watching you!


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Completed first flight KBNA-KCHS all went well. A few questions:

  1. I was cleared to 7K from ATC to KCHS. After takeoff cleared to 31K upon reaching 7K, is that realistic or should there have been a step climb?
  2. I have the volume turned up to 100% but the voices are very low, any ideas?
  3. If I change the voice properties, does it take effect or do I need to restart, it does not seem to make difference.

All and all FSHud looks very promising for sure. Great work!

Chris Chiozza

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