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Everything posted by kjackson

  1. Sorry to butt in but who is Bojates and what changes did he recommend please? I would like some useful tweaks as well.
  2. Jim, If you said it once, you've said it 20,000 times... Congrats!
  3. Ha! Way too funny Frederic. Have a good weekend everybody. PMDG's 737 NGX RAWKS! I have died and gone to heaven. Thanks PMDG.
  4. Very good post. Informative and useful without the usual insults. I expected a blood bath and was pleasantly surprised. I haven't purchased the NGX just yet. I will purchase next week when I'm off from work and can spend a lot of time reading the manuals and kicking the tires before a 1st flight. Maybe take her from KSAT to KIAH. I finally purchased credits for Navigraph and will use the two excellent products together for an "as real as you get" experience. Regards to everyone.
  5. Good point JeffG. I really had nothing to offer here and should have just butt out. I couldn't resist commenting on all the ranting about Wilco which is reminiscent of Ariane. I don't want to start a flame war at all. I will stay out of it.Take care.
  6. Why not just say, Wilco sucks! Always have and probably always will. You might as well add Ariane and be done with it.
  7. Hi John. Love your products. I've been following this thread for a couple of days and thought I'd chime in.I can understand your perspective in not wanting to see a topic on AVSIM entitled "Lancair problems" just after release of your fine product. From a customer perspective I put a lot of weight in the problem posts as they often help me decide whether to buy or not. I know this is what you seek to avoid by bad press. However, in the "Lancair problem" post I quickly saw that others did not have the same bad experience as the OP and had quick solutions.This is precisely why I love "problem" posts. And just think, I actually missed all of the ads on AVSIM and elsewhere about the release of this fine product. The "problem" post was the only bit of info that led me to your wonderful product. It also helped me to decide to buy. If this was an example of a problem with your product and was quickly fixed then I was convinced to buy. Once again, AVSIM plays a pivotal role in connecting the flight sim community with software developers and new products.Never fly in the same cockpit with someone braver than you.
  8. Ha! It took me all of 30 seconds to register. I didn't even have to wait for email validation to start cruising their forum. Really easy and quick.You should try again.
  9. Wasn't sure I wanted to post to this thread but since so many others have I guess I will too.PPL SEL in September 2000, one year before 911 in 2001. My favorite plane was and is a Cessna 172N - N98873.I have been using MSFS since the very beginning many, many, many years ago.
  10. Thanks for the tips. I didn't think of looking for the sounds folder under the UT2 directory. Some seasons sim pilot I am. :-)I will give that a shot and let you know what I find.Take care.
  11. Hi cmpbellsjc.Thanks for the reply. I do not hear sounds from AI after having installed UT2. I didn't think they had sound. I'll look/listen a little closer tonight during my nightly jaunt from KSAT to KCRP and back.
  12. Has anyone been able to add sounds to the Ultimate Traffic II AI? Does anyone know if the newly released Traffic Sounds FSX Extreme will add sound to UT2's AI?Thanks. Ken
  13. Excellent! Simply excellent!
  14. Just what I expected from Flight1. The problem with FSAspen gaugedll.dll has been resolved. The Aspen Avionics EFD 1000 installs and works great.Geofa, this implementation of the EFD 1000 is a bit different from the other freeware version. The graphics are clean and the operation is spot on. Having the mini-panel installer helps with getting a good start on placing the panel in any aircraft. For more precise placement you will have to either use commercial tools or fudge it by hand.Thanks again Jim and Flight1 for the quick resolution. Flight1 RAWKS!
  15. An inexpensive add-on for many small aircraft and STC blessed.
  16. Thanks Jim. You guys are "quality" so I'm not worried. Flight1 is the best in my book. Probably something wrong on my end. I am running Vista Ultimate with FSX installed on the D: partition. I also have RXP gauges installed on some aircraft but not on the one I am trying to install the new Aspen. Went through the regfix and reboots as well with same results. FSX is a new install with few add-ons and runs smooth as silk. Recent add-ons are Rob Young's excellent B60, RXP, A2A Accu-Sim P-47 Razorback, FSUIPC, and the Mustang of course.Tweaks are based on the guide recently posted by Nick. No problems with anything really.
  17. Thanks Geofa. I didn't know about this one. I wonder if Lucente had any hand in the Flight1 version. It looks exactly like the Flight1 version, but then any EFD1000 would look like this. I will install the 2008 version while waiting for a solution from Flight1 and report back with a comparison when I have both working.
  18. Has anyone purchased this add-on and gotten it to work? I am having problem with gaugedll.dll. It kills the application shortly after selecting a panel to update. I have posted on Flight1's forum and am awaiting a reply. Just thought I would check here as well.This add-on really looks good and I can't wait to add it to some of my favorite planes.
  19. Of course some of the performance/speed depends on wind direction and speed. :-)
  20. Sorry to see you go Randy. I think we all understand the journey you travelled to get here. Good luck in your future endeavors. Drop in once in a while to let us know how you are doing, okay?Take Care. Best of luck!
  21. Looks like everything is mounted properly and screwed in tight.Good job. I will probably do the same for my 182 as well. Looking for a more advanced unit. Did you get this one from RealityXP?
  22. Dennis, you can get a lot of tips on porting over the KA200 to FSX from the Aeroworx support forum here: http://www.aeroworx.com/smf/index.php
  23. Look at the bright side of Microsoft's decision to shut down ACES. Now we can devote all engery on making this version the best ever. Developers can develop knowing that future upgrades can be planned for this version. If this hobby of ours stays viable for the forseeable future either Microsoft or other companies will take notice. I think they will return in full force once the global economy is on the rise again.May two cents.
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