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About Tavers

  • Birthday October 5

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    Brisbane, Australia

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  1. Contrail uses an app to install stuff.
  2. No. They are just covering themselves incase someone visually impared purchases it.
  3. You can't be serious? You want a discount for something purchased over 4 years ago?
  4. Depends? Want to keep flying bag of dung 'sim', or the stable, tried and tested one? Not sure why anyone deleted it in the first place..
  5. They always make bold claims and the reality doesn't come to close once released. 4090 perf on a 5070.. sureeeee.
  6. IF it was a "port", and so easy, it would have been done years ago......
  7. Edit.. nevermind. not worth the hassle.
  8. Exactly. People didn't like the fact you needed to buy a base plane to get expansions, so they went with the model where folks could choose, and that's still not enough. It's like expecting a discount on a pint of beer after earlier buying a jug. Can't reason with these sorts of people, honestly. Do they think the work was free from the dev team? It's not a charity..
  9. It's an excellent airport. Far better than Orbx's.
  10. Yeah, good point. I'm using Steam too.
  11. Best place to ask is probably on flightsim.to to be honest Flightsim.to Marketplace - Create Service
  12. Well they work for me, so...
  13. I have mine through Steam, so I installed it onto my E drive.
  14. I don't use full screen. Works in windowed mode here. This is the app I'm using Download NVIDIA App for Gamers and Creators | NVIDIA
  15. I disagree. It does need filters. It's far too bright out of the box.
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